Input needed, thanks!

I know nothing about recording drums myself but I just wanted to jump in and say that your kid is a damn solid drummer.
Man....he definitly has chops, that's for sure....I'd want to hear him in a grrove situation myself but this should do good for the competition your using it for.
I rarely record live drums but when I do....I like the same method as M. Brane, I use two mics to create a stereo field for the kit and a mic in the very good, especially with a couple of PZMs on stands for the stereo mics.
Just browsing your NWR site, I had to search for the post. Damn, How did I miss these chops? Sounds like a bright future is looming for this young man! Wouldn't mind havin his chops on one of my tunes! One of these days maybe I'll be good enough for you guys. I'm practicing hard for the up-coming collab!


Can always count on your words of wisdom! (I'm lefthanded and therefore think backwards sometimes! LOL) Thanks again friend.


Thanks for the tips! I will tighten the pan & back off on the verb.

I've done some gigs in your town! Are those twin sheratons that look like huge Hostess cupcakes still there? :D


How do you like the 'green monsters' new additional seats? I'd like to sit there on the top row during an evening game so I could hear the rock shows on Landsdown St. behind! Best of both worlds-SOX & ROCKS! :D

Thanks for the chops comment as he woodsheds 2 hours a day w/o parental prompting. It's fun to listen to but tough to make phone calls!!:rolleyes:

His band is at the Wocester Palladium next week! Then back to the garden spots. :rolleyes:


Thanks for the listen and jumping in w/ that appreciated comment!

Lt. Bob

I am definitely going to try your bass mic & Brane's suggestions.
His grooves in this style are rock steady and require unbelievable stamina. After an hour set with his band, he looks like he jumped into the pool, clothes & all.......major "swamp ass "even with the fans on him. Thanks for dropping by!


Thanks again friend. You know how to reach me when it's time!;)
Yeah, I used to play drums like that, (maybe I played a little faster) but after awhile, you just get tired of people constantly telling you how great you are, and the women CONSTANTLY throwing themselves at you...

lmao - nice chops he's got there.

I can't help you on the recording of the drums. I ended up recording my drummer playing a bunch of different stuff in 4/4 and 3/4 and I use those for loops, but I had to jack with them so much that I can't even remember what I did...and my technique was obviously flawed or I wouldn't have had to work on them so much.

Anyway, just stopping by to say "hi, your offspring is talented," lol.
chrisharris said:
Anyway, just stopping by to say "hi, your offspring is talented," lol.

Hey, can't we let our offspring make a song for us? Jaimee, Anthony....(please allow me some time to produce my own offspring guys ;) )
Pedullist said:
Hey, can't we let our offspring make a song for us? Jaimee, Anthony....(please allow me some time to produce my own offspring guys ;) )

You actually WANT ? to reproduce yourself???:eek:.....
Just shittin ya!
Have fun in the R & D and manufacturing departments!:D
No, I'm shittin' you Ralph :) ...I don't want to reproduce myself. Way too scared of the consequences... YO ANTHONY!

4th mix.
Stripped it bone dry & ran it through (C.E.P. trial & error about 100 friggin times.)

Other than the lopsided panning that I'm still working on, how is the general tone quality for this cheap Tama Swingstar and a couple of SM-58s.

I'm just looking to record him for these upcoming (16 and under)
competitions in a presentable fashion that won't get in the way of any judges critique.

Specifically how is the EQ and Verb, along with anything else that strikes you on this mix?

I`ll listenin in the a.m. Ralph ,
I been still listening to the original i got on the HD, which I thought was very good at least. :)

if the competition is anything near par with what Anthony is doing
its gonna be tuff!
Last edited:
The kids a chip off the old block ! Sorry I cant help you on recording drum tips. So thats what real drums sound like!
Boda bing!


He should be able to plug himself into any type of project he wants.

I mean I wish i had that type of options at his age. Jeez, hmm.. what to do next Yeager tour or what?

I'm assuming Drumline has been in regular rotation around the Funaro household?

Are you sure you guys live in Lowell??

Buddy Rich aint' got nuttin' on Anthony .....ya know Ralph?

he plays solid for sure...

