Liberalism is still anti-war, women's rights, anti-racist, etc.
Not so much. Ukraine stands as an example of the current style of war-mongering. Russia is the great enemy so it must be okay. And if we get them into NATO just imagine the arms we can sell. Look closely the next time you see a "military affairs" expert appearing as an analyst on the mainstream media news programs. Virtually every one is on the board of a "defense" contractor calling for more missiles, more shells, more bombs. Anti-war? Not so much.

Women's rights? Not so much. After all the years and struggles of Title IX we're gonna chuck all that so men can put on a woman's speedo and eliminate the chance of female athletes being on a level playing field ever again. Yeah women's rights? Not so much.

Anti-racist? After how many years of civil rights battles and hard won gains in equality for black people we are now going to dumb it all down to make up the numbers. Instead of addressing fundamental issues of education we'll just eliminate the testing standards for less than qualified people of color because, you know, diversity. Oh and equality too. Let's have separate (but equal?) dormitories and graduation ceremonies for people of color to preserve their "culture". This is inclusion? How do any of these things do anything positive for people of color? Yeah not so much.

The democratic party has lost their focus. It is a sad parody of what it was in the civil rights era. It is more interested in riches and power than equality of opportunity or peace around the country and the world.
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And that's just the democrats. The republicans are still assholes led around by the religious right and against any reins on mega corp profiteering with no social conscience but all in favor of restricting individual freedoms (except gun ownership).

Why did you get me started, dammit!?! lol
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The Bidens have literally sold out America to China. That's not to mention 384,000 acres of farm land (30% increase since 2019). Now the border is wide open....

Oh, What the hell am I doing here
To late. You seem to forget, we sold the country to Japan in the eighties, it's not ours to sell..
Not so much. Ukraine stands as an example of the current style of war-mongering. Russia is the great enemy so it must be okay. And if we get them into NATO just imagine the arms we can sell. Look closely the next time you see a "military affairs" expert appearing as an analyst on the mainstream media news programs. Virtually every one is on the board of a "defense" contractor calling for more missiles, more shells, more bombs. Anti-war? Not so much.

Women's rights? Not so much. After all the years and struggles of Title IX we're gonna chuck all that so men can put on a woman's speedo and eliminate the chance of female athletes being on a level playing field ever again. Yeah women's rights? Not so much.

Anti-racist? After how many years of civil rights battles and hard won gains in equality for black people we are now going to dumb it all down to make up the numbers. Instead of addressing fundamental issues of education we'll just eliminate the testing standards for less than qualified people of color because, you know, diversity. Oh and equality too. Let's have separate (but equal?) dormitories and graduation ceremonies for people of color to preserve their "culture". This is inclusion? How do any of these things do anything positive for people of color? Yeah not so much.

The democratic party has lost their focus. It is a sad parody of what it was in the civil rights era. It is more interested in riches and power than equality of opportunity or peace around the country and the world.
Some fair points and I could argue some others. Both sides have been taken over by extremism. As succinctly as possible, I agree that biological men shouldn’t be in women’s sports. I don’t see medical boards or pilot licenses being dumbed down, but I agree education needs lots of work, (but not like Desantis is trying to do it).
Ukraine…the first casualty of war is truth and I don’t know who to believe. Poland is earmarking millions to build bomb shelters. That seems scary. Ukraine made the decision to fight. If they lose, will Putin stop there? If it’s a just war, is it mongering? I don’t know.

I still think the first step is a system where our lawmakers can’t be bought.
I have watched Trump for over forty years. He is a despicable little man that I wouldn't let any where near my daughters, my wife or my wallet. It has nothing to do with his politics, he doesn't have any, any way the wind blows. He couldn't cut it as a democrat, couldn't con them, so he switched parties. I have to hand it to him though, he sure knows how to grift.

What's wrong with that? It's like saying, "This guy's my best friend, he lent me his old rusty pickup truck!"
What’s wrong with peddling influence?

You commented on Bud Light. Much more benign than Tik Tok. What say you to Trump now defending an app for political gain that he previously said was being used to spy on us for China?

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Much more benign than Tik Tok. What say you to Trump now defending an app for political gain that he previously said was being used to spy on us for China?

No defense of Trump here, just a brief note. There is danger lurking in the Tik-tok divestiture bill at least according to Matt Taibbi. Some bits in there that could allow a US president to determine what is good or bad and ban accordingly with no oversight. I'm not sure I fully understood his concern but he did post an article about it last week.
I still think the first step is a system where our lawmakers can’t be bought.
I couldn't agree more.
Both sides have been taken over by extremism.
True that. Sad but true.

Recently I have become a bit more active on the boards than I have been in a while. I discovered something that I probably knew all along but it became so crystal clear I was taken aback. On this board, in this thread, I was "challenged" by someone with extreme right views. On Audio & Anarchy (some of you may have heard of it - lol) I have been "challenged" by someone with extreme left views. They could be the same person! Their excuse for argument takes the same form, follows the same format and "style" handbook it's like they are ur-versions of each other. Uncanny. And of course there is no rational discussion with these people it's "My side is good, Your side is bad" 24/7 whether I am of either side or not.

Anyway yeah... Extremism sucks. It's ugly and leads nowhere positive.
Much more benign than Tik Tok. What say you to Trump now defending an app for political gain that he previously said was being used to spy on us for China?
I couldn't care less. Despite being slam-dunk within the demographic that TikTok caters to, I've never used it. It's just too dumb. Trump can say what he wants about it. I personally dislike its influence on a whole generation (mine) but it's not a question of life or death so if that's what Trump chooses to flip on, I'd rather that than something more important like what previous presidents and other politicians tend to flip on (like foreign wars, immigration, "climate control", abortion).
I couldn't care less. Despite being slam-dunk within the demographic that TikTok caters to, I've never used it. It's just too dumb. Trump can say what he wants about it. I personally dislike its influence on a whole generation (mine) but it's not a question of life or death so if that's what Trump chooses to flip on, I'd rather that than something more important like what previous presidents and other politicians tend to flip on (like foreign wars, immigration, "climate control", abortion).
So you’re ok with Trump’s position potentially being for sale, even on matters that may involve national security. Got it.
The decision to carry and deliver a baby should be up to the woman involved. Full stop. Got a penis? Stfu.

So if men have no voice in the dilemma, why are they counted on to provide child support when the woman decides on a whim to not abort? Why can't the man override that decision? Huh?