It's 3 am and I'm getting weird...


Weird mix, but everything is in its place. There's nothing much happing, but it's intriguing enough to listen to it until it ends. Very good. Good use of space! I'm sure I'd add thousands of overdubs but that would destroy the whole song...

I ADORE the moment at 1:02 and 1:47. I expected a loud crash and a moment of silence but it's just a tiny dirty harmonic on the guitar (it sounds like it at least). Very effective. Like you're almost having an orgasm, but think of some ugly woman instead, wait a moment, and then start pounding again...hey, that's what this is: it's sex music!!

Barry White, you can rest in peace man: we've found the new Walrus Of Love!

Excuse me, I digress.

Love your voice...

*player skips to Done Got Tired, love that too!!!!*
Thanks for the comments, guys. Yeah, I'm very much going for as much "space" as I can get without just recording 5 minutes of silence.:) And Pedullist, you've come up with absolutely my favorite description of this song: like thinking of an ugly woman while having sex.... that killed me.

And I'm *still* messing with "Done Got Tired". Can't seem to get the vox the way I want them on that one. But alas, that's another thread...
