How much money do you have invested in your studio?

How much have you spent on your studio??

  • $0-$500

    Votes: 74 6.9%
  • $501-$1000

    Votes: 115 10.7%
  • $1001-$3000

    Votes: 235 21.8%
  • $3001-$5000

    Votes: 176 16.4%
  • $5001-$10,000

    Votes: 180 16.7%
  • $10,001-$20,000

    Votes: 116 10.8%
  • $20,001-$50,000

    Votes: 95 8.8%
  • $50,000-$100,000

    Votes: 29 2.7%
  • $100,001+

    Votes: 23 2.1%
  • Can't say.... my wife might see this....

    Votes: 33 3.1%

  • Total voters
SonicAlbert said:
Don't you guys keep an inventory?

Yes, but I don't look at it much except to update it - it's just toooo depressing :D

And I didn't count the cost of building my studio, which I estimate would add another 10-20k....
I'm sure I have over 10k just counting instruments and the computer. The room, the rack, and the rest? Who knows? I do have everything documented, photographed and ready to go in preparation for the next hurricane! And maybe one day I'll march down to State Farm and investigate the possibility of getting a rider on my homeowner's insurance.

Of course, the most interesting question for me is how much of this stuff do I really need? How much has been replaced or upgraded over time? And what proportion was a total waste of money?
-stp b1: $100
-focusrite trakmaster: $200
-emu 1212m: $100
-ath m40fs headphones: $70
-desk: $180
-accessories (mic stand, wires, etc): around $100

and i plan on gettin an adk vienna mic and wharfedale 8.2 mons real soon which would put it at a lil under $1500

for those who have spent $10,000+ on their studios, how much money do u make off of them?
Between renovating (remodeling) the home i record in, and all the gear....

Then there is the loan we just got and are about to spend....

Id say around 75,000.

ill be seing red for about another 3 years or so...wait i take that back!

Il be in the red forever!!

Damn this gear obcession! :rolleyes: :eek: :D

Hep D MC said:
-for those who have spent $10,000+ on their studios, how much money do u make off of them?

Nothing...............I am a dumb ass and I keep doing things for free........ :confused: :( :mad: :eek:

I think it's time for a change!
timboZ said:
Nothing...............I am a dumb ass and I keep doing things for free........ :confused: :( :mad: :eek:

I think it's time for a change!

thats funny.... i can relate. i spent many a nights recording crappy bands in a bar only to have a crappy cassette that sounded like sht.... and hell, i'd drank my money before the gig was over!! :confused:

time for a change...??!! :eek:
between drums, guitars, amps, computers, mics, rack gear.....counting *everything*......easily more than $5K, prolly less than $10K (if not more, now that I'm getting a taste for the benefits of better gear). it's FRIGHTNING how fast $100 here, $300 there adds up over a number of years. heaven forbid i ever get my bills paid off and start looking at things like Great Rivers, APIs and Trident desks (which is in the 5 year plan). i'm sure that'll increase the $$ exponentially.

no, i don't have it documented. i'm lazy and quite frankly, i'm scared to know. :D i oughta, though.....b/c it needs to be covered in the home owner's insurance.

Hep D MC said:
for those who have spent $10,000+ on their studios, how much money do u make off of them?

a couple hundred a year maybe? enough for a mic or piece of pro-sumer gear. certainly not enough to finance the "studio".

truth be told, though, i don't record other folks very often. 99% of what I record is myself and my band, and now that my band has gone back to playing acoustic and we don't need my room for the drums, we don't play at my place anymore. most of the recording i do is 2 or 3 tracks at a time, but i'm equipped for 10, which comes in handy when recording drums (which also gets done *very* infrequently now that there's an infant in the house).

Currently, about $50,000 -$60,000 in gear ("replacement value) and about $10,000 for the room.

I'm sure there's another $10,000 or so in gear I no longer have (and likely should never have bought to start with).

Fortunately, I gig a lot, so while the studio does not generate enough, the gigs (and small songwriting royalties) help to offset the costs. I bought a lot of gear at slightly over cost when I worked at a music store (well worth the couple of nights a week I had to work there)
So far over 9 years I am in over $100000. However, like Blue Bear my facility is a commercial facility so it may not count:D
If it's your money it counts! :D

It's interesting to look at the poll and see that most people here have spent between $1,000 and $20,000 on their studios. It seems like you can put together a pretty decent home studio for less that $20k these days.
Hep D MC said:
for those who have spent $10,000+ on their studios, how much money do u make off of them?
Reckon the last 20 years or so have cost me in the region of £20K+

Reckon I've made about £1500.00. It's not about the money, though, it's about having the stuff!

I'm in the process of moving over to PC recording and VSTis, but I'm gonna keep all my gear - it's just so cool to sit in a room surrounded by guitars and shelves full of synths!
I'm in mine right at 24K. That includes my room too though. And as far as how much $$$ I've made from it............... :o ................................not a dime.
Not enough exp to charge for it yet.........

Hopefully someday...........................soon :rolleyes:
Well, lets say I have a pretty modest homestudio:

Everything is base on computer recording. (Does the computer itself count? 'Cause I'm a computer networking analyst and I would have a computer anyways). Plus a stereo system (Sony) that I use as reference monitors.

Audio recording dedicated gear:
Alesis Midiverb4
Alesis 3630 compressor
Behringer MIC200
Behringer B2-Pro
Mic stand, wires, etc.
-I would say they've costed me ~$1200

Plus I have an acoustic guitar and a stupid keyboard (used just for MIDI). ~$300

Now I'm intending to by an EMU 1820. Unfortunatelly, here in Brazil it is too expensive (~$1000). I'm thinking how to bring it without having customs to tax it....
It would be interesting to see the split between studio equipment & instruments. For me its roughly $3500 studio (after I sell some stuff) and about $14K in instruments
garf said:
It would be interesting to see the split between studio equipment & instruments. For me its roughly $3500 studio (after I sell some stuff) and about $14K in instruments

Huh....i never even thought to add instruments and stuff to the final tally.....

Id say we have close to 20k in amps, guitars, basses, custom drums, special cymbals, high end synths, etc.
