How much money do you have invested in your studio?

How much have you spent on your studio??

  • $0-$500

    Votes: 74 6.9%
  • $501-$1000

    Votes: 115 10.7%
  • $1001-$3000

    Votes: 235 21.8%
  • $3001-$5000

    Votes: 176 16.4%
  • $5001-$10,000

    Votes: 180 16.7%
  • $10,001-$20,000

    Votes: 116 10.8%
  • $20,001-$50,000

    Votes: 95 8.8%
  • $50,000-$100,000

    Votes: 29 2.7%
  • $100,001+

    Votes: 23 2.1%
  • Can't say.... my wife might see this....

    Votes: 33 3.1%

  • Total voters
ive spend almost exectly $1000 on my studio so far... most of that though was spent on my computer which was like $500...
i just think its several thousands only on recording gear,
but its difficult to say cause allmost EVERY single piece of equipment i got is second hand, and i owned ALOT of lowbudget gear and i sold tons of it the past few years,
so its quite impossible to count...whenever i buy something, i use it a few months and then i sell it for MORE money...
so i make money with recording, make money with selling equipment,
right now i'm upgrading all my compressors, when its newyear i want a new mixer, so to me it looks like i'll NEVER stop purchasing and selling gear !

which one of you guys actually stopped upgrading the studio?
is there anyone who has a setup that pleases you enough?
i'm in a difficult situation,,,i've used so much lowbudget gear by now and i've been disapointed several times.... i want to take my entire signal flow to another DIMENSION but that means i'll start paying Thousands instead of hundreds of euro's in the future...

.....must be a rich man's world...
Started this thing about a year and a half ago with a yamaha 12/4 and a soundblaster audigy with cubase le. I thought I was a recording god even though if you would've asked what kind of monitors I used I would have said a 17" HP flat panel. Eventually after learning about studio central I started to learn more, then I found of a joke) then I stumbled upon this place. I blame every forum for my gear addiction, but also praise them for helping me understand more about this craft. I think I'm close to 20 grand at this point and still expecting to buy several pieces of very high end gear in the next 12 months, by this time next year I'm expecting to eclipse the 50 grand mark. Thank god I have a real job to affords me all this cause like a few people on here I don't really charge that much or anything, just too fun to me
I guess I'm up to the $12-15K region by now.

This year alone I've added:

New computer--$1200
Lynx2a---------$ 900
Sonar4 upgrade $ 150?
Moog vx351 $ 200
Exp pedals (4) $ 140
Moog 104SD $ 750
Roland SPD20 $ 600
Roland FD-8 $ 80
Stand for SPD $ 90

So that's about $6 grand so far. :D

Damn, Riley better not see this..........

Next up is the Voyager 3.0 upgrade, $225.

And an analog sequencer. Right now the Signal Arts
is in the lead. That'll be another $850.

Oh, and I have a bid open right now on a MIDIsport 8x8 too and a major hardon for a 2-voice OBMx that is NIB!!!! Buy it now for a mere $1800!!!!!

I also bought my kid an Indo-Strat $250 and a really bitchin Manhasset music stand with a storage bin behind for your music. $80.

Music is obviously what I pour the bread into around here. Well, that and weed! :D
I´ve invested some money, almost $3000 just for recording bands where I play. Now one of my bands have released his first CD and some people have contacted me to do something. Now I´m thinking in some upgrades and room treatment, so the ammount could change soon.
i've probably invested about $3000 so far (if i include $1000 of gear that i wish i could have the money back now). so nothing much yet as i'm still new to recording (i've shown interest for about 8yrs now, but have only seriously been getting intuned in the industry within the last few)

i think a big deal with the investment total is if you're going to include the room itself into the total. right now i'm still in my parents house (i'm only 22) and in an accoustically horrible room, but that will change in a few years when i get my own place and a proper studio room.

so far i could say i've about broken even on my investment, as i have my first job writing music for a documentary that should put me on equal playing field. In the future i hope to have more of these jobs and hopefully get more into television and film aswell. I'll let my studio get as large as my projects will fund it. (no offense to some of you, but i'm not building a $50g's studio with no return)
I have about 18k worth of crap. If I had known that I was going to spend that much I would have done things MUCH different.
Counting instruments I'm coming in around $25,000, but the instruments make up about $18,000 of that.
Here's my list (with smart-ass commentary):

Boston GP-193 Studio Grand... I think about $18,000 (ten years ago or so)

Drum kit... about $1200

Benge Trumpet: about $1000

Benge Trombone: about $1200

Miscellaneous musical instruments, strings, rosin, reeds, valve oils, slide lubricants, etc.: about $950

