I am giving free online engineering lessons...

Online courses? How will that be different from going online and reading up on the subject as most people here do? I mean it sounds like a good idea, but I don't know how much more useful it will be than all of the information available now. Now if you were giving lessons in person.. that would be cool! =0)

Watching someone else mix in an incredible experience, if for no other reason than to see how they work compared to how you work.

Edit: Oh son of a bitch.
I am a retired Military disabled VET. Play guitar and putting together a home studio. I have studio one pro. Would this be something you could help me with in learning and recording?

Thanks for any feed back.
Al Overbeck
From one vet to another, thank you for your service, Al! Semper Fi
Bruce -

I'm a relative newcomer to this forum, and just stumbled upon this thread today. Your classroom page is great! Thanks for contributing to the community this way.

I've been recording since 1977 or so, when I bought my first 4-track Teac. I've never had the opportunity to work in a high-end studio, but have worked with a number of artists who published their albums/CDs over the years, using my tape gear, and later, a digital setup, as well as doing a lot of Front-Of-House live mixing at venues up to 5000 people or so. Your perspectives on recording in analog, onto tape, in digital, and gradually accepting that digital could be massaged into something that sounds good matches my experiences pretty well.

I wish there were similar classes out there for front-of-house mixers at live shows. I've found that about 9 out of 10 have no ear at all for a balanced mix. That 7 of 10 apparently believe that it's crucial that subwoofer frequencies be loud enough to rattle your internal body organs from 500 feet away. That 8 of 10 find it much more interesting and engaging to flirt with drunken 22 year old girls than pay attention to what their job. To be fair, the venue affects this: It's much less likely to be a problem at large concerts than at festivals and bars. I've recently come to the conclusion that the world would be a better place if you needed a federal license to be allowed to turn on a subwoofer.... (sorry, time to end my off-topic rant)

Anyway, thanks again for sharing your knowledge and experience!
ok. sold. teach me, o wise Master.. and then when you discover I am an artist and a shitty engineer with less than satisfactory PA and recording gear, maybe take on me as your penny-pinching retired.. (not retreaded.. ;) rockin' wanna-be client. Pleez.
Are these join date things ever accurate?

A guy signs up almost three years ago, waits for his moment and then pounces on a ten year old thread for his first post.
I am sorry for my foolish.
I am getting started with voice over for podcast and audiobook.
Please if you may suggest for a good way or a good source for how to get started I will be much appreciated.
Thanks :)

Feel free to start your own thread in the Newbie section.

Good luck.

---------- Update ----------


G'mornin ChiliDude!


/\ that's coffee btw... :)

....and good morning to you, too. :D