Letting it Go

sorry, i already have the v67...been having it awhile....but i have 2 Joe meeks....waiting to hear some real opinions on the b series before i take a mic plunge again.....
Ill give you mine, as soon as I can purchase them in the area again. I got my original C1 when a local Recording studio ordered several of them. I got one from that bunch.

Im looking into a pair of B1s , Im selling my pair of scm900s.
toorglick said:
. . . if I was the moderator I woiuld ban THIER asses.....for being trouble makers and turning good threads into mudslinging name calling wastes of everyone's time."

Hmmm. Let's see. So far I have counted a total of 18 posts flaring out at the supposed perpetrators.

Two of which are even hinting at removing other members from the board (see above comment for one example) ? ?

And I see a total of . . . 0 posts from these supposed perpetrators. And only about half I've counted have anything to do about mics.

Quick question: Who is really slinging the mud around here?
Wow! I check out for a couple weeks to chat with my lady before the summer sweeps us apart and I come back to a mic forum that's all stirred up like a bee hive!

It amazes me, really. (shaking head). Oh, well. I wondered how long poor Alan would take the beating he gets. I do have to admit, though- I have 2 c-1's that I bought when he offered them at a reduced rate to us. I also have to admit that I love them and am a very satisfied customer. (shrug) Did I buy them because he mentioned them here? Yes. Am I happy about it? Yes. Do I want ALL manufacturers making offers around here? No.

Some people just draw that line in different places- that's natural enough. I liked Alan's input a lot. I'll miss him. Pitty.

Take care,
Unless you really need a second LD Condenser, I'm not sure that you would benefit that much from a B1.

I can't compare the B1 to a v67 because I havn't used a v67, but you'd probably be better saving up for a mic that you can use for different purposes, IMHO.

Awww, I'm so glad to see that we're just one big happy normal well-adjusted family once again.. :)
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Gidge,you might want to check out the TB-1,I love mine.Very present sounding but oh so smooth.I was a bit nervous about plunking down $300 on a mic that nobody had heard but this mic has exceeded my expectations.Very cool.
When I started this thread,it was my intention to ask everyone to let it go,no matter what your particular take on the matter.I don't agree that banning anyone is a desirable thing.I think that if we start treating EVERYONE with the respect that every human being deserves this will become a non-issue.If someone has an issue with a member or his post he should take it up privately either with the moderator or the person that they have a problem with.This is not Jerry Springer and there is no need to publicly display dirty laundry.I don't understand why it is so hard for everyone to treat the members of this forum with the same respect that you accord to family and friends.
C7b9 said:

You guys should consider a twelve-step program or maybe a quilting bee. I'm laughing my ass off over here at how fast it's gone from "Can't we all just get along" to "When can we start banning the people whose opinions we don't like."

You guys are a real piece of work. I notice that the people that disagree with YOU aren't trying to have you banned.

Maybe you guys could pool all your resources and set up a fanclub for the hardware guys that you just can't live without. Personally, I don't care if ANYONE chooses to stay or go. That is their right and their decision to make. I have purposefully avoided the entire SP thing this year because it's just pissing in the wind. And another thing, a lot of you WEREN'T here when Allen showed up. He specifically came in here to sell his gear. From Post #1. Yeah, he's been helpful and a nice guy and all, but it is very plain he didn't initially arrive here to pass out advice about mic placement. More like mic selection..... I honestly haven't even seen this posting about leaving. I can't find it. But I also can't imagine Allen staying gone too long. This place is a goldmine as far as sales are concerned.

So don't try to rewrite what really happened because that's not gonna work. And the guys that showed up day before yesterday and are pissing and moaning, I don't give a damn what you think because you don't know all the facts.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Hmmm. Let's see. So far I have counted a total of 18 posts flaring out at the supposed perpetrators.

Two of which are even hinting at removing other members from the board (see above comment for one example) ? ?

And I see a total of . . . 0 posts from these supposed perpetrators. And only about half I've counted have anything to do about mics.

Quick question: Who is really slinging the mud around here?

the flaring out at the perptrators comes from the perpatrators running off some of the people that are a valuable asset to this forum. members should have been flaring out a long time ago and brought this to a head alot quicker. we are not sheep in need of a hearder to run off the big bad wolf.

as far as my comment on banning people...thats why im NOT a moderator....nor do i want to be

but thats the pot calling the kettle black......if you don't want someone around you follow thier posts like a stalker and flame everything they say till they leave....same thing as banning....just takes longer.

but, if alan and stephen paul don't come back the minority got thier way at the expense of everyone else.

y'all should be happy
"if you don't want someone around you follow thier posts like a stalker and flame everything they say..."

Totally accurate observation.

And this thread is the "road" that "we" should "do it in".

Which is worse? The occasional spam? Or the constant flaming? -
The shaving cream billboard ad that you can ignore? Or the strip-bar flyer stuck in your face at every corner?

