HRC #3 with G (guernica that is)

I've listened 4 times now and I LOVE it.I caught it on the front page of nowhereradio a little while ago before you posted here and I was thinking to myself that the bass sounded a lot like he is diggin a groove with that bass.The vocals are excellent.Ive alwasy liked your voice.Im a BIG fan of "you already know" from way back.

The acoustics sound good to me and the drums sound REAL.Are they real?Tell me they're NOT real.Tell me they're electronic man.LOL...I just bought a set of electronics.(actually 2 sets) know how to write a hook and you make the melody of the verses have a one of kind's got a very unique quality to it.

Top notch song.


[edit to add]This is one of the best if not THE best tune out of the HR Challenge #3.......this sounds great dry as a bone.
Listening. Wow--the dry thing really works with this song and performance. Its really tight--great vocals. I'd say turn the lead vocal up except I am listening on headphones, which always distorts the idea of placement for vocals. Sweet songwriting and a crisp performance--great bass too, big "G"! I wanna know what the drums are too--they sound so perfect in this track. Man, the clinic is churning out some grat stuff at the moment and this is no exception., I was listening, and I guess the title of the thread wasn't a big enough clue for me or I only read half of it or something...Anyway, my point is that my initial thoughts were "Erichenryus is a fine fucking bass player...SHHHHEEEESUS.....he's GREAT!!!!"


Nice work, Mike.

Okay, the bass wasn't actually the first thing I noticed...I noticed that this is great...Not just "good," or "better than average"'s great.

Okay, you don't use much verb anyway, so don' Don't go messing up this beautiful piece of work. I know you won't. A light splash of verb will be juuuust perfect. Actually, it's totally fine to me as is on the more "intimate" parts of the vocal...I only notice the "dryness" on the louder parts. The backups are killer ... how many tracks?

This is very easy on the ears, man. I'm babbling, I know.

I'm on headphones by the way
After about the kazillionth listen...I think the end bugs me, but that's probably just b/c I'm looping it. I'm sure it's fine. I guess, since you're a drummer, I expect the big "concert ending, " lol.

This kills.
Great job. Sounds like you have the makings of a great track, but to me, at this point, it's calling out for all that stuff you're not doing because of the 'dry' challenge deal. And that's the point, right? To have solid tracks for the sprinkling of verb and stuff to make it a great pop tune. A lot of room for other sounds as well. The bass is great (fretless?), and the interaction between bass and drums is great. Nice counter vocal harmonies, too.


p.s. oh yeah, the ending does seem abrupt, like you thought, let's just end!
Hey Eric, .....this mixed nice man. ......sweeeet!

.......When I first heard this tune, I felt that it screeeeaaaaamed "Im a hit"!!! I whistled this at work for like 3 days.

Stylewise, this struck me as something along the lines of The new radicals, or jamiriquy(sp?). Well crafted, smart.......and with enough bounce in it to get my big ass off of the chair that i usually sit in when i record, and up searching for a strap. Very nice recording, very clean performance, and Kramer mentioned, Great vocals!!!!


....anytime you need a bass line man.......:) :cool:
Good job all around. I especially like the vocal tracks. Seemed to have a lot of warm bottom end without any boominess. Same thing with the bass.
really nice dry mix man... great tracking. Nice crisp sound on those drums. Nice mix. Nice bass. Nice.

oh my... GROOVY freaking lick at 1:20. :D :D That came oat of nowhere. :cool:

Yeah... it needs to be "effected" to bring out the best in it... but it could stand up pretty well on its own, just like it is.

P.S. Yeah... I wasn't too hip on the ending either. Didn't quite fit the tune.

Great song, as everyone else has said.....I'm waiting for that ending......:)........
Who's doing the guitar.....don't tell me it's a DRUMMER!! :eek:;)

Nice vocal harmonies, very full.......G's bass is cookin' like always.....Great job Mike.......
And very nice drum work Eric.....o0h, that's why some folks hate that ending......just a wee bit, .......can you say.....ABRUPT!!!!:D
Nice .........very nice.....well, maybe not the ending......:)
nice clean dry mix.. as others mentioned, it sounds like it needs what was not used.. good tune! nice vocals except there is one voice that doesn't sound right to me.. like during the choruses, the background sound great but the voice in front of them sounds different.. it's probably just because of the dry situation.. drums sound nice.. is it the TD-8? great bass fills and bass sound.. would like to hear some higher end on it.. agree the ending plopped.. On it's way to being an excellent recording.. even though it sounds good now.. I'll drop 5!
Very cool! I really like the dryness of the recording. Everything can be heard and sits well in the mix. Love that Bass playing!

Love the vocals and b.g. vocals work well! The drums sound like they could use a little more beef to them...that is the only feedback I really have on the mix.

Otherwise, excellent job!

Hey Hey

Great tune. Your vocal range is impressive. I kinda wished I had broadband so that I could get a better listen. All around well rounded up and wrapped for retail. I snuck in a few more of your songs...very nice.

Mad props to your bassman!!! Guernica really played intuitively.
Very cool song Eric! Tight singing too. Real nice. Drums rock! Mike, that bass is awesome, and Eric put you in there just right IMO. Very nice tracking. I like it dry for sure. Sorry I didn't really hear anything that bothered me. Post the full mix!

I'm a bassplayer myself and I can tell you that this is one of the sweetest bass sounds I've heard on this board so far.
Great song altogether.
I have officially named it "THE RIFF". If you can't tell what im talking about then nevermind.

Hey this entry could actually be a crossover, you could qualify for HRC #3 AND HRC #4
Top shelf! I heard a lot of the "dry recordings" this one is among the best. Outstanding vocals all around...who the hell is that guy on bass:confused: :) . Very well mixed..sounds really good.