Memories-new song-slow blues

A nice mellow song.
You do need to work on the drum levels.
I'm not a big fan of the rhythm guitar effect - but it works.
The twin solo is very cool & the solo solo builds from it really nicely.
I enjoyed the listen very much.

Sorry to be so late in responding-life's been busy lately! The drums, mando, and some of those rhythm guitars should be looked into, were you meaning the tremolo rhythm or the phase shifted part? Glad to hear you've enjoyed it Ray!:D
I think the computer drums are very workable, I would just like to hear more variety in the drum part. The sound itself is fine.

Great guitar sounds, love the lead parts.


Thanks for the compliments-and an apology for the delay in answering....:o-I just need to find a way to stretch an extra 8 hours into each day. The day job sure sucks up an awful lot of creativity time!
So true - work gets in the way of life sometimes. I've been negligent of my listening lately and am writing even less... :mad:
So true - work gets in the way of life sometimes. I've been negligent of my listening lately and am writing even less... :mad:

Yeah, it's been a bit hectic lately Gerry-besides work I have 2 bands I'm involved in. The acoustic/bluegrass band and also a 70's/80's classic rock band-they are so different but playing a cranked up guitar is something I just seem to need!!:eek: