HRC Attempt #1

that trick with the vocal is very cool. nice real room sound! fuck the plugins, this is the real thing. sounds like a small room.
I haven't heard any glitchs in the mp3. Damn this is good. I know what you mean about looking for something to put around your voice (I prefer the sound of my voice "buried" in ambience:D ) but I'd love to hear this without the delays on the vocal. This is REALLY good my friend.
ok....a clinic full of musicians....and we all know how musician's opinions compare to 'real world' opinions!!!

My guess...being totally upfront ...but put yourself down too much...or the modesty thing is at full swing. Your stuff is really good...great singing voice..blah, blah, blah...

but, as I was saying... I would suspect the AVERAGE listener would NOT hear a difference between this [supposed!!] "raw" version and a finished version. ( is pretty damn good). And, I would also suspect, they'd also say... great song, good production, etc, etc.. BUT...too much effects on the vocals. (and for a demonstration of NO effects!!).

Crawdad... love it!!;)
Excellent Crawdad.It's hard to believe that these tracks dont have EQ applied to them at mixdown.LOL.You did an awsome job of tracking.Id be interested in hearing this one when you do a final mix with EQ and effects.The overall volume of the tune is a little lower than your usual mixdown.....was that a side effect of the -12DB thing?

This is an excellent tune Al.Im gonna have enough for a 3rd Crawdad CD pretty.

P.S.Mp3 problem seems is fixed on this mix.Do you have any idea what was causing those glitches?If you get a clean copy of "Your Friend Again" song uploaded let me know.I really like that one.
9:46 CST - Monday, 5/19/2003 - No weird artifacts here...either that, or they're too high for me to hear, lol.

Man, what exactly did you do to the vocal? You're getting tails, lol. The best I could do was to double the vocal (sing it twice), except in a couple of places...and man, when it's NOT doubled, it sucks (still talking about my tune, lol).

The low end sounds (and looks) good on this. What I couldn't figure out on my tune (and still haven't) is how I'm going to squeeze a bass guitar into my mix...When I tried taking more lows out of my amp, the guitar sounded I went with it. I guess I can roll them off now, lol.

Oh, and where did you record the mando?

Man, this is all good. excellent song as always Al.........but.............
Technically you used some FX on it by doing the copying and shifting the tracks. I mean....that's delay no matter how you slice just got the delay with a different method than using a plug-in.

I'm afraid I'll have to call a foul on this.
FOUL!!!! on number 26.....WATYF gets two shots. :D
Lt. Bob said: excellent song as always Al.........but.............
Technically you used some FX on it by doing the copying and shifting the tracks. I mean....that's delay no matter how you slice just got the delay with a different method than using a plug-in.

I'm afraid I'll have to call a foul on this.
FOUL!!!! on number 26.....WATYF gets two shots. :D
Huddle up!! See, I say it's fair game. The point was to avoid PROCESSING of tracks...I doubled my lead vocal (the old fashioned way, I sang it twice), but there are a couple of backup lines that I copied and shifted to give a kind of minimal "chorus" effect. But the tracks themselves are totally clean and dry, which (I think) was the point, right?
Lt. Bob said: excellent song as always Al.........but.............
Technically you used some FX on it by doing the copying and shifting the tracks. I mean....that's delay no matter how you slice just got the delay with a different method than using a plug-in.

I'm afraid I'll have to call a foul on this.
FOUL!!!! on number 26.....WATYF gets two shots. :D

WATYF said it was ok to double tracks,slip them etc in his response to Muzeman in the "Rules"'s Petes's question and watyf's response.If Im reading this correctly he said it was ok to use "mix" techniques.:eek:

muzeman said:
I just want to make sure I have it right.

You can use eq,dynamics when tracking,but that's it.

How about vocal/acoustic doubling,and slipping tracks to get a delay?
I usually do both.


Watyfs answer:
WATYF said:

As for doubling and slipping... yes... definitely... you can quadruple your vocal for all I care. :p And you can slip your tracks all you want. :p Mixing techniques are allowed. (See rule #10. :p)

Seems like he said it was ok.:confused:
OK...ok....I obviously didn't read the rules carefully enough plus I was just kidding anyway. :rolleyes:

But this kinda highlights the difference between 'puter recordists and people who go with a more analog approach. I mean, what the hell is a plug-in?
You know, to me, everything you 'puter people do is processing. When you use one of those virtual mixers there's a shitload more processing going on than in say, my Yamaha SPX-90. And I have to assume that different virtual mixers have different sounds just like hardware mixers do.

It's a brave new world. :p
Great song, great arrangement.

Drop a bit of reverb off the vocals and learn to compress. With a nice warm mic and some compression, you can add a nice warm 'verb in the post. Volume is OK, as long as you bring up some of the other instrumentation.

Accoustic overpowers the rythym a bit, and I'd love to hear some lower end on the entire production.

Again, great song. I love your vocals. As a songwriter, I'd continue to revolve around the simplicity of the song. Maybe even introduce more of an accoustic sound (I'm thinking percussion and bass). Nice job!
Oh boy--lots to respond to and I wanna get a couple listens in tonight too, so here goes.

