Logic Audio Forum

Should there be a new "Logic Audio" forum added

  • Yes there should be a new forum dedicated to "Audio Logic"

    Votes: 171 89.1%
  • no there should not be a new forum added for "Audio Logic"

    Votes: 21 10.9%

  • Total voters
I just purchased Logic 6 and I know I will be needing some help!
A forum like all the others here would really come in handy!!!!
Now I must go and study the 2" thick manual:D
I just think that this is STILL a discrace!!!

A CAKEWALK forum but no Logic Forum???

Jesus they haven't made CAKEWALK for over a year now.
pisces7378 said:
I just think that this is STILL a discrace!!!

A CAKEWALK forum but no Logic Forum???

Jesus they haven't made CAKEWALK for over a year now.
I think it's more for Sonar than Cakewalk.

I'm all for a new forum, though.
I don't use Logic and don't much like it, but I don't see why it shouldn't have a forum.
The use of such a forum could be broadened by including Magix Music Studio. The "Midi Studio" part of this, despite the name, IS Logic Audio, so it is by no means dead on the PC platform.
pisces7378 said:
It is shameful that TASCAM has a forum but not Logic.
Logic is a very deep program and can be customized by each user. My complaint is that when I was trying to use Logic a few years back, I could not get any help from Logic. No answers to emails. Nothing. Since the buyout by Mac, is user support any better?

Weather or not you use or even like Logic is not the point. (Not talking to anyone in porticular). The fact is, there are far more useless forums on this website and yet no Logic. I definitely go elsewhere for Logic questions, and only visit HomeRecording.com for more trivial things.
is user support any better?


I'm not saying Logic is a bad program. It's one of the deepest there is. I'm asking if user support has changed under Mac? I voted along time ago for a Logic forum here.

Quick question here since there is NO Logic board.

Dose anyone know if you can get a (Lexicon Pantheon .vst) plug in for Logic 5.5.1, just like the one in sonar?

By the way, is there some reaon why there is not a section here for Logic stuff? I mean how hard would it be to just add a section?
Just becouse mac took over dosen't mean 5.5 is crap.
is there some reaon why there is not a section here for Logic stuff?

Aparently, the administrators of this forum didn't think much of Emagic before the Mac take over, and then it was totally forgotten afterwords. My question, which may never get answered, is: was there more user support from Logic after the Mac take over, or did it remain the same - non-existant.

Note: Please see oneArtists post above, as I did not mean to cut in front of his question. I agree, what’s the big deal with adding a section it would clean the boards up if anything.
ok, here is my queston:
I know that .dxi is Sonars proprietary format and doses not work with Logic, However there is a DX-CuBeesT Lexicon Pantheon Reverb Plugin that I guess is said to be a VST version but I believe it comes with an installer which I’m guessing would put a .dll and config file in your VST folder.

Now I’m confused, is this Cu-Bees Lexicon Pantheon a DX or VST?

DX is a direct X plug right? Because someone said that if you have the (Sonar) Lexicon Pantheon Reverb plugin on your system then you have to remove it or it will conflict with the other DirectX Lexicon Pantheon Plugin.
It’s funny how the Sonar plugins show up in the PlgEnabler window yet you can’t use them because they are formatted for Sonar only.

So I guess my question is:
If you add the DX-Cubees version of the Lexicon Pantheon Reverb and it shows up in the list wouldn’t that conflict with the other Pantheon title that was listed before?
Logic it not an intuitive program and i would welcome any help out there. I also agree that there should be more forums for other platforms.
I just got pro logic 8 and it's alot more tough to use than I had imagined. I'm sure i'll get used to it just like any other program, but def having a forum would help tremendously!!