Mic Pre's around $1500

Kind of depends how many pres and what variety you think you will eventually want. If you were only looking for a pair of pres, it may be more cost efficient to simply by a 2 channel pre rather than a 500 series rack or box and 2 cards. It's cheaper to buy the Pacifica than to buy a lunchbox and 2 P-1 cards. In fact Peter at A-Designs recommends that. If you are going to want more pres (and who doesn't :D ), and a variety of them, then a lunchbox or rack may make more sense. Run the numbers though. Most 500 series cards list at $700-$900 new (OSA are a bit cheaper). The only ones that show up with any frequency used right now are the API and OSA cards. Most of the others are too new to be widely available.

Vendors are also coming out with EQs and compressors to fit 500 series racks and lunch boxes. They are not inexpensive however. You also need to make sure the power supply with the lunchbox or rack will meet the demands of the pres and other gear you might use. Some pres and outboard draw alot more juice than others. The power supplies in the older API lunchboxes may not have enough juice for supporet some gear.
Simman said:
Take a look at the ADL 600 for ~1700 and I don't think you can go wrong with a Neve Portico 5032 or 5012.

Where can you get an ADL 600 for $1700? I keep hearing $1999. One dealer offered it to me for $1900 but that's only because I bought 2k worth of gear from him this year.
this may have been mentioned already as I have not read all the previous posts.....

DAV makes a 4 ch unit that they list for $1400 i was really itchin to get that as soon as I talk my partner into say F it' to his DUI tickets and getting the pre's :p
Where can you get an ADL 600 for $1700? I keep hearing $1999. One dealer offered it to me for $1900 but that's only because I bought 2k worth of gear from him this year.

Your right...my bad. Musiciansfriend had a factory referb for 1700.
Micter said:
What do you guys recommend at the $1500 range give or take a few hunnerd. I have a GT Brick that I like but it doesn't work well with certain mics. I have a Focusrite Trackmaster Pro it's decent for the price but sort of sterile. I also have an ART DPS II that is good for adding lots of coloration. :D So with the preamps I own currently I am thinking a higher end solid state pre might be a good idea. Anything I should be looking at? Maybe a Blue Robbie? I know it's another toob pre but a lot of people seem to like it.

And for the record I have searched this site. :cool:

Neve Portico.
