how to have more dynamic recording with pro tools ??


New member
i did my 1st band recording with protools
i don't have lot of gear ... i pluged my mics in a M AUDIO fast track ultra 8R and then i record with pro tools
do you know how i can have the more 'dynamic' with this system ??
i'd like to have something punchy ...
how do you use the 'gain' ??
thanx ! MAT
You are really asking a HUGE question. Everything audio engineers learn is in the pursuit of better sounding recordings.

The drum and the vocal sounds are probably the biggest things that most people will notice when it is really bad or really good. I would recomend starting there and learning how to record good sounding drums and vocals.
ok thanx !
and any keys on how doing that ?? ;-)

Do a forum search for SouthSIDE Glen's article (I think it was him...?) on gain staging and headroom while tracking.

Getting a clear, punchy mix is a LOT easier if you don't squash all your tracks while you're recording them.
Simple solution to simple problem. Download this free plug in.
It does miracles. Add it to the drums, anything else you want to "dynamify", and then again to the master fader!

People are going to get mad at me perhaps for offering you such a seemingly mindless solution, but I can see you ain't trying to make something like nicklebacks next recording. You want something Raw and Edgy and sounds good NOW! Perhaps some tracks for your myspace im guessing? If that tape head dont make you happy, I dont know what will.

(note it's a free plugin, so it resets its levels everytime you close the protools project unless you buy the full version. Easy to reset nonetheless)

Hope it helps, it should...
i did my 1st band recording with protools
i don't have lot of gear ... i pluged my mics in a M AUDIO fast track ultra 8R and then i record with pro tools
do you know how i can have the more 'dynamic' with this system ??
i'd like to have something punchy ...
how do you use the 'gain' ??
thanx ! MAT

definitions taken from the net:

dynamics = In music, dynamics normally refers to the volume of a sound or note, but can also refer to every aspect of the execution of a given piece, either stylistic (staccato, legato etc.) or functional (velocity). The term is also applied to the written or printed musical notation used to indicate dynamics.

gain = amplification: the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input

punchy = Good reproduction of dynamics. Good transient response, with strong impact. Sometimes a bump around 5 kHz or 200 Hz.

hope this is helpful! :D

You make a dynamic recording with Pro Tools the same way you make a dynamic recording on 2 inch tape (or anything else for that matter):

You write a dynamic song for a good band and record it without screwing anything up.

How you do that is a whole master thesis in itself. While you are reading up on the whole thing I'll give you a starting point: Put you plugins away.
You make a dynamic recording with Pro Tools the same way you make a dynamic recording on 2 inch tape (or anything else for that matter):

You write a dynamic song for a good band and record it without screwing anything up.

How you do that is a whole master thesis in itself. While you are reading up on the whole thing I'll give you a starting point: Put you plugins away.

I think what he means by dynamic is more punchy. Amateur protools home recordings can sound soo flat and dull (as you know), they need enhancement.
I think what he means by dynamic is more punchy. Amateur protools home recordings can sound soo flat and dull (as you know), they need enhancement.

Amateur 8-track home recordings sound flat and dull. Amateur Roland recordings sound flat and dull. If you put an amateur in charge of the "A" room of Avatar Studios in NY, those recordings would sound flat and dull.

And more often than not, they sound even duller because people think enhancement is the answer and mangle an already lifeless recording with Sonic Hammer's Sound Electrovice Plugin Buzzifier.

The answer is to record tracks that aren't dull.

And my advise is until you know how, put those plugins away because they will only make it worse if you are trying to learn.
Simple solution to simple problem. Download this free plug in.
It does miracles. Add it to the drums, anything else you want to "dynamify", and then again to the master fader!

While I have no doubt that's a great plugin, and I know a couple pro or semi-pro engineers who use tape simulators to mimic the natural compression of tape on almost everything they record digitally... do realize that what you're suggesting is using a form of compression, which makes things selectively less dynamic, as a way to make a mix more dynamic? Again, I'm sure it's a great plugin and I'll give it a download and play with it a bit partly because I am in the market for a good free or cheap tape compression simulator, but what that does is the exact opposite of what the OP is trying to do.

Chibi's right, there are no magic bullets here, other than just doing a good job tracking. do realize that what you're suggesting is using a form of compression, which makes things selectively less dynamic, as a way to make a mix more dynamic?

Like I said before, I don't think he actually meant Dynamic when he said it. He wants it to stand out more, have more edge, more raw, energy. We could argue that adding a tape compression simulator to the track either does or doesn't give it any one of those things, only to find out in the end that we were using different terminology, and that really we agree.

And to support my argument. It is true that you can have dull sounding recordings from the go, that can't be helped too much, but in my experience, I have recorded stuff that sounded very flat and dull, but good. Once fixed up with simple things like eq, and the ever trusty, oh so simple tape head, you get a track that sounds a heck of a lot better than it did initially.

I do analog recording quite often. The reason that I, and so many others, like it, is because of the tape compression. Tape has this mysterious way of taking a sound and beefing it up, giving it some kinda raw power. Correct? We all know this. I could use the same mic set up going straight into PT, but it would sound flat, it needs something on it to give it what it ain't yet got. The sound thats there is good, just needs to be colored in.

Of course I'm looking at this all from the perspective that a colored sound, that is not necessarily "true" fidelity, is always superior.

Either way, I think my solution is what the fellow is looking for. I just want him to get back and tell me it solved his problem!
Nicklebacks recordings are dynamic? :confused:

Now I am mad at you :mad:

Read my other posts! Im saying that I don't actually think he means "Dynamic" when he says it. Besides, I wasn't even referring to the sound of nickleback, but the level of production. The guy who initially posted said that he did his bands 1st recordings, and he did them on his own. Meaning, there's not a billion fans like nickleback has, waiting to hear them, but rather, he needs a quick fix for a home demo.
'chibi nappa' is right...

there is NO magic button or plug in to get dynamics.

you can get plugs for distortion. plugs for autotuning. plugs for compression. even plugs for hair... but applying plug ins to get a 'dynamic' mix is a whole different story that will take a lot of time to understand.

what you have with protools is and editor and place to store sound after you push the record button. (that's all anyone has) it won't do anything for you on it's own... you have to learn how to tell the machine to tell the sound what to do. put it this way.... steve lillydale can record better with a four track than most people can using 'studio A at avatar studios'.

don't get discouraged and ask a lot of questions. it's really fun with EVERY step that you learn.

oh yea...

there's also this cool program you can get that let's you play killer guitar lines with minimal effort and makes everything sound great as long as you follow the right steps...

it's called 'guitar hero'.

sorry... just hittin' the point home... there aren't easy answers and short cuts teach you nothing.

Simple solution to simple problem. Download this free plug in.
It does miracles. Add it to the drums, anything else you want to "dynamify", and then again to the master fader!
Last thing, I apologize for saying "Dynamify". It was aimed at the initial poster, one that I assumed used the wrong word fro what he meant from the begining. I shoulda said "Fix", hahaha.
don't know how to say ...
i'd like to have more 'dynamic', more 'live' , more colour ...
there is NO magic button or plug in to get dynamics.

I agree with you, what I am saying is that I dont think the guys actually looking for "Dynamic" in a literal sense, but rather "more 'live' , more colour".

Also, he probably doesn't want to re-record everything, he wants to enhance what he's got.