How much for a Davisound Mic All Pre?

Hey REcording engineer. I read in some other forum that the TB-6 seems to be a little noisy. Whats your take on the that being that you own a few davisound product?
Yeah, I had read that too... That was quite awhile back if I recall.

At first, DaviSound thought maybe it was possibly due to the resistors in ANY phantom power network (as opposed to any internal amplifier noise), but if we're talking about the same guy, it ended-up being that the "seems a little noisy" comment was due to him running his microphone cables parallel to his VGA monitor cable (in fact, if I recall correctly, I think bundled together with some cable ties), for some distance, like 25 ft. or something.

You can see TB-6 S/N and EIN specs. and read more about them in the TB-6 manual on their website.

By the way, the ONLY time I have noise problems of any sort (other than being generated from guitar amps) is when miking quiet finger-picked acoustic guitars from the distance I really would like; about 3 or so feet away. But that's with ANY preamp!
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I think the extra noise is due to the fact that they stick an audio buddy inside all that wooden casing and all, and then fill it up with all that gel and what not to protect their proprietary design. :D

Or it could just be the demons inside all the Davisound dudes' heads acting up and what not.
How did I know ANYTHING DaviSound related would generate as much useless nonsense from chessrock as there is from sweetnubs?

chessrock, you forgot to mention you've NEVER had ANYTHING DaviSound in your possession from what I understand. Have you ever even had a simple email exchange with DaviSound? I would hope you'd note some reasoning along with your comments. Otherwise, it is nothing more than outright blasphemy, or otherwise, a personal joke.

Anyway, I wanted to get this in here before this thread becomes a serachable archive and someone now or in the future actually takes chessrock's comments here within, more than anything other than what they really are.
Recording Engineer said:
Anyway, I wanted to get this in here before this thread becomes a serachable archive and someone now or in the future actually takes chessrock's comments here within, more than anything other than what they really are.

. . . which is just some guy surfing the net having fun. RE's right don't listen to me. Check out their web site and judge for yourself. Just don't pay any mind to the Alien abduction sections. :D
I must admit that the attitude and demeanor projected by the Davissound guy (I apologize for not knowing his name) on his website is a bit ...ummmmm... eccentric. It definintely does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling about buying their stuff.

But I will also admit that I am somehow strangely drawn back to their stuff for consideration. I just wish there was an easier way to demo one of their TB-6 units.

Maybe I could go on a plant tour! Oh wait... I know, I could check out their board layout! Oh yeah... Oh well, as long as "EVERY pro user ... REPEAT... ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION ... swear by this circuitry as the BEST mic amp they have ever used ... Period!" I'm sure I can't go wrong. (Sorry, just having a little fun)

Hey RE,

If you know where I can actually demo one in the studio let me know.

Jason A.
faithful said:
I must admit that the attitude and demeanor projected by the Davissound guy (I apologize for not knowing his name) on his website is a bit ...ummmmm... eccentric.

That's really what I've been getting at all along.

I realize, however, that in my good natured ribbing of the guy, I may have in some way implied a judgement of his product's quality, which I in no way intended. Especially considering that I've never used them.

He does have this "mad scientist" appeal to him, though. And I must admit that some of the most inventive and creative people throughout history have been a bit on the bizzarre side.

I just wish RE would let me make fun of the guy without getting all defensive. :D :D Oh well. I've been known for an off-the-wall comment or two here and there, I suppose. Maybe me and the Davisound guy could get together some time and have a few beers and rent the video "Real Genius" or something. After counting all the ceiling tiles in the bathroom of the Star Trek convention, of course. There could even be some romantic sparks -- you never know.
Hayne Davis is his name. Eccentric? Funny you mention, as he addresses that on the DaviStatements page...

A warm fuzzy feeling? If that's what you're looking for or want when buying gear, you've come to the wrong place... Best find some kiss-ass salesman for that! I mean, seriously...

Personally, I find DaviSound (as well as Mercenary, by the way) about as candid as it gets when it comes to someone selling gear... Of course,. they're NOT perfect and in literally only a couple of spots on their website, there is a line or two where just a hint of hype has slipped in (such as the line you pointed out), but I find it astonishing that people have to point THESE out when damn-near EVERY audio manufacturer's website is literally COVERED top to bottom in hype on EVERY single page!!!

