I need your help to built the PERFECT home studio!

Ken D. Webber

New member
Hello, I am a professional illustrator who is poised for greatness in the future. I always have an eye open on future plans and music is also an area that I seek to expand into. I am also a musician so I am asking all the Home recordist's that I can think of to send me their suggestions on how to build the perfect dream Home studio. I need your advice and your imagination. If you were to suddenly come upon say, ten million dollars, and wanted to build the PERFECT recording studio what would be included? What equipment is an absolute must have when cost is no consideration? What musical equipment would you need for perfection? Do you have any links to manufacturers and suppliers? Are there any things that I should know about the setting for the studio itself? Wall designs and the form of the structure? What about the environment itself such as ways to make it artist friendly? Are there any nightmares that you have encountered or shoddy equipment manufacturers that should be avoided? I am looking for the most PERFECT STUDIO you can imagine with full digital capabilities. I look forward to hearing your list of suggestions, email me, and thank you for all that you can offer! Ken D. Webber / Artist
Ken Ken Ken:

With 10 mil, all you have to do is call Full Compass and, Voila, they'll get you digitalized in a hurry: a very big hurry.

Have to run; Kato is trying to steal my Laphroaig.

Green Hornet
Ken, I don't think anybody or anything of greatness has ever come out of Lubbock, Texas in the past 40 or so years, except for Buddy Holly.. and he's dead.
It must be boring sitting on the rickety porch of your trailer-home with 3 old dogs and a can of Lone Star while you're pickin' off armadillos and rattlesnakes with your grand-daddies rusty old rifle, dreaming of big studios and all.
Trade in the rifle, Ken. You might be able to afford a used Tascam Porta 02 and a Radio Shack mic. That should be a good start.
BTW... Do the bullets penetrate the outer shell of the armadillos, or does shooting em just knock them sideways?.... Just wonderin'.
Ken let me explain something to you...you can see from these nasty posts that no one wants to hand all that info over to you on a silver platter..you need to dig in there on your own and spend a whole lot of time and a whole lot of money and learn from your own mistakes on how to put things together that work or dont work...these forums are just signposts to help light the way, you've got to provide you own illumination...

Question...how are you both a professional illustrator and musician...?? arent those two separate disciplines?? that word "musician" gets tossed around way too lightly...I have a degree in music with a "minor" in piano theory and I certainly dont consider myself a "pianist"...

While this whole home project studio explosion had been a blessing in a lot of ways, it has also brought ever wannabe out of the woodwork to self proclaim themselves "musicians"...it takes many, many, many years to learn how to put sounds and music together the right way to make that magic...thing is, the masters of this wonderful endeavor make it look and sound so easy that everyone things they can do it...

The fella with the suggestion to go with the Porta Studio and rs mike wasnt to far off...Ken my advice to you is this: get yourself an inexpensive cassette recorder and a basic mike and start from scratch like we all did...and remeber..its not in the gear, its in the performance...
I've read alot of nasty responses to you question. Seems like some take advantage of their "senior member" rating by spewing profanities.It's not the kind of advice most people are looking for in a musicians forum. Don't let it bother you. Ignore it. It's only a mask for their own smallness, weakness, envy, insecurity and lack of talent.
Your question is totally legitimate. It's a question we should all ask ourselves at least once.
The question you should ask yourself, dixmix, is "Why do I have the urge to insert things in my anus and sing showtunes"?
dixmix probably is ken.. so that would make him his own booty buddy..in that case.. go fuck yourself !!

- eddie -
Why does S8-N (or is it G8-N) insist on giving out the details of his turn-ons in these forums?
Why do you feel the need to defend Ken D. Webber and make a total ass of yourself?
Ken doesn't defend his post, so why should you?

And, in case you didn't notice, S8-N only devours the morons who are self-righteous, pompous, or know-it-all's who know squat about what they're talking about.

Ask yourself which one defines YOU.

Like it or not, S8-N's a 'reality check'.
I was kinda disappointed to see Ken get dissed so hard...but then he did crosspost into every stinkin forum which is an obvious no-no.

Checked his website...and odd character to say the least. Might have been interesting.

Slackmaster 2000
Typical paranoid reformed doper website...artwork pretty much blah, seen a lot better on Dun/dragon sites...a capitalist time/space traveller...must be hundreds of such sites....guy's a dipshit...gibs
Cross-posting is a definite no-no. Bad manners and all. And because of this faux pas, I must say that Ken is a dirty butt whose butt stinks and who needs to clean his butt.

And that's all I have to say about that.
