If you want a great starter keyboard then I'd suggest looking for a used Yamaha PSR-E4x3 (where the x can be replaced by any number between 0 and 7). My lad has the PSR-E403 while one of our band members has the PSR-E463. The whole range work in a similar way with just a few features added between models. They have touch sensitive keyboards but a used one shouldn't be too expensive. The great thing about this range is that you have a wide range of sounds and these sounds can be easily edited so that your songs won't sound like millions of others that use the Yamaha presets. They connect to your computer via USB for Midi data (and audio in the later models).
Edit to add - I had a listen to your track. I think it would make much more sense if you speed it up to 120bpm or higher. If you want to make dance music then you really need to go to a few clubs and check out what is being played and at what tempo. There is a reason for the structure of many dance tunes and you need to follow that structure if you want your music played by DJs.