Mastering Software?

busted kitty

New member
What are you guys using to master your work. Do you do most of this work in Sound Forge? What else is out there that isn't that difficult for a simple brain like me to run?
The only other one I've used is goldwave, but I switched to soundforge and that's all she wrote. Give in. You know you want to.
I can't get away from SoundForge5. It does everything I want to do as far as two track editing goes. It does a decent job of resampling and dithering and it's VERY intuitive to use. More so than most all of the editors I've tried.
I've been using Wavelab to do my stereo editing/"mastering." I do also use SF but on the whole prefer WL because of it's real-time implementation of fx/plugs. However SF does the trick, just a little slower IMO.

busted kitty said:
Thanks everyone for helping out the rookies.

Fangar, you can get up now, the coast is clear.


Phew... Thanks. Blue Bear must be hybernating... =)

In fact I'd predict Sound Forge will put an end to mastering in studios. All you need is a little editing on beginnings and endings, some ambiance reverb, NORMALIZATION, and some wave hammer now and then and you're in tall cotton with a stereo mix that can't be beat.

sniff, sniff........
Philboyd - What do you mean when you say "wavehammer". Is it what you hit the computer with when your smegged of at it?
In sonic foundry's words:
"Sonic Foundry’s Wave Hammer DirectX plugin is an audio mastering tool consisting of a classic compressor and a volume maximizer. These components rival the most expensive and world-renowned units in terms of audio quality and fidelity, yet are easy to use and seamlessly integrate in one user interface."

Basically it put eight pounds of shit into a five pound bag. Way over the top to my liking but it's probably pretty handy for some contemporary music.
I use SoundForge 5.0 and I just started using the Waves Gold Native DX plugins for mastering. At first blush the Waves Gold plugins sound amazing. Just about anything you can think of it can do and it has a butload of high quality presets. Also TCWorks has a nice mastering plugin suite.
