HRC - American Idol Tuesday


New member
Hello all,

Came up with this tune last night...recorded it this morning for the Home Recording Challenge...

No eq...completely dry reverb...all the individual patches on the keyboards were kept as is with no tweaking ... I hope I got the rules right...

HRC - American Idol Tuesday

Thanks to all who take a listen! I'll listen to all of the submissions when I can (I'll be on vacation for the next three days, so if I can't get to it today, I'll get to it next weekend) I know they are all going to rock!

LMAO!:D "And the tears will flow,cause they didnt score the gold".LMAO!Nice job man.I watch that show every now and then so I can appreciate the lyrics.;)
Cool tune! Not only do I love American Idol :p :D (it's a thin line between love and hate, of course, but I gots to watch it), but I love this kind of music. Sort of a cross between Randy Newman, Fountains of Wayne, and Brian Wilson, and stuff like that. This is obviously very midi demoish, but I likes it anyway :).

Kramer -- Thanks! Funny I have never actually watched the show. :) I just kind of was looking for some words and just pulled those out of mid-air. I don't even know what day the show comes on - lol - :)

Macle -- Thanks man. Without any production really it does kind of have that midi quality. I wanted to track a guitar in there, but ran out of tracks and I didn't want to bounce. I kind of wanted to keep it with just the amount of tracks that I can start out with so I wouldn't have to mess with the faders too much. Once I start bouncing, I usually start using the effects, so this kept me in check!
that is awesome...."a has been has been made on wednesday"...lmao....thats great ..i heard a couple of timing errors not huge ....but i have to say something cause otherwise its just a bunch of "awsomes and greats"....:D ..i like that munsters outtro!!! sounds like billy joel meets the thats cool....the drums ar FFFFFFFAAAAAAATTTTTTT

This reminded me of the Beatles big time. You buds with Ringo? Vocals could have used a bit of a boost in a couple of patches.
This just leaves me speechless--what a great IDEA! The lyrics were just amazing and the tune is cool! You sound good naked too!

man, I'm still laughing (with you, not at you) over those lyrics. Great stuff!
Humor is good!

The mix ain't bad either for quick & dry.;)

I think I hear some Wierd Al in there. He's from Lakewood too ya know. Must be something in the water....

Oh boy, poor Kelly Clarkson, man she got skewered.

I can hear the beatles thing, I could swear that at 1:29 mark there is 10 seconds which remind me exactly of something from that era.

Watch them vox at the :40 area.
yeah, i hear Beatles and Randy Newman.....

very creative tune.....not my cup o tea as far as instrumentation but well tracked still......
Doug H said:
This reminded me of the Beatles big time. You buds with Ringo? Vocals could have used a bit of a boost in a couple of patches.


The piano definately. Vocals should maybe be a bit louder but this is good.

Haha! Now you know what we had to put up with!!
Everyone hears the Short People rhythm in the verse piano. Love Randy Newman. I also checked out the Tigers. Great! I wish I had my 12 year old recordings. Except we were three jewish kids called the Junkies (an ironic anti drug joke) and all our songs were either about percieved anti-semitism and/or cookies. I think back at how funny those tunes were and I'm surprised at how sophisticated and clever they are. What happened?!
very nice, this, boy. good chops, great lyrics, and performance, and a great recording.
I loved the words as well. Great job there. Everything fit together just perfectly.

Kind of a Randy Newman feel to it (after I typed this I looked down the thread and noticed I wasn't the only who felt that).
Sorry to bump this back to the top ... I just got home from vacation and wanted to respond :)

Jamal -- Thanks man! I recorded the drums after the piano part, so I was just trying to follow along...not a very good way to do it, but I figure this would kind of have a demoish quality to it anyway! Thanks for your kind words!

Doug -- I love the Beatles! Thanks for listening!

Crawdad -- Man, coming from you that means a lot! I love all of your recordings. I don't like my voice, but I guess that is something we all need to get over!

M.Brane -- Thanks a lot! Ha ha, Weird Al! I think he is a total genius for his lyrical content anyway!

Khompewtur -- Thanks! I actually don't watch the show but I think I've heard Kelly's name somewhere or other. Thanks for checking this out. I think I'll try a full production thing with it eventually -- btw -- I tried checking out your tune, but I can't stream in hi-fi on my junky computer. :)

Gidge -- Thanks even if it isn't your cup of tea! I'm going to check your out in the morning (just got home from vacation and don't have a lot of time to listen right now :)

Abyyss -- Beatles definitely, but I was actually inspired by a guy named Martin Newell for this one. His album was produced by Andy Partridge from XTC. Definitely has a Beatle influence in there...if you ever get a chance, check it out.

Ashulman - Ha ha, Short People! Randy Newman and Harry Nillson are my heros! I had forgotton about The Tigers. Pretty funny stuff...totally written off the cuff when I was 11 with a school friend of mine.

dtb -- Thanks man!

TripleM -- Thanks! I really loved your last one too (Stupid Song...still ringing in my head)


Sounds like it could be used as a retro sitcom bed akin to 'Cheers'

I'd consider adding an intro and shortening the outro! Other wise, very whimsical and clever!;)
Thanks Flat-9!

Ha ha -- retro sitcom! :) Give American Idol a few years and it may become one.

I am thinking about doing kind of a full production and messing around with the beginning and outro...I would like to add some harmony in there, but need to work on my voice first!

Thanks for listening!

boydrj said:
Thanks Flat-9!

..I would like to add some harmony in there, but need to work on my voice first!
Thanks for listening!

No you don't, unless you are going to shop this as an artist as opposed to a songwriter. Your vocal quality is fine!

ANTARES!!!!(I don't have, er.......have used it yet, BUT I've heard what it has done for other songwriters pitching their shit and you can bet your ass, if there's a tool out there that will increase my % of 'jingle' or commercial success, I'm gonna @ least check it out!
flat-9 said:
No you don't, unless you are going to shop this as an artist as opposed to a songwriter. Your vocal quality is fine!

ANTARES!!!!(I don't have, er.......have used it yet, BUT I've heard what it has done for other songwriters pitching their shit and you can bet your ass, if there's a tool out there that will increase my % of 'jingle' or commercial success, I'm gonna @ least check it out!

Thanks man. I have looked into it before, but haven't had the funds yet...someday though.

I know Chrisharris is a real proponent of Autotune...maybe someday I'll be cool like him -- lol -- :)

Someday, though, someday ...
LMAO!!!!Great subject matter...terrible voice.(JK) ;) Vox needs a bit of work if your being serious but it work fine cuz it;s like a goof,right?Original and interesting song.I enjoyed this alot.Great harpsichord ending!