Jagular and Crawdad Co-write a Tune

Gorgeous tune! very nicely played!

I hear what some people are saying on the overproduction. It's pretty clean, but I wouldn't worry about. It sounds great. Is it possible that comes from compression of the whole mix?

If I had to come up with something to critique maybe try dipping a bit of the 1-2 k on the vox. voice sounds a hair boxy. But thats only if I have to critique, really I wouldn't change anything, sounds awesome, and it's a great tune.

Beautiful guitar playing dood!

Pedullist said:
Don't you EVER call me a snob...

And about the lyrics....I'm from another country, remember?
....you hardly know me, and you're calling me names?


No disclaimers allowed! Your English is fine and you know it! I wish I had never asked Slackmaster to remove those posts from my thread last month so that I could direct these folks to it. It was blatantly commercially predjudiced. ( HEY , I deleted it in my PM box but I bet you have a copy of it in yours! Why don't you just copy & paste it right here, Complete with the disgusting jpeg....OK in Amsterdam bud, but it doesn't fly to well here w/ me........... In my estimation, you have a deep-rooted problem w/ commercially successful musicians and more quirks than I care to deal with.

Fuck the PMs Ped . I type like a slug. Call me and reverse the charges. 978-459-0799 ext1. I truly would like to reach some common ground here!

sionara (sp?)

Dad & Jag, Sorry to mess your thread up w/ this ..... It's def PM material now.
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Sorry, but Pedullist was not in anyway out of line here IMO. I think Al's production is great for what it is intended for...pretty much perfect in fact. But Pedullist gave an opinion from an aesthetic point of view, and he gave it as an opinion. Your pride is fine, and respectable, but there was nothing snobby about his statement at all that I found. Maybe I've just become more used to his foreign manners, but I thought his assessment was pretty well expressed.

Please let the free speech run free here. And Pedullist loves cheesey crappy radio songs too! ;)
I do agree that the vocal sound could be different.. I also think that only people in the clinic would ever even mention it.. :D

Also, I totally agree with this, Al... The vocal sounds awesome. My comments earlier were totally from a musician's standpoint. Let's face it...none of us here can do it all or please everyone. But we all can learn a lot from you..
Hey the song was good but I wouldn't be jumpin all over Pedullist because he wasn't gushing over it.

I thought it was good too, but I didn't think it was amazing. Sure production and composition is good enough to be cast into rotation and hold it's own, but I don't think it's strong enough to stand out. It sounded very pleasant when I was listening, but it wasn't that feeling I get where I CRAVE to hear something again.

This is the highest level we're talking about here, you can't shoot higher than radio play. If this was a "gee my first track how'd i do", this would lock up savant raves.

On a side note, recent quote from Britney Spears in Entertainment Weekly that I thought was classic:

"Anyone can sit down and write some boring artistic song," says Britney Spears. "Pop music is the hardest shit to write"

Really enjoying this. What i love about it apart from the catchy hook is the georgeous harmony, guitar and middle8 and that this was done via the internet. Awsome example of why this forum and writing & recording music is great. nice

Something told me to download this song, and I am really glad I did. It is so beautiful it made me cry. Great performance, beautifully written!!

This thread went nuts overnight! :eek:

Like Sluice and L-T said, Ped was not out of line by any means.. When I get comments that are based solely on preference, I take it as an opinion.. I'm sure you know the saying about opinions..

Anyway, I have said this before and I'll say it again.. We can't start critiquing the critques.. It creates a black hole, and nothing can survive in a vacuum..
Ahhh Bullshit. Ped You are a snob, and those wooden shoes make your feet smell like fritos:D :D ...On top of that, Until you obtain an american citizenship, you are not allowed to have an opinion....... You'll need to file a proper "right to opinionate" form with our local immigration.... ...until then, NO! .....No more playing music either damnit. Music is american, and is not just free to use and manipulate by any ole foreigner that decides to come along and act american. If you wanna play it, you'll have to file a "right to play music like an american" form with our local immigration. ....oh, and no more speaking english either. We americans are tired of you foreigners bastardizing our highly sophisticated form of communication by speaking it properly. If you wanna speak english, you'll have to file a "I wanna speak english too" form with.............

..................:D :D :D ....this place is just like family.
Crawdad, SLuiCE....thanks for defending me...and Crawdad & Jagular: excuse me in advance for this long and annoying post that has NOTHING to do with your music or mix.

Thanks for trying to lighten this thread up a little, Guernica. However, I feel I still feel the need to express some feelings...

Tjarko!! What the fuck do you have against commercially acceptable and radio-friendly music?

