monitors on wall?

Theres nothing cheap about the NS10s...just a replacement driver costs more than some sets of amplified monitors.:rolleyes:...most bids for sets on the bay start at $600 and they sell them too.

but isn't that just because of the hype that's been added to em over the years?
Look at the last post, it is a frequency plot of an NS-10.

Consider the source...that same guy thinks that Bose makes a good sounding high end

Bose is for people who think they are buying high end...shows me that you depend on salespeople before you do your ears.

Do you expect anyone to take you seriously after that:p

I have a sweep generator (Im a tech too) and level meter...and the plots are the same pretty much as the ones at the Yamaha site.
but isn't that just because of the hype that's been added to em over the years?

They stopped making them new when the trees went on the endangered list that the woofer cone were constructed now they are the most sought after set of monitors.
Consider the source...that same guy thinks that Bose makes a good sounding high end

Bose is for people who think they are buying high end...shows me that you depend on salespeople before you do your ears.

Do you expect anyone to take you seriously after that:p

I have a sweep generator (Im a tech too) and level meter...and the plots are the same pretty much as the ones at the Yamaha site.
Where is the plot on the Yamaha site. I couldn't find it, that was the only plot I could find.

Where did he say anything about Bose?
I always mix on my NS10's, had them for ever. I have a sub running with them but the sub is set at low volume, the sub just adds a bit of low extension. They are great for getting the vocal levels and guitar levels right in the mix.

I also have a set of SM6P Mission Pros as my (small) mains, They are not large but my control room is not that big so there is no point in having too big a monitor as the room just gets filled with bottom end that the room is too small to handle.

I switch between monitors frequently as the NS10's do tend to fatigue if you listen for too long a period. The mission pros do not fatigue at all and sound very detailed. Mission UK made these in their professional division before the proud british High end Hi Fi speaker company was gobbled up by bigger companies and production moved to China, (though some of the new hifi stuff still sounds pretty good). Before I bought the mission pro's I had a set of early Mission 762 speakers as mains, these are now at home still going strong. Mission Drivers are (were) the same / similar to drivers used in Dynaudio, Duntech, etc etc. I just wish mine were the active versions.


Oh, you were talking about me...

That comment was directed towards the guy that said that studios have big speakers because 'everything sounds good on them'. Bose speakers have active circuitry in them to make everything sound 'good' even if it doesn't. Which makes them useless in a studio, but seems to fool enough average listeners.

You apparently didn't get the joke. I was slagging Bose and the people who would be impressed by them.
Oh, you were talking about me...

That comment was directed towards the guy that said that studios have big speakers because 'everything sounds good on them'. Bose speakers have active circuitry in them to make everything sound 'good' even if it doesn't. Which makes them useless in a studio, but seems to fool enough average listeners.

You apparently didn't get the joke. I was slagging Bose and the people who would be impressed by them.

I agree...I once had a tiff with my own brother when I laughed at his new Bose speakers...for some reason they can market them to consumers as high end gear...but they suck. I probably dont even know who makes the very best...but Ive seen some McIntosh that looked ostintagious...and only David Geffen could afford them.
Bose! Shudder!

When I hear that name I always remember back to when I used to do walk in front of house mixing for bands.

Me: Do you have a PA
Answer: Yes, it's really good
What I would get: 1 x Bose 802 each side and 2 more for foldback, with the Bose processor in the signal chain to remove the low end, because the system is supposed to have a sub each side, which nobody bought because it cost more. Not having the sub actually made no difference as they sounded like rubbish (polite) and had no sub in them anyway. So take out the processor and try to get a sound. Good for folk groups.

Bose 802's Arhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! No Bass, No tops, wobbly midrange, I thought I was over them, who mentioned Bose, oh well back to therapy. (I'm a teapot, I'm a teapot).


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