I can't sing or people are full of hate?

Hibiki Itano

New member
I know this kind of question is all around this site but I still want to figure it out. When someone tell me I can't sing, is it for real or they just hate me? Their comments are so full of hate, like "Your singing voice is so bad/horrible", "Stop singing this song, you ruined it", "Have you ever heard anyone told you stop singing?", etc... They don't even give me a clue how to fix my voice.
Is it a normal act of all people in this world? Or I'm too sensitive to handle it?
This is my newest recording. I didn't take it seriously because I recorded it at home with my laptop mic. I haven't put any effect on the vocal track other than reverb.

Please be honest to tell me what do you think. Thank you!
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well, your singing voice is not horrible.... sounds pretty decent to me .... appropriate to the style music you're singing. But OTOH someone telling you they don't like it isn't hate speech either. Maybe they don't like it.

Sounds fine to me though and I have a lot of experience at this.

But you should sing because that's what you love to do ..... not for others approval.
You sound fine on this song.
If you can't hear whether it's good or bad then you shouldn't be singing.
You singing sounds good. I've had people tell me I shouldn't even try to make music because it's so awful and horrible. People on the internet a real ass holes. You have to take into consideration that they are really just pussies who would never tell you that to your face. They hide behind the safety of their computer screens making all kinds of hurtful and hate inspired comments. I see it every single day that I use the internet. Bunch of fucking pussies who aren't man or woman enough to tell you to your face.

On the other hand some people are serious music sobs who think that only the music they like is good. Not everyone will like the same things. I personally don't listen to the type of music you're making. To me it's not good in the sense that it's not something I would listen to while I'm having a few beers or what ever. Keep in mind you probably wouldn't like music music either. It's completely different from what you do. And that's ok with me. Like the others said, play the music you would like to hear. Fuck what anyone else thinks. If it's completely horrible you will know it.
If you don't know whether you can sing or not, why are you making YouTube videos?

BTW, someone telling you they don't like your singing, or playing, or whatever, isn't hate. Toughen up kitten.

The problem most people have is not their ability to sing, play their instrument or whatever, it's that they can't write, or find, decent material to sing, or play on. The world is full of singers - you sound like a million other people - no distinguishing features at all in the short bit I heard.

You can hold a tune, but after 15 secs of that godawful synthesized shite you were singing to, I couldn't stand it any more. Perhaps you demonstrated you could actually "sing" as opposed to "hold a tune" later on, but you lost me very early on.

There... was it worth it for the 4 clicks you got on your YouTube vid from posting it here, pretending to be outraged at the h8ers?
Dear Armistic, as I did say and always say, I love singing. That's why I made youtube channel to post my videos. And yes, my question is to clear whether I can sing or not. And, IT'S NOT WORTH for a few clicks to marketing myself here. How could you think I marketing myself at a place like this, full of musicians who are too proud of themself? All I need from you guys is your professional skill to comment on my singing. That's it!
It's kinda harsh on the Internet, everything I do is exceptionable.
Why is it then whenever somebody new comes here for advice with a link to their stuff, they get torn a new asshole? :cool:

This is a home recording forum, not a "can I sing?" forum - personally I don't buy the "I don't know whether I can sing or not and I'm really unsure and I've never sung in front of people before" schtick from people who go to the trouble of putting themselves in a YouTube clip on the interwebz where the whole world can see it and listen to it. The potential for humiliation is extreme, so I don't buy it.

I told him he can hold a tune and he as an inoffensive "standard" pop voice - LtBob and ido1957 have given him similar feedback. He should be feeling quite warm and fuzzy.

But "full of hate" - what a way to start a thread....
This is a home recording forum, not a "can I sing?" forum - personally I don't buy the "I don't know whether I can sing or not and I'm really unsure and I've never sung in front of people before" schtick from people who go to the trouble of putting themselves in a YouTube clip on the interwebz where the whole world can see it and listen to it. The potential for humiliation is extreme, so I don't buy it.
Yeah all of these youtube "singers" are fakes. It's an insecurity ego thing with these clowns.
This is a home recording forum, not a "can I sing?" forum - personally I don't buy the "I don't know whether I can sing or not and I'm really unsure and I've never sung in front of people before" schtick from people who go to the trouble of putting themselves in a YouTube clip on the interwebz where the whole world can see it and listen to it. The potential for humiliation is extreme, so I don't buy it.

I told him he can hold a tune and he as an inoffensive "standard" pop voice - LtBob and ido1957 have given him similar feedback. He should be feeling quite warm and fuzzy.

But "full of hate" - what a way to start a thread....

"Singers unite! Singing techniques, itchy throats, and do you need vocal lessons? Stuck with the vocal tracks? Share your problems and solutions..."

I don't see what's wrong about him posting this here. It obviously isn't a full song, since it cuts off half way through.
Why is it so hard to imagine that some Vietnamese kid who is insecure about his singing would ask for advice on the internet?
What's wrong with being insecure and vulnerable? Why does it make this a scam or him a "clown"?
There is a study that concluded that it takes almost as much talent, intelligence knowledge, etc... to know if you are good at something as it does to actually be good at it.

That means that if you are completely hopeless at something, chances are, you lack the capacity to know it.

That explains the first few weeks of an American Idol season and a lot of the horrible youtube stuff.
"Singers unite! Singing techniques, itchy throats, and do you need vocal lessons? Stuck with the vocal tracks? Share your problems and solutions..."

I don't see what's wrong about him posting this here. It obviously isn't a full song, since it cuts off half way through.
Why is it so hard to imagine that some Vietnamese kid who is insecure about his singing would ask for advice on the internet?
What's wrong with being insecure and vulnerable? Why does it make this a scam or him a "clown"?

Because it's always the same thing. The same wording, the same begging for acceptance, the same attention whoring. He's not really upset. He's not really looking for feedback. He just loves the attention. Good or bad. They all do.
Dear Armistic, as I did say and always say, I love singing. That's why I made youtube channel to post my videos. And yes, my question is to clear whether I can sing or not. And, IT'S NOT WORTH for a few clicks to marketing myself here. How could you think I marketing myself at a place like this, full of musicians who are too proud of themself? All I need from you guys is your professional skill to comment on my singing. That's it!
It's kinda harsh on the Internet, everything I do is exceptionable.
and you got a bunch of nice compliments about your singing and you're whining about it instead of saying thank you.

People DO hate whiners ...... why didn't you say thank you to all the people that complimented you instead of whining about not getting enough praise?

That's why people end up hating on you.