Logic Audio Forum

Should there be a new "Logic Audio" forum added

  • Yes there should be a new forum dedicated to "Audio Logic"

    Votes: 171 89.1%
  • no there should not be a new forum added for "Audio Logic"

    Votes: 21 10.9%

  • Total voters


New member
Can we PLEASE get a forum added that is dedicated to E-magic products... specifically the Audio Logic series Software. I know that right now in the US Cakewalk etc... seem to be ruling the home studio. But here in Europe, Audio Logic is "The best software on the market" as quoted from www.pc-music.com our of England. And here in Germany, of course it is tops, and shoved in your face upon enterance to a music store. The whole "Technology with a Soul" bit is on every corner. I have noticed that there are some Euro-guys on here and I was just wondering if we could all unite and see if we can't beg the Dragon to make an addition. I love this site more than any other site, and I just want to be able to stay HERE to discuss Audio Logic. Just a thought... I hope someone agrees.

Let's vote on it.
Hmmm... I'm just wondering why anyone would vote against an E-magic/ Logic forum? If you don't care about it, don't post there. I don't have any Event products and that forum is the least active forum on this site, but I'm happy it's there for the people who need it. I think maybe a Pro-Tools/Digidesign forum would be a good idea too, since now they have the free version of Pro Tools and some affordable hardware for home recording (Digi 001, Digi Toolbox XP).
That is what I thought too...

I was just thinking the same thing! Why vote AGAINST something that you have the option of using or not. Maybe they have some other program and/or hate Audio Logic for some kind of strange "my program is god" complex that is closely related to the "PC/Mac" debate. Anyway, I thank the 75% that did vote FOR an e-magic forum and I thank you for the link to the other website. Although I would prefere to hang out on this website. But I am sure the dragon is busy as hell and doesn't have the time or the desire to re-invent the website everytime some guy buys a new program and wants a forum based on it. I just hope that no PERSONAL bias is influencing peoples ideas against e-magic just because that have some other program.

Thanks guys and gals,
I would like to have Logic discussed here. At the Pulsar forum, Logic is the fastest growing program of choice. I don't think anyone has better MIDI controls. I have Emagic and Samplitude 2496. The Emagic mixer is a direct reflection of my 32 channel Pulsar hardware mixer. Samplitude is not.
I Voted Yes!

Did This Idea just get swept under the rug ? Or is something going to happen with this ? Does anybody Know ? I've been away for a while.

Affordable hardware for home recording

Hello Diragor and you all

Where can I find more information about Digi 001 and Digi Toolbox XP?
Is it really affordable?
Can I use it on PC PIII 1GHz?


Beatmaster B

Reply: I think maybe a Pro-Tools/Digidesign forum would be a good idea too, since now they have the free version of Pro Tools and some affordable hardware for home recording (Digi 001, Digi Toolbox XP).
Link to existing Logic Forum

Hello Logic users,
This is a link to a very well organized Logic forum set-up by David Bellingham - a Emagic author. He has very picky rules to enter the forum to make it more effective without a lot of redundent basic questions. He requires that you read through various sections before you post. It keeps things focused: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~oscwilde/
I don't understand?

What is it? 200 people have viewed this thred and only 22 have voted. 20 beautiful souls and 2 heartless wretches.

I think that this is a wonderful idea... and it can't be an incredible amount of work for the Dragon. I'd moderate the damn thing if I could. I just think that E-magic has a terrific and very popular product, especially here in Europe, and since they will soon launch their full 5.0 Version, they will get even more popular. I just absolutely LOVE this website, and do not want to go to some e-magic website and sift through the bullshit just to discuss this monster of a program. I saw the other sites and I just still prefere this one because of its relaxed and helpful atmosphere. I like the diverseness of the forums, i.e. not 100% Logic or Cubase etc... Instead there are forums from analogue porta studios, to promotion, to a chill ass dragon cave to just hang on talk about life. Now that is what I call a website. It is just a bit frustrating that I have to go somewhere else to talk about E-magic products or just post them in the "computer" forum as they get lost amongst the other sound card questions and newbies that want to learn how to make Karioke tapes for parties.

Anyway, is there anyway I could rally a little support and get you guys to vote YES, and those that already have to write a thread and see if the Dragon likes the idea.

Just keeping it out there

Just want to keep this thread from dissapearing... if it is REALLY annoying then someone just tell me and I will drop it. I am deffinitley not trying to "SPAM up this website"
Re: Logic Forum

I want to keep this thread going too - this bbs would be the best and most comprehensive on the web, if only it had a Logic forum. It may not be big in the US, but it is in Europe.

So, Mr. Moderator - what d'ya say? Please :-)
Hangin in there

Man this Thread jusz won't go away. :D

Anyway, I am no SPAMER so if it gets totally annoying just tell me ( I mean the Moderator, not a wise ass ) and I will immediately drop the whole idea.

Yet again!!!

There is a Rap and Hip Hop forum on this website and not a Logic Audio Forum. PLEASE do not get me wrong. I love hip hop and i have been friends with rappers ever since rap got big. But judging by the post count in that forum... I think that a Logic Audio or "e-magic" forum would be more visited and help bring as well as maintain visitor traffic for homerecording.com. plus I am sure that E-magic would probably love it and offer the Dragon some nice treats to review.

Just an idea
I voted NO.

why? cos you'll get more answers in this forum, and it will keep people from making one extra stop while going through the board, and it will bring more traffic to this forum?

does that make any sense at all?

i think if there is a cubase forum, there should be a logic audio one too....however, i think both programs are crap. but that is just my opinion, and i'm probably wrong, yada yada

I must admit, I am clueless as to how voting NO to my "cause" could possibly help it. Don't see how one more NO vote is going to swing people over into visiting this forum. But hey, I don't have a degree in marketing, what do I know?

And as for the "crap" program... what is your choice? I hold no "loyality" to any program. I just weighed the options and thought that Logic Audio Platinum looked to be the most powerful and best supportet program in Europe. And I hate Pro-Tools. No offense. :D

Keep the YES votes coming in... and please, if you want to bring more traffic to this forum... e-mail a friend or 2, don't vote NO!
I would like to see this forum also. I have tried the other sites mentioned and forget it, what a waste of time, if you dont have the latest version no one even answers you. Dont bother trying to contact the company, I contacted them at least 5 times trying to buy an upgrade from 3.0 and they couldnt be bothered to answer me. I kept getting an email telling me so and so was contacted with my request but nothing ever happened and I gave up. So what am I left with???? Help?????????