Nothing! I just tried to express why the remake didn't have same impact as the original version. Maybe I chose the wrong words, maybe not. But Crawdad got it. And he doesn't seem to mind...

The lyrics, that you found so easy to ignore,

That I master the language fairly well in print doesn't mean it's my native language. For you guys it's impossible to ignore lyrics, for me it's just a switch I can turn off or on. It depends on the music whether it hits me the first time or not. Usually it takes up to 10 times before I start listening to lyrics. Btw, what on earth are we talking about here? This is a mixing clinic.

Ped, some of your posts remind me of the 'jazz heads' that I matriculated with

Like I said, I'm not sure whether my opinons come across very well in another language. It sometimes takes me half an hour to write a post like this one. I got a feeling you've misunderstood a few (maybe all) things. Yet, you never asked me what I meant exactly. Instead you chose to heat up your boiler and attack me raged to the max.

I'm curious what posts you're talking about....I never felt like a purist snobish jazz head (as I make and love pop music, POP, music). I do have an opinion now and then, but jeez, that's what these boards are all about right?

OK, a couple of times I've expressed a fear of losing my creativity when I would make money with my music. That's a personal fear. It doesn't mean I think no one should make money with music, or that commercial music is bad.

We also do gigs that some 'purists' would furrow their brows at!

Whoa, frustation alert! Feels like you're comparing me to those purists. Let me tell you: I'm not. It was only a few days ago when I said to Jake: 'principles suck'....there's no purist who will ever say that. I even managed to alter my opinions on autotuners thanks to this board. A snobish purist admitting he's wrong about something? Get out of here!

I look @ it this way. My dad worked a factory gig ( 3rd shift for the extra $15 a week) to provide for a family of 8. His hands were all cut to shit after a nights work, but he was proud and glad to do it.....

Touching story....my father wears a beard and is a schoolteacher. I have no idea what it has to do with my comment, or your point. We're talking about a tiny little comment I made about someone's mix. A comment that was well taken by the performer. I never said anything remotely degrading about anyone's music, or his or her lifestyle. If I did, people would have let me know about it earlier.

I always say a prayer of gratitude that I have been allowed to make my living at something I have such passion for.

And you should be glad. But please lose some of your frustation. So you play at weddings...I never looked down on you. No one around here does. You like what you do, you're good at it, seems like you're having a wonderful time doing it. Look, I dropped out of the conservatory because of my uncontrollable (and incurable) stagefright. I'm an 'application manager' nowadays. If there's anyone entitled to be frustated, then it's me. Btw, I'm not. And you shouldn't be either.

as I mean to offend no one

You just did...

I wish I had never asked Slackmaster to remove those posts from my thread last month

Well, apologies were offered (by me) and apologies were accepted (by you). We both decided we would move on with our lives, and not to 'give it another thought'. So you can't use it as an argument anymore. Very silly and childish.

Call me and reverse the charges

Pffff. No way...I never had a problem with you. None of the other guys from the board seem to hate my opinons as much as you do. So it's your problem, not mine...

If it wasn't for the nice and wonderful guys on this board, I'd leave this board. I really started to appreciate you as a friend, but after this you're just plain ASCII for me. And I feel really sorry about that...
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I knew I smelled the kindling of a flamewar over here...I mean, NO WAY CRAWDAD DOES SOMETHING IN A TUNE CONTROVERSIAL ENOUGH TO GENERATE A 70 POST THREAD OR ANYTHING, RIGHT? Al, you using that Autotuner I sent you? lmao.

Sam nailed it, as far as I'm concerned. We are the only group of people on the planet who would dissect the performance to the nth degree like this.

I had to jump in on the Montgomery Gentry comment - Just about every other person I've played that "Our Song" demo that you did, Al...hears Montgomery Gentry all over it. So, if you're not to busy...go ahead and set up a meeting with me and somebody important..., lol...I'll take care of the rest, brother!! :D :D :D

This production is exactly what it needs to be, in my opinion. Nice work to both of you (again, lol).
Public apology to Ped


Sorry man, I really feel shitty about taking off on you like that. I do feel like this is like family as 'G'man expressed earlier on this thread, and as with any family, misunderstandings are bound to happen.

This was definitley a result of MY 'excess baggage' from your aesthetic reaming last month on one of my songs, for which you apologized..but the child in me had a hard time shaking off.

I am guilty of doing exactly the opposite of what I try to teach my kids. "Forgive and forget and let go of any and all resentment."

'Mea culpa, Mea culpa, Mea maxima culpa'...and I Mean it!

