Khomp knows Alcapella

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Well - let's see here -
Melodically speaking it was a bit too intense for me - the rapid delivery of the lyrics made it difficult to understand the form - this is not your typical A-B-A, I know, but there could be a moe pronounced break between sections - my tastes only, you understand. The orchestral sweeps were terrific! Are those samples or did you record this with real strings? Difficult for me to tell. Again, the tymps were too loud - that's the second occurrence this week with tympani - I guess they're difficult to mix. The sounds were excellent (hi tymp slightly out of tune) and I'm inspired to have a shot at recording some. How did you fit the tymps into your studio? (I know they're real because of the tuning issue.)

From a mix standpoint those are my only comments. I know we shouldn't be too concerned here with thematic content or lyrical content but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the existentialist theme that pervades the piece - it's just too heavy for unenlightened tastes. I'm sure others will echo this sentiment in subsequent posts.

Nice work - well conceived - thoughtfully delivered - I enjoyed it.
Ahhh you must mean those segments where I phased the baritone voice between Notre Dame Gregorian and mixolydian. Yes i had some misgivings like that.

Also I wasn't sure of the title, at one point i had considered
Turn down the xylophone.

And bring the pigmy chorus parts up a db.

I'd ditch the electric Jew's harp, but that's a judgement call.

Nice ass.

Chris is not coming in for me at this time ... but it's not on nowhereradio is it ... must be getting senile
Overall, the mix has a uniquely organic feel to it, very 'fertile'. Plenty of youthful exuberance and so much so that I do find it a challenge to understand the words on the first listen ... even if I did speak that particular language, I am quite sure I would never be able to fathom the deep meaning of this sibilance ...

But the vocal is mixed quite intimately, we feel as though the singer is 'in our faces' ...

I would change his diapers and I think the mix would be much better.
To anyone who stopped in, this mp3 was a short joke that was just my way of havin fun. No real song to review.

I'm gonna seal off the thread now.
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