How to write lyrics - (ideas?)

waxing poetical

Yes my dear badgas,
pen it I did.
For who else could do it,
with such charm and wit? :D

Except for my problem
of simplistic rhyming,
I'm always poetic
when I am not whining. ;)
lyrics hurt my brain

I find it really hard to write lyrics. I can write music for hours on end, and get completely lost in it, but when it's time to come up with something to say (verbally), it's torture. I have to force myself to sit down and start writing lyrics.

The only thing that helps me is booze...that probably isn't good.

So many ways to get to the end.
One thing this thread should show everyone is that they are not alone when it comes to bumping up against the wall of writing.

I'm continually trying new ways now, ways you guys use, to redo most of my songs. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.
I don't know if it's the song, or my motivatoin/mood at the time. But a few days goes by and I attack a song again, and something clicks. That one word, or the switching a couple lines around makes it work.

I learn a lot from you guys.
And I'm obligin' to ya.

Your alright, relliker.
I like to start by thinking about the chord structure, and how the singing will fit into it. Then I start writing the lyrics. Usually before writing the chord structure I have a "keyword", which could be the title, or what I'm going to sing about. This helps me to guide my lyrics through out the song.

Hope this helps,