Once again, my humblest apology and I truly hope that you can be a bigger man than me and not hold any grudges.


p.s. to dad & jag : The river hit some rapids last night and I fell outta the boat! Sorry for my intrusion.

Peace to all.
Flat-9, from one New Englander to another... you're a musician, man. As musicians we're entitled to the occasional outburst of unfounded emotion. Mighty big of you, especially for a Masshole. (New Englander joke. :) )
SLuiCe said:
Flat-9, from one New Englander to another... you're a musician, man. As musicians we're entitled to the occasional outburst of unfounded emotion. Mighty big of you, especially for a Masshole. (New Englander joke. :) )


Thanks dude, I needed that laugh in a big way. ( even coming from a 'Maine-iac'!:D :D :D
I'm really TRULY delighted about this response Ralph. I sincerely appreciate the way you expressed your regret, just as I regretted ranting at you like this.

Two, no four (my wife), thumbs up for this!

I don't like to have enemies, even if they live very far away from me. It was a weird experience for me to rant like this, as I'm basically a very easygoing and friendly type of guy. You sure know how to pull some triggers, buddy! My wife hasn't even found those ones yet! :D

And I do feel bad about my rant. So a big apology from me to you too!

Thank you, man!


(and if I ever start to annoy other people around here, please let me know immediately)
ChrisHarris--so who is Montgomery Gentry? A group? Boy, I'm really keeping up, eh?

Khompewtur--That Brittany Spears quote is so right. It all sounds so easy until you start to try to do it.

SluiCE--Hey, we can all learn a lot from each other. I never expect everybody to like everything I do, and I can take the heat. I can't tell you how many times I thought I had the ultimate song in my pocket, only to have it shot down in Music Row. There's lots of good, and so little great. Thats the brass ring that keeps me writing and reaching. A little bit of great would be so nice!

Terriel, Erland--See, just when I think I am doomed to the trashpile, somebody comes along and makes my day. Thanks guys.

Speaking of great songs, the lyrics to this Julie Gold song are amazing. I challenge anybody to write something on this level. Its also maybe a fitting end to this thread. Peace to Flat-9 and Pedullist.

From a distance, the world looks blue and green,
and the snow capped mountains white.
From a distance, the ocean meets the stream,
and the eagle takes to flight.
From a distance, there is harmony,
and the echo through the land.
It's the voice of hope,
it's the voice of peace,
it's the voice of every man.
From a distance, we all have enough,
and no one is in need.
And there are no guns, no bombs and no diseases,
no hungry mouths to feed.
From a distance, we are instruments,
matching in a common band,
playing songs of hope,
playing songs of peace,
there is the song of every man.
God is watching us, God is watching us,
God is watching us, from a distance,
ohh God is watching us ....... from a distance.
From a distance, you look like my friend, even though we're at war.
From a distance, I just cannot comprehend, what all this fighting is for?
It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of all, it's the heart of every man.
It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of all, it is the song of every man.
Oh..God is watching us, God is watching us ..... from a distance
crawdad said:
ChrisHarris--so who is Montgomery Gentry? A group? Boy, I'm really keeping up, eh?



is watching us ..... from a distance

Hmmm…seems I’ve heard that song somewhere before :D. Good one.

Let me take the liberty answer on behalf of Chris. Montgomery Gentry is Eddy Montgomery (John Michael’s brother) and Troy Gentry (his bud). Eddy is a bit gritty (both in look and vox) and Troy is a bit cleaner (both in look and vox) and they sound pretty good together. I would describe their style as kind of a southern rock/outlaw country sound that I kind of dig. Much of the music isn’t the “deepest” in the world ;), but I really dig the sound and groove of the music. Kinda that “makes me want to get up and shake my ass” kind of music :D.

Whao…this thread took on a life of it’s own. All’s well that ends well I guess. I’m glad you guys kissed & made up :D
Jagular said:
Montgomery Gentry... I would describe their style as kind of a southern rock/outlaw country sound that I kind of dig.:D
Man, if you haven't heard Crawdad's demo of that song...somebody needs to put it up on their mp3 page. I wouldn't imagine that the odds are real likely I'm gonna' find another soul on a recording BBS who has even heard of them, much less who's a fan, so maybe I'll start uploading that demo now, lol.
chrisharris said:
Man, if you haven't heard Crawdad's demo of that song...somebody needs to put it up on their mp3 page. I wouldn't imagine that the odds are real likely I'm gonna' find another soul on a recording BBS who has even heard of them, much less who's a fan, so maybe I'll start uploading that demo now, lol.

No, I haven't...must have been BJ (Before Jagular) ;) :D.

Wouldn't mind though...if all parties were in agreement :D.