How to deal with writing a crap song

I make crap. I spread my crap around by sticking my crap on to so others can share my crap. There's a lot of other crap on so I don't feel bad about my crap. I don't care if it's crap. It's my crap. I have friends who don't write crap. I am envious of their non crap. I have played in bands who didn't make crap. I was not involved in the non crap writing in those bands. So it's me. I'm crap. I think I will always be crap. I might try a loop beats spoken word piece of crap and call it c-rap. I don't know where my crap comes from. I am unsure of the Origins Of Faeces.
So today i wrote a song, spent above 3 hours on seemed great in my head...went to record it and blah, crap, i hated it chorus sounded bland as hell, lyrics were nice but i dunno it was just crap overall lol.

anyone ever done this?
it was like why am i bothering to keep doing new to recording/mixing etc so i still sound amateur at best, i just get that i wanna quit feelin at times like this you know...:mad:

anyhow anyone ever done this?:)

This happens to me sometimes when I try to "force it". Meaning that I have some lyrics that I want to make into a certain song and it just doesn't translate. I wouldn't just scrap it if you like the lyrics, I just think maybe you can try changing up the melody, genre, recording methods etc.

I've made a heavy song to acoustic, a dreary acoustic song to dance, and a alt rock song to funk/pop. and MOST times its a change for the better.

So, try some different instruments, different tempo, or different singing style. This might shake things up the right way.
i'd just get it out shelve it and maybe look at it at another time

you never know , you might find something later on you like about it or can add to it