Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow

cominginsecond said:
This comment says a lot about the type of person you are.
Yes, I'm afraid it does. Just check around here and you'll find I'm a very bad person. Very bad.
Was Sheryl singing into a mic? I was kinda locked on her lovely face.

Well that's the difference between a home recorder and a real engineer.
Gidge said:
I expect all future posts to this thread to be pertaining to microphones.......

What kind of microphone do you think Saddam Hussain would use if he was singing together with Kid Rock and Cheryl Crow?
Saddam would probably buy five c12s, use each one on a different verse of the song, and then have each one brutally executed.:)
If I were the engineer, Sadam would be using the biggest condenser I could find, with the best possible positioning to maximize the proximity effect from his asshole. :D Afterall, that is where all his sound is generated from. :D
I watched this doco on Hitler's propoganda guys and there were some pretty funny stories. During one of Hitler's big speaches they were getting a lot of distortion on the recording and they were debating whether or not to go ask him to back off the mic. There was another setup where they wanted a camera shot over his shoulder but they had no place to put the camera. They ended up cutting a hole in the swastika and hiding the camera behind the flag.
I think Sadam would use one of those Shure "Green Bullet" blues harmonica mics...just because it has Bullet in the title...:D
as a German (living in the States) I am always embarassed to see Saddam using a Sennheiser 421. I hope he got it off Ebay and not from the German government. But then again -- what can you do when the Germans build such awesome gear? Don't we all wanna have Neumann mics & Sennheisers headphones? ;-)

(that was a mic-related post, was it??)
Gidge said:
whats wrong with Kid Rock?...

You see, Kid Rock has made a lot of money, so intern, he no longer is considered an "artist"..............same thing as Christina Agulera, she might have a beautiful voice, but she sings to a 13 year old audience, so she sucks......
Giganova said:
Don't we all wanna have Neumann mics & Sennheisers headphones? ;-)

hmmm... The worst pair of headphones i have are sennheisers... I expected alot more form them. ohh well... I would like a couple of 421's though