Manslick - Come on

What are you rushing to?


That again and again low gain again lower and lower again lower then low more sum more lower under cold rock sluup
Oh thank you for hosting my wrought
the simple thing is this.
a post is like a way to become quiet
and by quiet i mean loud
i hear my blessed song in perfect clarity
and when the song ends
sweet bliss quiet
such a rare thing
Thank You
and please delete this next burp if not allowed

some homeless guy was holding a piece of paper
it looked like it was waxed
it, the paper, not the hg.
hg stood upright with good eyes

the scene made my mind dropp off the cat
in ever lowering layers of repose
and to fix my gaze upon a random hg
no sense in fighting it

I am not sure how I do anything
if i have to stop and get gossip
then i need a friend
if the light looks right

like talk will kill me every time
and so be it
i am a hundred times dead
with good lighting

the hg was plane
nice bones as they say
may he been homeless
he left not boneless

(some girl is funny)