Micrphones: about $1500 (Nady RSM-2, 2xNady CM90, SP B3, Shure VP-88, 6xAKG D2300S, Realistic stereo electret condenser, Shure PG-58, Shute 565SD)

Headphones: about $400

Monitors: I think $200 (M-Audio BX8)

Main Mixer: $800 (a few years ago, Mackie CR-1604 + remote control HW)

Add-on Mixer: $120 (Peavey PV-8)

APC UPS: $60

Audio Interfaces: $750 (M-Audio Delta 1010LT, M-Audio Firewire 1814)

Previous computer: $3500 (PowerMac G4 & Apple studio display)

Current computer: $3000 (PowerMac G5 with cheap VGA flat panel... and the aforementioned studio display, but not counting that)

Extra hard drives: probably about $600 including cases (my house has a couple of terabytes, but only maybe a fourth of that is in the studio)

Previous laptop: about $3000 (built-in audio was used in part for a couple of my early recordings with relatively good success, believe it or not)

Laptop for songwriting: about $2500 (including a couple of HD upgrades)

Mic stands: about $250 (three decent stands, two really cheap stands, and one stand that I actually had to shorten a couple of feet to fit in the piano with the lid down... which even shortened can hoist a mic to around 12 feet in the air)

Laser Printer (used for printing music more than anything else): about $200.

Wide carriage inkjet printer (for printing the occaionional 13"x19" score: $350

Miscellaneous furniture, tuning hammer/felt/string mutes, digital tuners: about $350

I get $39,930, not including the truck rental to haul the piano from Tennessee to California, shipping, taxes, electrical bills, or the cost of my living room in the first place, of course....

But this pales compared to my old TV production hobby. :D
I have about $3K (CDN) for all my gear...but for instruments/amps ALONE... id say about $3K for them as well. I've had to work my ass off for the past 4 years just to get all of this stuff. :)
Not a darn penny!

Hep D MC said:
for those who have spent $10,000+ on their studios, how much money do u make off of them?

I have yet to make a friggin' dime. Got REALLY close and then the project was tabled. Now ain't that some crap. To make it was my Dad's album. No. I'm not bitter. Not me...not at all. The computer and guitars put me over the came in a quick second for expensive stuff.
I don't charge for my services.

Whatever outside recording projects I've done have been free, as gratis, or as favors for friends. Honestly, I don't get out much, so outside recording activities are negligible.

When it comes to self-recording, it's just a hobby at best,... or maybe a black hole or charity venture at worst. :eek:

Anyway, if I say I've spent from $10k to $20k on gear, not only is it an estimate, but it's expenditures spaced well over 20 years.

I bought my first nice guitar when I was 21, likewise for my first Portastudio. Now I'm 44. In the 23 years in between, I've bought practically everything at least twice over, or more. My latest recorder purchase was probably about 8-10 weeks ago, and I might by something else tomorrow,... like another recorder, or another guitar. :eek:

I'm not in this recording game to make money or be a star. ;)
I can't belive I have $3000 + on my setup and barely have anything.

I have

Fostex VF160
AKG percision 2000
m-audio bx5a
Roland vdrum td-65 v
mxl 990 (which dosent work)

I still need a good preamp and compersor and effects.

that isn't including gear i have for live shows that I use and instruments.

My overall rig live and studio included is about 40,000 plus the studio stuff dang know i really hope my wife dosent read this.

[confession mode on]

All I charge for is live sound work, and even then it's too little or too often given away. But as long as I can keep a zero interest VISA card going, its enough to whittle away at the balance and it puts the effort into the "pay for yourself" category. Sort of.

I've not charged a penny for recording or demo stuff - and won't until I know it's worth charging a penny for. And then I'll have to think about it. There are things I'm really good at, and some of them involve music. But I'm no pro and don't intend to pretend I am. I do get calls now and then and they usually end up with a referral to a local pro. And when I need help, he's always been quick to offer it.

[confession mode off]
So far this year as looking back makes my head hurt:

PC rebuild to Pentium 4 3G, upped the ram, HD's, new motherboard and video card, installed extra USB and Firewire Ports. $1000'ish
Vox Tonelab $403
Software Cakewalk Project 5v2 and Sonar 5PE $707
New Keyboard stand and studio chair $150

I'm seriously looking at a new Soundcard possibly a Focusrite Saffire

I'm sure there are a couple of plug ins that I haven't included.

The only thing I will never upgrade is my American Strat 'cus they still haven't produced anything better IMHO.
