Letting it Go

Just keep it civil and on the subject. To accuse a salesman of trying to sell his product is like accusing a baby of crying.

No kidding. And I have *never once* seen a post by Mr. Hyatt talking about his products that was off-topic. He spoke of his products in a fashion that was germane to the thread at hand. No, I don't work for the guy. I don't even own one of his microphones at present. But cut the man some slack already.

I wouldn't mind seeing Brent Casey from MXL popping in as far as that goes.

I'm a real person, with real feelings,...

but I don't think anyone's ever had a problem with, or criticized me for my posts.:) Never mind being called a spammer, having my posts deleted, and having bbs-nothings threaten me with banishment, but what's so goddam sacred about the MIC forum?

BTW, Who's Steven Paul & Harvey Gerst??

Oh, never mind.:rolleyes:

You are to be commended on that post..............I've just spent the last hour or more revisiting some of those old threads from way back, and essentially almost all of what you say is correct.

However, you did (by the popular opinion back in those threads) piss off more than a few people,...... you were, on occasion, as offensive to Alan Hyatt as others were to you..........maybe your definition of "not flaming" is akin to others' definition of what constitutes spam,......... and you continually ignored the requests of not only a lot of people but also the moderator to desist, or at least take your part of the debate to the cave.

Funny thing is that I don't recall many, if anyone arguing against your principles..............only the manner and forum in which you chose to put them forward.

C7,the only post I remember you making that was totaly rude and uncalled for was in a thread asking for comparisons of the TB-1 and the MXL v69 and your response was "who gives a fuck about either of these mics".You deleted the post so upon reflection you must have seen that your response was uncalled for.There is no reason for a response like that,if you don't care about a thread just ignore it like I do.The same should go for all the Studio Projects threads that don't interest you.The only reason for a response like that is to piss on someones parade or to piss someone off.

There is a minority of people that have had any problem with Alan and his post but the wishes of the minority should not override the opinions of the majority.I know that you tried to go through channels to get the results you wanted and were frustrated but the truth is that the vast majority of members here are very much behind Alan and see no problem with him or his post.That is the reason you didn't recieve satisfaction with your complaints.I respect your opinion but at the same time you should respect my opinion and and those of others who disagree with you.There was no justifiable reason for the continued harassment(not neccessarily by you),the majority had expressed their opinion time and time again but to no avail.Maybe I don't understand why the wishes of the few should override the opinions of the many.Don't say that it is for our own good,history is full of examples of people bending the will of the majority and saying it's for their own good and it never has been.I don't need any one making decisions for me.I was born at night but not last night.
I can see both sides on this one...

But I guess for me, if someone doesn't try to hide the fact that they have a vested interest, or are not operating with a hidden agenda, I'd just as soon have them out in the open where we can pin them down with any questions or criticisms about their products. If they're hanging here, they're at least easy to find.

It's the sales guys who come on anonymously with "objective " opinions that are the real scum.
c7sus said:
Like I said........ that is why I have stayed out of it.

This isn't about Alan.

It's about what kind of forum do you want to have here?

Is this a "user" group or a soapbox for manufacturers?

That point seems to go past everyone, or they say, "I'm a big boy blah blah blah." Stop and think about the world we live in. We are surrounded by advertising. It has saturated TV news to the point that it becomes difficult to discern the news from the ads. If I want to be in that world all I have to do is turn on my tv. I'd rather be in this interactive world, interacting with people that aren't constantly trying to sell me stuff.

It's really that simple.

The issue of which you speak is DRAGON'S call, and he's already made it. To wit: he has no problem with Alan, Stephen Paul, etc. being a part of these discussions, or he would have done something about it long ago.

It's really that simple.
chessrock said:

Hmmm. Let's see. So far I have counted a total of 18 posts flaring out at the supposed perpetrators.

Two of which are even hinting at removing other members from the board (see above comment for one example) ? ?

And I see a total of . . . 0 posts from these supposed perpetrators. And only about half I've counted have anything to do about mics.

Quick question: Who is really slinging the mud around here?

Let's not try to rewrite history here. If you were one of the few people who ran off the likes of Stephen Paul, and Alan, (and possibly Harvey just because he is sick of all of this), would you really bother to pipe up here and defend yourself after seeing all the trouble you've contributed to?? Of course not. I don't expect to see anything other than deflections of guilt in an attempt to minimize damage to their rep, from those involved.

Deep down I don't think many of them wanted to see Alan go, I think it made them feel like they are more important to the recording community at large than they actually are, when they can badmouth people in the industry. It gives them a greater feeling of self worth regardless of how truely sad and hollow that is in reality.

If Alan's porducts were crap, then you would see one hundred DIFFERENT people posting that (see Behringer Mixers), and that serves as warning enough to keep the newbies away and safe. Therefore no spam police is really needed. But instead we got a FEW people posting a hundred threads against alan. Hmmm..so where is the police really needed? At one point we had a member telling Alan he was a liar when he reported what he had seen at a warehouse/manufacturing plant a few years earlier. WTF is up with that?? How would you like someone you don't even know telling you what you reported you saw a few years back was a lie? How would that make you feel? That this person knows your life better than you do? Like they were there or something and you weren't? It's retarded. Alan was a gentleman who took the time to care and to give special offers and special attention and treatment to those at this site who wanted it. Those who didn't just needed to post their opinions once and then shut the hell up. Now they have impacted the majority and people are pissed and sad and that is why you don't see the offenders posting here. I would be too ashamed myself if I were one of the offenders.
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