Lowes now carries 7 1/4" thick fiberboard should i get some?

Something in the specs looks odd to me.

It isn't supposed to be "sound deadening" just sound absorbent. It does state that it has "excellent sound absorbency", sound absorbency is a property of that material. Not like they shoved sound absorbency in like Apple does software. It just naturally is, no way to increase or remove that without changing the materials structure.
Ya, I honestly still don't have mine covered up yet, looking for the same answer you are. Looking at fabric by the yard on amazon but I have no clue what I should go with.
You'd be better off hitting the fabric section at walmart, unless you have a fabric shop close by. As I understand it, you'll want something breathable, that is to say, something that will pass air but still contain the content of your framing without spilling over.
What are your thoughts about compressing this material down into a 4" frame, from its original 7.5" thickness?
Will that defeat the air-gap too much?