I am still looking forward to getting together to jam sometime soon,
Sorry, I can't help with the drum recording either...but this sure sounds awesome! If ya wanna try my NT1 and my SM 48 you are more than welcome to use em'....OK?

Take it easy man,
chrisharris said:
Yeah, I used to play drums like that, (maybe I played a little faster) but after awhile, you just get tired of people constantly telling you how great you are, and the women CONSTANTLY throwing themselves at you...

lmao - nice chops he's got there.

I can't help you on the recording of the drums. I ended up recording my drummer playing a bunch of different stuff in 4/4 and 3/4 and I use those for loops, but I had to jack with them so much that I can't even remember what I did...and my technique was obviously flawed or I wouldn't have had to work on them so much.

Anyway, just stopping by to say "hi, your offspring is talented," lol.


Can't believe I missed acknowledging this post ...( see Khomphy?... even I fuck up!......people in glass houses.......sorry man!)

Chris, I know you are on sabbatical, but thanks for this witty, funny & complimentary post!!! ( have a nice break, but don't go to far man;) ) I miss you already!!
Toki987 said:
I`ll listenin in the a.m. Ralph ,
I been still listening to the original i got on the HD, which I thought was very good at least. :)
if the competition is anything near par with what Anthony is doing
its gonna be tuff!

Man, I wish you lived around the corner!!! Your Washburn kills me!
Thanks friend!
Proud Dad!

Ya, can't give you too much mix advice since I can only listen in lo-fi, but I can tell you that you have one talented son there!

I'm also lucky to have some talent here. My son is the drummer in a band called RXBandits. They just got back from touring Europe and they are headed out on an American tour with their fourth CD release out in the summer.

I know how you feel about having him do some recording for you. Do it quick, because before you know it, he'll be snatched up into a band and out touring and you won't see him as much. Everytime I want my son to help me out, he is out playing somewhere ...

Your son is excellent!

You should be proud! :D

p.s. the mix sounded good on lo-fi, but I'm not much help in that area...
wfaraoni said:
The kids a chip off the old block ! Sorry I cant help you on recording drum tips. So thats what real drums sound like!
Boda bing!


Thanks Bill!
read this in your best Italian accent "Yeah...fagettaboutit....pump a lil' spegatts in 'is lil' piehole an ees a friggin monsta on dem skins.....whoa, bada bing...ya know what mean....capiche????" :D :D :D
Khompewtur said:
He should be able to plug himself into any type of project he wants.
I mean I wish i had that type of options at his age. Jeez, hmm.. what to do next Yeager tour or what?
I'm assuming Drumline has been in regular rotation around the Funaro household?

Yeah Khomphy,

He's plugged but I still gotta stretch him some no.....16 year olds gotta be coaxed! ;)

Ya, Drumline and all his other shit too.......keeps me young :D :D :D
Re: YO....

joro said:
Are you sure you guys live in Lowell??
Buddy Rich aint' got nuttin' on Anthony .....ya know Ralph?
he plays solid for sure...
I am still looking forward to getting together to jam sometime soon,
Sorry, I can't help with the drum recording either...but this sure sounds awesome! If ya wanna try my NT1 and my SM 48 you are more than welcome to use em'....OK?
Take it easy man,

We'll be on your doorstep soon man! You can start a thread on on of your tunes that we lay tracks on......Joro, flat-9 & flat-9 jr., disturb the peace in Lowell.:D :D :D
Re: Proud Dad!

boydrj said:
I'm also lucky to have some talent here. My son is the drummer in a band called RXBandits. They just got back from touring Europe and they are headed out on an American tour with their fourth CD release out in the summer.
I know how you feel about having him do some recording for you. Do it quick, because before you know it, he'll be snatched up into a band and out touring and you won't see him as much. Everytime I want my son to help me out, he is out playing somewhere ...
Your son is excellent!
You should be proud! :D
p.s. the mix sounded good on lo-fi, but I'm not much help in that area...

I'm all over that man! Good advise....I might be a little late as his band is signing a European contract this weekend for a 3 week stint this summer.
Good luck to your son....sounds hip!