Is This Mix Closer????

powderfinger said:
the vocals were a touch harsh at points....just a touch more compression..........the acoustics sound great, what kind of mics do you use??

More comp on the way. I used an MXL 1000 condensor and a shure 58.

Cstock and Eri - Thank you for your advice on de-essing. I've never done it before, so when I get the vox run through, I'll post another mix to see what y'all think.

and fprod, I'll heed your advice on being light with it.

WISC - Not a diss with the goo goo dolls bit, everyone has said that to me, but really a light influence....curious. I'll try and mix in a guitar solo. I was struggling with whether I should've done that or not anyways.

Toki - makes perfect sense. Thanks for your comments as always.

The de-essing trick I suggested is one I haven't tried. It was passed on to me by a fellow who runs a pro studio. I just tried to use the technique myself and it isn't very easy....but I am going to keep trying. Just wanted to warn you it isn't nice and simple (But I don't have a multiband I have to bang rocks together)