I blame it all on Sluice...........

that was way cool twist! great bass voice too.. very smooooth vocal.. these acapella tunes are cool! your great at this.. the claps were so so.. I'll keep on rollin' alright!
That was fantastic! You know what really amazed me the most was that you could sing so well in all those ranges. The oohs are incredible--those things are hard to do. The bass line cooked too. Intonation is flawless. I'd hire you out as a background vocal ensemble anyday. Each voice sounds like a different cat too!

That was a real treat to hear!
very nicely done.....definitely has a great feel.........how many takes did it take you to get all that right? man, it would have taken me forever

....ya had me snappin my fingers... Nice one here twist. ....i dig that bass voc, and nice clear falsetto.
Cool stuff
Piltdown &
Sammy Glad to hear your comments on the hand claps. I was beginning to think I was just being too fussy, and that maybe no one else would notice. Thanks for the wake up call! I think I'll re-do this. I know wehere the problem lies, and I think I can fix it.

Freshears Thanks man. You can sing circles around me!

Shock Thanks for the listen! If you listen closely, the harmony parts are really pretty simple. They do sound cool when you double them and put them all together though!

Crawdad Thanks Dad. The bass is a little low for me. It was easiest to hit those notes when I first got up in the morning after a night of gin and cigarettes! The highest notes were also a little taxing. I had to rest my voice between takes, cause it started to crack.

Axe Thanks for checkin it out. I appreciate all the encouragement!

Powder Most of the harmony parts were 1 take with a punch in here and there to fix some anomolie. I think I did 3 takes on the bass line, and 2 takes on the lead vocal. Many, many takes and punch ins on the handclaps! Damn!

Whatup G Thanks, good to hear from ya!

I thought the finger snaps were a little lame sounding. Anyone ever tried recording fingersnaps before?

Thanks again everyone. You guys rock!

Oh man--this is nice!!!!!

Great vocals, great balance. Vocals a clear and clean. So many people do not enunciate well--this is very legible. Great tune.

Its so well done I wouldn't change a thing!
Sheeit, this is good. I haven't read the other responses, but I'm certain I'm agreeing with everyone when I say this is


Sheesh. If I was even thinking of posting an acapella song this just wiped that thought away.

Great great GREAT job. Just beautiful.


This was cleanly recorded, mixed just right, and definitely agree with the clarity of the lyrics and voices.

My only complaint?
The lead vocals were a little too "Pat Boone", methinks...
Not an attack on your Caucasian existence, but rather I note that even the great white acappella singers had some "gruff" in their voices (Dion, Johnny Maestro, etc...).

Oh yeah..One other complaint...I cannot sing.
But that is not your problem.

Excellent job! I could use a guy like you on a few of my tunes ;)

Sloop I'm legible! Cool! Thanks!

Chris Thanks man.:o (blushing)

V.I. Pat Boone:eek: Oh my god! Thanks for the listen dude. P.S. I'm available anytime!

Thanks everyone for checkin this out and replying. The comments have been very encouraging and helpful as usual. And thanks to sluice and the other a capella submissions for motivating me to do this. I've already started retracking to fix the timing issues,and I'll repost to NWR when finished.

really awsome

It was so tight and so well done. Really enjoyed this. You can belt it man! great stuff

Heh!! This is really well done, you barbershopper with soul. Sorry im late.

Oooo modulated, nice touch.

Hey all this is missing is a "Yaaa -cha chaaaaa!" at the end in like an Al Jolson voice.

No seriously, great job acapella.
crawdad said:
You know what really amazed me the most was that you could sing so well in all those ranges. The oohs are incredible--those things are hard to do. The bass line cooked too. Intonation is flawless. I'd hire you out as a background vocal ensemble anyday. Each voice sounds like a different cat too!

That was a real treat to hear!

what he said. damn dude, that was awesome! i'm a little behind on my listens right now. just catching up and i really wish you'd post more stuff. you got one of the better voices i've heard around here for sure.

no mix comments. sounded great. i'm extremely impressed with the bass voice. that is not easy to do.
Erland Hola Senor Erlando! Como estas? Thanks for the listen my friend, it's a pleasure to have you back!

Muzeman and Khompy Thanks for checkin this one out. I really appreciate your time and comments. I haven't posted many songs, so it's nice to know this was a crowd pleaser!

EricHenry Awwww shucks! Thanks a million man, it were'nt nuthin really. Don't worry about gettin behind in the listens, I know it's hard to keep up. Me too.

Peace to all. Out.