DaviSound's attitude and demeanor is NOTHING more than an attempt to demystify A LOT of the hype surrounding audio gear. And they do it by nothing more than education as much as possible.

As for demoing gear, sory, but there is NO demoing of ANY custom gear from AnY custom company! And THAT'S EXACTLY what it is!

You can demo MY DaviSound gear right here in my studio! My doors are open! In fact, I encourage people to! Otherwise, if you want to fly me and my DaviSound gear out to you, I'm ready to walk out the door!
I don't think the Fletcher comparison is even close. You would never catch Fletcher making something like the "every Pro user" comment. Does YMMV sound familiar? I'm also not sure I would call the no factory visits or potting his circuits exactly candid either. I'm not dissing Mr. Davis for potting his stuff. I know a lot of good companies that do the same thing but it's not the most forthcoming approach.

I'm sorry you don't think a warm fuzzy feeling is important. I honestly don't think it is number one priority either but with so many choices for quality audio products these days, all things being somewhat equal, I'm going to go with a product/company I can feel comfortable with. Maybe RE is right and I need to actually talk to Mr. Davis on the phone. I can guarantee if I get to the point of buying a similar piece of gear I will be on the phone to Mr. Davis

Again, I'm not trying talk bad about Mr. Davis or his stuff. I'm very interested in hearing it. If I heard it and was VERY impressed a lot of these warm fuzzy issues would dissappear. But when it's next to impossible to hear one (yes I understand it is custom gear) the lack of confidence I have from reading the website doesn't make me want to jump into an unknown quantity. That's my point. If it is custom gear then I think you need to do one of those things readily. Either get a unit out there for demo or even review (not the stinking magazines) OR you give people confidence by your public appearance (i.e. website)

As for not seeing the Davissound stuff for sale, it's already been mentioned that this stuff is custom. That means relatively low sales which will mean even lower resale numbers. The no resale thing is nice to consider but I'm not really sure how much it means.

FYI - I'm not one of those "$99 pres and Chinese mics" guys either. Check my other posts. I'm just careful with where I put my money.

Just my opinion

Jason A.
chessrock said:
I just wish RE would let me make fun of the guy without getting all defensive. :D :D

Well, anyone who personally knows me what-so-ever, knows I'm about as easy-going as they come.

It's just that it's VERY hard to tell... Hard to tell your comments. Hard to tell my replies to them. Hard to tell Hayne's addressing of an assortment of audio issues on his own website. Hard to tell our attitude, demeanor, and implication, without all the senses, characteristics, and behaviors that humans use to express themselves.

I just don't want nonsense, fun, or even half serious/half joking to be taken for more than anything other than what it really is.


Sorry, but I'm up here in Sacramento. If you're ever up this way or want to take a trip, just let me know!
The new TB-10 is a configuration of my design......It has everything I wanted in an amp, and it seems Hayne thought it was a nice configuration I came up with, so he decided to introduce it as a new model..

The serial number on mine is "JB 01".... (My initials and it's the first one) Cool eh?? :D

By the way.... The TB-10 pic on the site is my actual unit... With the steel rack handles I made.. (I hated Haynes God Aweful wooden handles)

I have no ties with the company... I was just a customer, that wanted an EXTEMELY custom configuration, and they liked it, and started makin' them.

Anyways.. My Davisound is great.. I really like it.. Transparent, and I get no noise... The only thing was, the knobs were a bit noisey when being turned, but I fixed that.

Hayne is a bit eccentric, and his website is a pain in the ass.. I HATE the design of the site...But his products are great for the $$$..

Don't worry about Chessrock, Recording Engineer... He's just mucking about.... I have learned to simply, not pay attention to him :D:D:D (That was a joke Chess)

I have been getting shit around here for talking Davisound since the day, I purchased my amp.... I have been accused of being a trolling sales rep and the like, Just for saying how much I like the product............I don't know what it is about that company, but people are strange about it........ You never get that when you reccomend Mackie, or Audio Technica....:rolleyes:

Oh Well.... In the end.. I have a nice amp that records great, and thats all that counts.

