I have a fun project for ALL of us.

has anyone else done anything with this yet?? im interested in hearing what others did. I know I kind of cheated since i already had a beat for it hahaha, but I want to hear your guys flip on it
has anyone else done anything with this yet?? im interested in hearing what others did. I know I kind of cheated since i already had a beat for it hahaha, but I want to hear your guys flip on it

I should have some time today and tomorrow to put something together.....

I hope!
I made nine (9) different versions of the song (well.... actually eighteen (18) but I threw half of them away).

I will post them in January, Once I move into my new apartment.


2day is my B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Y'all betta give me some LOVE!!!!!!


spinsterwun psychotron adventure supreme the sound chemist (Klangchemiker in German). :D
I just can't do 101 bpm's...I made 2 versions of this and I didn't like either. This one kicked my @$$!

i gt lucky with this because i had one that was close already, I only had to make minor changes. i would have trouble making a beat from scratch for this
I'm still going to post my mixes of this song.

I have to wait until I move into my new apartment.

You guys should still be trying to do different versions/mixes of this song.

I posted this song so we could practice doing different types of music.

I know that the tempo is pretty fast (101 bpm). But..... it will help US all to create music that is a little out of our normal parameters. (8

You all KNOW that I going to give you more acapellas to remix. :^0

Alright y'all, let's get to remixin' this song. :D

Peace and chicken grease....

Did you find a converter program yet, Phuturistic?

No, unfortunately DP is not letting me import the mp3 into my session. (I learned all I have to do with DP is just drag the mp3 onto an audio track, and it will convert automatically). Spinster, can you re-send me the accapella mp3 just in case it got corrupted in the transfer or somethin?

im still workin on it - its gon take me at least another week (lol - i was so much better at sampling when i was using the ASR-10 . . . i oughtta grab that thing out the closet and . . . oh, i forgot i donteven know how to hook that joker up to the triton - too much to learn, not enough time!)
i will post mine whenver i git finished - even if no 1 cares anymore, by then!
im still workin on it - its gon take me at least another week (lol - i was so much better at sampling when i was using the ASR-10 . . . i oughtta grab that thing out the closet and . . . oh, i forgot i donteven know how to hook that joker up to the triton - too much to learn, not enough time!)
i will post mine whenver i git finished - even if no 1 cares anymore, by then!

post it up