I.C.E.C - A/B Riffoide - Thoughts?


New member

Just a couple of guitar & drums riffs i had, one after the other. Any opinion on the mix or music, is welcome!
I thought the guitars were a little brittle sounding. Kind of a high end thing at maybe 5K-6K that's just too much. Sounds like a solid state amp or amp sim. They need a bit more warmth.

The kick sound has way too much attack and not a pleasing attack.

The guitar playing is really good.
I like some of the riffs . Drums are a little hard to listen to . snare sounds flat and it has too much mid range punch . kicks have too much at 3k - 2k? guitars sound too thin . maybe bump the bass up .
yeah too much high end on the kick. the track is already bright as heck with the guitars and OH's, and that snare too. it almost sounds like a HP filter is on the master at 80hz or something. oh...until the breakdown 1/4 way through comes in.

just needs some EQ'ing efforts, really. love the style and production choices here. great nits and pieces all over, id' just rework the EQ balance of everything. I'd actually listen to this while driving, for sure. I have a ton of vocal melody ideas for it too. this is really a great piece of work, needs a better mix to do it justice. nice man