Last one to know-blues remix

Hey Mr Bluesman......
still sounds nice to me. I would put some lead licks in the verses too, kid of like a duel with the vocals, but that's just me....;)
Nice one!

Joey :):):):)

Thanks Joey, I got the same comment in the Strat-talk forum about adding some call & response vocal and lead parts. I might head it in that direction on the next recording.

Hey Tony...I do love me some of dem get down white-boy blues...or *Italian* boy blues in this case..:D

The ride is riding all over everything else...pardon the pun..;)

Good playin' and tone on the guits..

I love the quickie intro...ride with kick.

Love the harp!

Vocals...smooth dirty tone...and I love the's sexy.

Thanks True, there was a lot of experimenting in this demo-so the next version will be more focused and polished...I hope so anyway!

(Now, if I were in a bar...shotting Tequila...and you were playing this...and there was an empty table.....

Hmmm, imagine that at my age:eek:....uuuuh...on second thought, you might wanna imagine Lindsay Lohan:D

True, you are a krazee lady but Lindsay Lohan even makes Eurt seem normal...:laughings:
Blues, I love it man. I think I hear a few short drop outs, am I right? Did you mix to an old tape or something? the drops seems to go from left to right.

Thanks dodgeaspen, that was a left to right pan on the crash cymbal I was trying out-sound more like confusion than a usable effect tho..:o
Yikes, the drums are a mess bud. Way out of time and they sound weird. That ride cymbal is kind of killing me. The walk up to the V chord doesn't work. It doesn't fit the blues scale and sounds kind of wongo. The rhythm guitars are subdued and cool. I like that. The harmonica and leads are fine. Just do something about the drums - re-track probably - and re-work the chord progression.

I will replace them with EZDrummer on the next attempt-tho I think the walk up will stay. After listening to some Satellite bluegrass radio coming back from out gig last weekend-and hearing a Van Halen song done bluegrass style-I think anything goes these days....thanks for the comments & glad you liked the guitars & solos.
I liked the song quite a bit. there seemed to be some timing issues at the beginning, I think it had more to do with the drums than anything else. so I guess when you get that figured out it will probably go away. the vocals seem to take a strange space for me. like they're not supposed to be part of the backing track. I think if you gave the guitars a little more volume and bumped up the bass a little you could have a pretty decent song on your hands!
I quite like it - except for the cymbal - you'll have to replace that.

Thanks for another listen Ray. I am hoping to get the issues ironed out and a revised mix soon.

I liked the song quite a bit. there seemed to be some timing issues at the beginning, I think it had more to do with the drums than anything else. so I guess when you get that figured out it will probably go away. the vocals seem to take a strange space for me. like they're not supposed to be part of the backing track. I think if you gave the guitars a little more volume and bumped up the bass a little you could have a pretty decent song on your hands!

Another Tony, welcome to the forum, and thanx for the comments. The beats are definitely the source of the problems-that and the mixing in general...hopefully the new mix is coming!