Hope you like heavy haha

i've been following this, bt not saying anything so far... definitely like the clean feel for such a deep heavy song, no problems i'm not gonna lie I like it... so yeah... I prefer aggressive mids and stuff in my distortion but I'm not gonna project that on you.

Anyways the vocals are pretty well phrased, but I think you'd basically benefit from using more power in your voice and don't be afraid to push it to see what happens... uhm I don't wanna be like "move away from the JD influences" but what perdicament said about the context being a little hard to swollow... which is sound a little TOO much like the band you are primarily influenced in the song by and risking people harshing the critique on your song based on their first impression. If moving AWAY from that sound is your intent, and it sounds like you want to change it, I'd personally recommend finding the particular unique characteristics of your voice and then exploit them more than say, stuff you've heard others use. It's just a little wisdom from me, another person trying to do vocals all the sudden when you've been playing the other instruments for so long. :D I'm having similar issues actually - but mine I feel have to do with bringing out the potential in the unique factors in my own voice.

Totally good luck with this, I give props to korn by the way I used to listen to them back in my younger years, and recently they have given my personal idols a chance in the main american "big venue" touring circuit. good times. did you catch them at family values with dir en grey? effin awesome even in the pit, that was a wild show with all the extra guys up there.
Mixing-wise it sounds good. I won't comment on the song itself 'cause that's not what you're asking about, but I will say most of what this song/mix is lacking is not due to things like conflicting frequencies and balance issues (of which you have almost none).
I like the space in the mix. I could handle the whole thing being a bit more in my face though. It's a cool tune, I like your note selection
thanx guys. what do you mean my note selection? ya so idk about the verse. ii think im gona use more of a singing verse. i have a melody in mind but i wana practice it more before i record it. What things is my song lacking mix wise?