Jon X

New member
Very cool new forum. We coulda used something like this back when we first put together the HR.com band idea. It took us forever to pick a cover tune. Maybe future "band" songs, if any, can come from here. Speaking of that, the next tune should be a blues number using those lyrics that Dragon came up with. Sorta in the "Hey, Joe" mold. Then we could do another one titled "Am I too good for this world?" :)

BTW, Slack... good one.
I'm trying to write a song...but am having a hard time. Help me write a song. Something good please, none of that crappy stuff.
I'd like to help you with writing a song, but can you try to be more specific? I mean: what sort of music are you into? what sort of instrument do you play? etc.
Wow, what a great first line!


It was just a joke man
I didn't mean to kill you
You just happened to walk out there
When I was wasting my ex-wife

It was just a joke man
I didn't really mean it
If that freak Alanis was there
She woulda said it was ironic
Am i too good for this world?

But seriously, it isn't a bad idea; writing a song with someone who's on the other side of the world!
Just think of the possibilities!
Slack: I are a songwriter, is you?
I write pomes, too. Maybe we can corraborate on a song.
Oh Dragon you crack me up hehehe :D


[This message has been edited by tutton (edited 06-07-2000).]
I had to be the one to say this... But... If you need this forum, maybe musicianship isnt your calling.
People dont write songs...
Songs write themselves and choose a medium... If you are born a medium then you are one... If not, then no amount of practice or knowledge will make you one...
I think that it is no coincidence that many of our best songwriters are mediocre musicians...
If you are channeling a song... you can beat a stick on the sidewalk and sing out of key like Bob Dylan.. and it will be beautiful.
If you dont channel... You can practice and study untill Malmsteen is afraid of you, yet you will never write a good song.


I agree with you to some extent S8-N. Being a great musician doesn't have much to do with being a great songwriter - your Bob Dylan example was excellent.


When the inspiration does hit us it usually doesn't come all in a nice neat package ready to be performed. We usually need to do some cutting, pasting, and touch-up to make it a great song. That is where a forum like this can help. Songwriting is not 100% inspiration - there is a measure of craft involved too. Also, who's to say that we won't be inspired by something in this forum? And...this could be a good forum just to talk about and appreciate great songs and songwriters.

S8-N: I are a medium, is you?

Just kidding.

Seriously, though, songwriting is more than being a conduit to the muse--or inspiration captured in tangible form. In all art there is craft--craft that can be learned. Not all the talent in the world will make you a good (or successful) song writer if you don't understand (either consciously or subconsciously) the craft of songwriting.

On the otherhand, as you have so aptly stated, no amount of studying or practicing the craft of songwriting (or anything else) will make a mediocre talent great.

Know your strengths, and know your weaknesses.

Exploit your strengths.
I do know my strengths...
I will now slap you with my huge, slippery, uncircumcised penis.
excellent alliteration "semen slinging sodomite"

S8-N I hope you were joking and not seriously pissed off, that would be immature.