Chessrock, we are ALL guests in this virtual living room. I must admit, I'm getting a wee bit tired of being one of the guys with a lampshade on his head, but my bad breath is probably a lot worse than yours (My apologies to the group, got a mint?). But your foul mouth won't offend me enough to leave. I just hate seeing invited guests walking out the door in reaction to your tactics. Especially guests that bring thoughtful gifts to the party.

Just admit that you were rude and stop treating people like you own the place. Because you make a terrible host.
Fuck it..........

Trew, this problem/issue or what ever started back around 11 or 12 months ago and has continued to fester here ever since. Unfortunately Chessrock wandered into the line of fire in the wrong way, at the wrong time. He was not the original instigator of anti Hyatt sentiments and as such shouldn't be blamed per se.

I'm a brand new here, just tryin' to catch up. But let me get this straight... Stephen Paul used to hang out here and SOME OF YOU GUYS RAN HIM OFF????

Stop! (gasp! choke!) You're killin' me! (Oh, my poor stomach is crampin' up!) Give me a minute here to get up off the floor...

Holy Shit! This is too rich...!!!
To get that issue straight, Chessrock asked stephen about a mod he was doing to a pair of v67s. And Stephen went off half cocked and left the forum. Very different than the situation with Alan. If you saw the thread you would think that Chess deserved another chance.
Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be mouthing off when i didn't really know the situation - sorry guys.

I know firsthand that Stephen can react a bit strongly to stuff - especially when someone ignorant of his vital contributions to the industry calls into question his credentials.

In the future, I hope people realize:

•He is one of the true visionaries of our industry. Put him up there with Rupert Neve or anyone else you care to name. He is the father of the ultra-thin membrane mic diaphragm. While other manufacturers are bragging about their six micron membranes, he is doing sub-micron thickness modifications. It is a generally accepted fact that a microphone modified by Stephen Paul has no equivalent. Yet, historically, he has been completely fucked over by the industry.

•He has a crippling and extremely painful disease that will probably only get worse with time.

•He still has the potential to revolutionize the industry, if he can keep working long enough. How would you like to be able to purchase a $1000 microphone that blows anything else commercially available stock piece (at any price?) away? Do I see about 20,000 of us raising our hands? It could happen soon.

So, if he needs a little bit of nurturing and extra care on our part to help keep his sanity and spirits up, I think that is not much to ask. We will all benefit HUGELY from Stephen Paul remaining active and functioning. If he comes across as a bit prickly, I'd like to see any of us do much better in his circumstances.

Who knows, he may never grace this forum again. But if he does, treat him like the true treasure he is.

I'll step off the soapbox now. Sorry if I'm coming across a little preachy, but this is important.
If we want "big names" to make appearances here we should expect a little shameless self promotion. People dont go on talk shows unless they have a product to promote and why should this be any different.

If you disagree with what they say then have every right to engage them in an intelligent debate. To simply try and discredit them for making their appearances here have postive impact on their business is ridiculous and short sighted.

I would love if many of the MFG reps posted here. We could hear their pitch and then be able to discuss it in depth. If they are full of shit they will quickly be exposed. Wouldnt it be great if some higher ups from Behringer were regulars here? We could finally call them on all their crap.

Just keep it civil and on the subject. To accuse a salesman of trying to sell his product is like accusing a baby of crying.
TexRoadkill said:
If we want "big names" to make appearances here we should expect a little shameless self promotion. People dont go on talk shows unless they have a product to promote and why should this be any different.

If you disagree with what they say then have every right to engage them in an intelligent debate. To simply try and discredit them for making their appearances here have postive impact on their business is ridiculous and short sighted.

I would love if many of the MFG reps posted here. We could hear their pitch and then be able to discuss it in depth. If they are full of shit they will quickly be exposed. Wouldnt it be great if some higher ups from Behringer were regulars here? We could finally call them on all their crap.

Just keep it civil and on the subject. To accuse a salesman of trying to sell his product is like accusing a baby of crying.

Thank you for putting the situation in such clear terms. I was very happy to find this site a while back and have learned an incredible amount from folks like Harvey and some of the other pros. But because of a small number of TOTAL CLOWNS who act like sanctimonious idiots, I don't feel the urge to do much more than lurk here these days. What kills me about these PIOUS MORONS is that they always seem to be attacking industry pros who post under their real names about topics they know a great deal about - and yet these IMMATURE HOSEBAGS who hound them do so from a position of anonymity. That may be acceptable behavior in some circles, but where I come from, we have a word for this type of person: That word would be CHICKENSHIT. Leaving a bag of flaming poo on someone's porch, ringing the doorbell, and then running away might be funny to an 8-year old, but you'd like to think that adults could do better than that. Perhaps if these INSECURE LOSERS got treated the way they deserve to be treated after all of this, they might decide to start acting like they already have hair on their genitalia. Probably not, but it's worth a shot.

Sorry for the rant, but this situation is sickening. I hate to see good helpful people get run off by a few idiots who are too cowardly to even sign their names to their own preachy bullshit.


Chris Fitzgerald
2909 S. 3rd Street
Louisville, Ky