I Need Dog Eat Dog Drum Tabs By Ac/dc In 2 Hours


New member
i need the drum tabs for dog eat dog the song by ac/dc anyone have em i need em today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tim Brown said:
Why would you need Drum Tablature for anything AC/DC ever did?
Thats just what I was thinking. Rush or Tool I could understand, but ACDC?

Here's the tab if you still want it....


Repeat as necessary.....
Instead of googling for drum tab, you could spend the time listening to it. It can't be that hard. Tabs are notoriously wrong anyway.
gbondo9 said:
Thats just what I was thinking. Rush or Tool I could understand, but ACDC?

Here's the tab if you still want it....


Repeat as necessary.....
Now THAT is funny. :D :p

(Because it's real)
gbondo9 said:
Thats just what I was thinking. Rush or Tool I could understand, but ACDC?

Here's the tab if you still want it....


Repeat as necessary.....

chorus c-h-h-h h-h-h-h
k-k-s-- k---s--
iim the guitar player in my band my drummer plays a 300 dollar department store drum set hes never learns anything by ear to busie with video games i searched it cant find it and mxtabs.net has been closed and i know tabs suck they r wrong all the time but well what eve
marshall.amps said:
iim the guitar player in my band my drummer plays a 300 dollar department store drum set hes never learns anything by ear to busie with video games i searched it cant find it and mxtabs.net has been closed and i know tabs suck they r wrong all the time but well what eve

Marshall, I'm a guitar player, I speak the lingo, let me translate for you so that these drumming fellows can help you out.....

I am the guitar player in my band. My drummer plays a $300 department store drum set. He never learns anything by ear, too busy with video games.
I searched but I can't find it and mxtabs.net has been closed. I know tabs suck, they are wrong all the time, but, well, whatever.
marshall.amps said:
iim the guitar player in my band my drummer plays a 300 dollar department store drum set hes never learns anything by ear to busie with video games i searched it cant find it and mxtabs.net has been closed and i know tabs suck they r wrong all the time but well what eve

That means it is time to get a new drummer! When Video games are more important than music - it is time to move on.

Tim Brown said:
That means it is time to get a new drummer! When Video games are more important than music - it is time to move on.

Tim, I'm with you...But read the paragraph you quoted. I think they belong together just fine. :)
Maybe you guys are right, you would get a quicker response by posting an ad saying 'Drummer wanted must be able to play Dog eat Dog by ac dc' than to ask for the tab. Within the parameters of your 2 hour deadline I'd say you would have a choice of say 35,000 willing candidates. 17,000 of them will have drool coming out of the corners of their mouths, 12,000 wont have a car to get their drums to the audition, and 5000 wont have their own drums...that leaves you with ....hang on a sec........1000 lovable,intelligent and talented contenders. By the way how much time do we have left?
L mandrake said:
I'd say you would have a choice of say 35,000 willing candidates. 17,000 of them will have drool coming out of the corners of their mouths, 12,000 wont have a car to get their drums to the audition, and 5000 wont have their own drums...that leaves you with ....hang on a sec........1000 lovable,intelligent and talented contenders. By the way how much time do we have left?

Yeah, but he needs a drummer...
yea i do need a new drummer but only one that i know who plays actually hes my cousin and he got the drums last christmas and hes no pro i wouldnt want to take his set on stage its a crapper or our pa system its a stereo and 2 10 watt amps wired together but we dont realy have a singer anyway so it doesnt matter
marshall.amps said:
yea i do need a new drummer but only one that i know who plays actually hes my cousin and he got the drums last christmas and hes no pro i wouldnt want to take his set on stage its a crapper or our pa system its a stereo and 2 10 watt amps wired together but we dont realy have a singer anyway so it doesnt matter


There are other keys on the keyboard besides the letters!!!!

If a drummer can figure that out, SO CAN YOU!!!!

Yeah, I do need a new drummer, but only one that I know who plays. Actually he's my cousin and he got the drums last christmas but he's no pro. I wouldn't want to take his set on stage. Its a crapper and our P.A. system is a stereo and 2 10 watt amps wired together. We dont really have a singer anyway so it doesn't matter!

Dude, if you don't make it big as a rock star, your life is FUCKED!! :mad:

Unless, you're 10 and not paying attention in the 4th grade! In which case, START!!!!
This thread looks very interesting, but I cant understand it totally, I have not studied this method of english communication, can someone please translate it into Polish for me. Gruckshnev to all.
if you dont have a singr than why r you playing dog eat dog i mean afteral what is use of playing dog eat dog with just guitar and bass no one will care it will sound like u r warming up so if i r u i would just play the next song or just at least start the song and if noone is behind the kit to play it i wood just scream into the micophono and say whateve