Macle--there WAS something about the naturalness that I liked too. I think I could get it better with more time spent on mic placement. Thats the one thing this challenge really opened my eyes up on. I think I will post a version with no vocal tomfoolery (even though it is technically legal according to rule #10! :D) As for the -12db thing, I'm partially buying into it, biut more like -6db I think. keeping that bit of headroom seems to help.

boydrj--Yeah, maybe a bit more drums would be good. Glad the MP3 is OK now too.

twist--if you wanna hear my naked vocal, then that polka music IS getting to you. Maybe the ghost of the Dells is hovering tonight! Actually a 52 year old man naked is NOT a pretty sight!

SluiCe--I actually think you have a decent idea with the headroom thing, as it does leave room for boosting if needed. I went a bit over -12 on a couple tracks, but I was pretty pleased with the raw tracks themselves. This thing sounds great when its cranked up loud on the monitors but loses some detail at low volumes. I'll probably do some tweaking of things for a final mix. I also want to add a couple crunch guitars for a section or two. And maybe some other musical color--a flute or something, maybe. Real Bob Segar? No way!

M. Brane--I am going to post a totally dry version, just because...well....just because its such a thrill to be naked these days!:D

erichenryus--It WAS a small room! I miked my monitors playing back just the vocal. I HAD to shift it because when they played back together there was MAJOR phase cancellation. This whole thing is about the fun of experimentation!

mixmkr--Damn. I thought you'd be the first guy to rip me a a new one (deservingly so!). AM I doing something right here, really? Your comments were very appreciated!

Kramer--I will repost that other tune tonight, since you like it. Again, thanks for pointing out the MP3 problem. I stoppeed using my browser on OS9 and figured out how to do it from OSX (its a Mac thing!) Seemed to solve the problem. Don't know how it started or what. I have been posting all my stuff the old way forever, now I start having a problem and don't know why. Well, its OK now. Oh yeah--the level is a little lower. I usually run a final limiter on my mixes--not to squash, but to bring them up to a hotter level with just the very occasional transient getting held down. I didn't do it with this we know....limiters are a NO NO for this HRC!

chrisharris--Several questions--I'll answer in order. The vocal: I cut it dry (I will repost with a version of dry vocal only). Then, I re-recorded the vocal only in my room as it was soloed and playing back on my monitors. I put the mic about 14 feet away. Then I copied that new track to another track. I slid each one later in time so I now have three vocals--two are echoes of the original. (Leave it to me to find a way to get my ambience any way possible--damn FX junkie that I am!)

As for getting the bass in your tune--just play it and mix it to a point where you can hear it but its not interfering. On this one, I did piano, then acoustic, then drums, then bass, then mando, then the vocal. I also did a real cymbal overdub at the end and maybe some at the top. I did the mandolin in the same room I do everything in!

Lt. Bob_ Lt. My dear friend Lt. Bob! Would I, an admitted FX junkie CHEAT just to get my voice listenable? Of course not! As our friends have pointed out, my track sliding is totally within the realm of the rules as laid down by WATYF! No plugins or external effects of any kind were used. AS a matter of fact, if you play this song to the end, as its fading out, you can hear my computer fan whizzing away. I forgot to do a fade--or maybe I just didn't care. I'm surprized nobody has mentioned this major faux pax!

OK. A dry vocal mix is forthcoming tonight. Thanks everybody.
Showdown said:
Great song, great arrangement.

Drop a bit of reverb off the vocals and learn to compress. With a nice warm mic and some compression, you can add a nice warm 'verb in the post. Volume is OK, as long as you bring up some of the other instrumentation.

Accoustic overpowers the rythym a bit, and I'd love to hear some lower end on the entire production.

Again, great song. I love your vocals. As a songwriter, I'd continue to revolve around the simplicity of the song. Maybe even introduce more of an accoustic sound (I'm thinking percussion and bass). Nice job!

Hey, thanks for the comments--good ones too. I'd just like to point out that this song is part of a Homerecording challenge. The rules specified no compression, EQ, OR FX plugs. In other words, the ugly naked truth unless you can find mic techniques to get around it! HA! I'm working on it!
Thanks, didn't know about the specific rules!

Well, there's not much to critique with those limitations! Next step: the real deal and a songwriting check!
For anybody interested, I put up a totally dry version called: Can't Change--Dry.

Same link as first post.
Now that's dry. :D

I actually like it like that. Might have something to do with that voice of yours.
Is that your V93? I'm excited....I got mine last week and now I can sound like this.............well, if you'll come do my vocals for me that is. ;)
Great, wonderful, neat.. I quit.. :D

Your voice needs nothing and this song proves that. Great job again.

Now I must go saturate my vocals in reverb till I can’t recognize myself. :D
i have a v93 and i dont sound like that:mad:

i guess its the magician, and not the wand:D

this is friggin awesome...its hard to believe but within this challenge some people have put out some of the best stuff ive heard from them, as good or better than the mixes done with f/x.....and this is definitely one......

somewhere i read that a well recorded song practically mixes itself and this challenge is proving alot....some of you have more recording skills in your pinky than i have in my whole body and i hate all of you:D

great song Al......

Holy Moly,

Dad's got major soul!:cool: . Got my gut again boy!

I liked the natural verb on the alternate version, very well done. Al, your voice has splendid character! Definately been seasoned by a few whiskeys & a couple of smokes...I love it!

I'll keep my eyes open for the 'clothed' version!
