Is there only one V77?

Han said:
Actually it's the best mic MXL has made so far, very versatile, sounds good on almost everything. This mic comes close to the sound of my Neumann M149, close I said. The Neumann sounds better of course, but it has the same kind of 'color' in sound.

It isn't very bright mic but it's far from dark sounding, really a very big bang for the buck.

I wish I had ten of them mics.

...and there's still 2 of them out there on Ebay...
Han said:
Actually it's the best mic MXL has made so far, very versatile, sounds good on almost everything.

Han, that's exactly my point. It's a shame that this mic never "caught on" like it should have.

I suppose that a large part of that reason is b/c many "big time" engineers poo-poo'd it b/c it was an MXL without even giving it a try, and many home-users expected it to sound more "tooby" than it does.

this mic is beyond good enough (let alone for the price) that MXL should still be making it.

Well, the V69M is a very nice mic as well, but I find myself using the V77S more often. I would like to have as many Neumann's as Steve Albini, U47/48's U67's older U87's, but I can't afford that.

I own one Neumann, an M149 like I said before, but on most vocalist you can't hear much difference between the 149 and the 77.

The V69 sounds very different, big and clear but I like the V77 a lot more.

Like you said, the mic didn't get much chance, I suppose many peeps don't even know how great it is. IMHO it's a much nicer mic than a TLM103.
Han said:
I own one Neumann, an M149 like I said before, but on most vocalist you can't hear much difference between the 149 and the 77.

...and another wise man once spoke:

"This is the top of the line Marshall tube mic, and it's very similar to the TLM-103 in sound (with a little more proximity effect). It's a very nice tube mic, especially at the price. There was a 1 dB difference in the level between the two V77s we tested, but the sound was identical.

I've been really liking the V77 these days for vocals. I started using it early September of last year, and now it just stays up on a stand, ready to go, in both rooms. The V77 is a really nice vocal mic IMO, whether it's on a quiet singer 2" away, or a belter from 2 or 3' away. I've used it on both types of singers with great success. Very neutral sounding mic to my ear, with a slight high end lift that provides some detail, without getting shrill. It seems to work pretty well with female and male voices alike.

The V69ME is a very impressive sounding mic on the right voices; so is the V77. I'm glad I have both. And I still use the V67's. To my ear, the V77 sounds more "open, neutral, and transparent" than the V67G. The V67G has a slightly "warmer, thicker" sound by comparison.

The Neumann M149 would definitely have a place here (Indian Trail Studios), but until I can afford one, the MXL's cover a lot of the same bases." - Harvey Gerst

...nuff said...
Sometimes people prefer the V69M over the M149 when they try both mics with their voice only, because the V69 sounds really big. I then record them with both the V69 and the M149 to separate tracks and we listen back in the controlroom and switch between the sound of the V69 and M149.

It is then that they prefer the M149, in the mix it seems to fit better.
PhilGood said:
Dennis, you keep tipping people off to items I'm bidding on, and then I don't win them! :mad:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

:eek: ...geeez, sorry Phil...I'll be sure to check in with you before posting and/or bidding myself! ;)
bounce said:
Nady TCM 1100 the same mic, I believe?

...was originally the same mic when introduced by Nady, but production was moved from the original designer/manufacturer 797AUDIO (one of the best of the Chinese manufacturers) to a cheaper manufacturing source in S.China...since that move, quality has diminished and the mic no longer shares the sound signature of the V77...only the early Nady versions are the same...stick with the MXL version to assure 797AUDIO origins...