Mastering with T-Racks

Sorry to come in so late on this but.... I need to get my post count up. Either case, damn newbies should hang out for a little round here before they start spouting crap. If you didn't have yer head up yer ass Crimp, you'd realize that you don't come in here and say "Look Dude" to Blue Bear and not get your head tore off. Jeezzzuusss
What's so wrong with "Look dude"? How is that spouting crap? How does that show I've got my head up my @$$?
Because it's fuckin rude, "DUDE" And if you payed attention at all around here, you would have known which people don't appreciate that kinda shit. The guy was just pointing you to some good reading. I really don't care either way. I find it humorous. And like I said, I'm padding my post count so I can get the custom avatar:D
Fuckin rude indeed.

You should take your own advice Hang. No offense but since you are padding your post count, I thought I might as well do the same.
Rude? Explain to me how saying "Look dude" is rude? I really don't care either, I just want to see how long this will go on!;)
while we're on the subject at hand in here, did you know you can increase your length and girth with one easy out-patient procedure? How's that for pad... awww you mean I'd have to post that like 600 more times to become sub-genius, I mean sub-human, or something... what was the topic again?
Oh really? And what kind of "procedure" would this be? You're not thinking of going under the knife are you? Just make sure you stay away from nurse bobbit!
eeehhhh... I think it's like a cream or something...

actually... back on earth I use T-Racks too, and I suck at it. I just click on stuff and tweak untill I think it sounds cool. Then I go back to it the next day and find that it sucks. So I tweak some more and click on stuff until I think it sounds cool again. Then the next day I listen and I think it sucks again... It might just be all the medication I'm on though.

I do read a lot of stuff on here though -- in hopes that I might sponge some of it because there sure does seem to be some hefty and intense interplanetary knowledge whippin round the board. The most important things though are: Don't forget to blink, -- and carpal (SP?) tunnel syndrome sucks if you're a guitar player.

oh well -- play time is over - they're about to drag me back to my cell...
I just got T-racks and I'm not having much luck with it. Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing! no, No, NO Mr. Bear.... don't bite me again! PLEASE.:eek:
Blue Bear Sound said:
Now THAT'S a load of horeshit right there......!

(But that's ok, considering the source....... your inexperience comes shining through with that one single statement, salesguy.......)
actually you're wrong. Its easy to scare a bear, just clap your hands and make loud noises. yuk yuk yuk
Nah... friends don't let friends drink and drive! I think I need a chauffer...


"My Maserati does 185, I lost my license now I don't drive"
-Joe Walsh_

Almost unleashed the Bear's Rage...

Be careful wise...LEARN, SHARE...that is why we are in this forum in the first place...

BTW: hey Bear, thanx 4 the links... I found them useful since I know nothing about the "M" word.

Guys, please, calm down...or I will say the "M" word again...


Peace out...



what's your e-mail address? i sent you a pm with my number. i wanted to know how much you would charge me to sit in the background of one of your recording sessions, preferrably a rap session, and take notes. hit me up at the number that i left you in the pm asap.