Jason aka faithful,

I don't know know if the comparison to Fletcher was all close either... Fletcher's attitude and demeanor is MUCH more abrasive when it comes to candidness than Hayne's, in my opinion. This is nothing more than personality though.

However, I do not agree with your reasoning for my comparison not being even close. Yeah right you'd never catch Fletcher with a comment like that... I bet he'd be the first to tell ya too! Come-on... We're human! Yeah, it's on the DaviSound website, but with as much info as there is on that site, there's bound to find something like that!

However, with that said, I find the comment you mention completely out of whack for DaviSound. And that's why I had, just a few days prior to this thread, mentioned this to Hayne.

No, I don't think the warm fuzzy feeling is important... I can already tell you Fletcher sure as hell doesn't give me that warm fuzzy feeling! And the Mercenary website would normally scare me off as it's a scary place! But following r.a.p., along with my own run-in with him on there, I quickly learned Fletcher as I know him. And now, any brand and model that I consider purchasing that Mercenary carries, I look to them!

You say you're strangely drawn back to DaviSound stuff for your consideration... I would hope the reason would be that there's something on the DaviSound website that really hit home about exactly how DaviSound gear is made! And that's all I've EVER hoped... That people would simply seriously consider DaviSound gear as an option.

Yes, I agree. I would hope a website would leave a positive taste in your mouth at the very least, or at the very best, make you want to take a "leap of faith". But somehow, while I guess it doesn't do even the very least for you, it has kept your curiousity quite well, as you have mentioned. This alone would be strong enough for me to take a jump into the unknown!

Honestly, I fail to have even a clue what you're talking about when it comes to Hayne's attitude and demeanor on the DaviSound website. Eccentric? If that's what we're really talking about here, then frankly, I share Hayne's exact same thoughts on that matter! Because if you're looking for what is common practice now 'n days in gear design and especially in manufacturering, then I can't encourage you enough to look elsewhere as you will find NO interest in DaviSound!

Same thing goes for their business philosophy and no "reviews" policy...

Or is it something else? But I have a feeling it's NOT! I'm guessing it's too much against the grain for some; they have a need to travel more with the flow of traffic. Which is fine, but is why I say DaviSound is NOT for you!

As for the resale of DaviSound gear... Yes, while relatively low sales may play a big part, how many have you seen resold during their history of more than 32 years building gear?

Weston Ray, aka Recording Engineer
Why so many wadded panties over such a silly subject? :D

I'm sure their mic pres are great. I'd consider getting them myself, but I figure if I'm going to support a good product with a bad web site and an eccentric designer, I'd just assume get a Sytek from Mike and support a local guy (Chicago area) instead . . . :D all other things being basically equal.

You may be right in that I need to take his website as a whole instead of taking a few issues and building a case on them. There is some good information there with the Tech Report samples and all. I still wish the specs and other info were a little more clearly laid out. I will also admit that the one "Pro user" comment probably influenced my wariness exponentially.

In comparison to Fletcher, I do not like, agree with, or condone many of his comments. However he does offer a couple of tangible things that would help me get over our personality differences. Things like doubling the warranty and taking returns for someone not liking their new gear. Like I said, hearing and liking the Davissound stuff would be that same kind of tangible thing that would help me to get over any uneasiness I have.

After all is said and done, I would love to hear and like their stuff. I really would. At that price, it would be a steal no matter what their website is like. Maybe someone here could offer to redo their site for them in exchange for gear.

The wood stuff certainly does look cool though!

Just my opinion

Jason A.
If I remember, someone here has offered Hayne website design in exchange for gear, a couple years ago... He declined as he likes his website and purposely chose it to be that way. I personally don't find the layout annoying what-so-ever and I found DaviSound through their website and tried their gear before I found ANYONE else, online or otherwise, who had heard DaviSound gear.

Of course, improvements can always be made and Hayne has always encouraged for people to tell him what they think of the site and what needs improvement. Just realize a redesign is not going to happen.

I guess it's all just in the way you look at it and what you want out of it... If it's nothing more than a website for a manufacturer to pimp their gear, then I agree with ya.