Holy crap... he really DID play our songs... :o)

chrisharris said:
I can't believe you posted this spam-o-gram in the clinic...

the nerve.

Do I know you?

I have a vague recollection of a "chris"...

and something aboot "brittle" sounding mp3's....


it's coming to me....


dobro said:
"Just shut the hell up already."

Take your own advice, WATYF.
Sorry to rock your boat man. Just trying to put the subject in perspective.

Sure... there's nothing wrong with a peacable debate about spam... but geez... now we're turning on each other, and insulting him, and slamming his show, and a bunch of other unnecessary sh#t... geez... give me a break already.


Hey, I'd never turn on you guys! (I do think Dave's a dink though).

WATYF, my man, I think you're taking this a bit too seriously. It's just some friendly discussion with a little hyperbole as usual.

I mean, maybe it's just the places that I've been frequenting, but... THIS counts as an "out-of-control-hysterical-flamefest"???

I mean, have you guys been to Mixerman's forum, fer chrissakes?:)

retracting the dicksucking comment in the name of respect and tolerance,

I cant understand why some of you guys are so upset at this guy for posting in the forum.INTERNET radio is the ONLY place most of you guys will ever be heard so why burn a bridge to the only exposure you'll ever get outside of this forum and your family and friends.hehehehe....funny stuff indeed.
Nah... there's not much I take seriously... :p I don't think anyone's gettin' too freaky. It's just a shame to see people chased off from here so often by the vocal minority.

And yes, this doesn't even register on the flame-meter when compared to Mixerman's forum :D (or the recent super_critic debacle :p). Speaking of MM, can you understand a d@mn word they say over there...?? it's like they're all talkin' a different language. :p

Either way... this is no big deal. We should just drop this crap and go back to kissing each other's asses. ;)

(Hell... come to think of it.... I don't even know why I'm jumpin' in on this one. Slow day at work, I guess. :D)

WATYF said:
Hell... I don't even know why I'm jumpin' in on this one. Slow day at work, I guess. :D


Yeah, me too... Oh wait..

I don't have a damn job.

That must explain it... my feelings of resentment towards Dave, my irrational aversion to Internet radio... my phallic obsession...

It all becomes clear...

I cant understand why some of you guys are so upset at this guy for posting in the forum.INTERNET radio is the ONLY place most of you guys will ever be heard so why burn a bridge to the only exposure you'll ever get outside of this forum and your family and friends.hehehehe....funny stuff indeed.

Ha - good point.

Though I'd wager my family alone is bigger than Dave's audience.

But then, I'm Italian...

groucho said:
Ha - good point.

Though I'd wager my family alone is bigger than Dave's audience.

But then, I'm Italian...

LOL... :D :D

Man... I came dangerously close to taking this whole thing seriously... thanks for pullin' me out man. I owe you one. (and by, "I owe you one" I mean "nothing involving sucking of any kind") :p

Hey, ego queen here. I've received many emails from members of this forum expressing regret for the inappropriate replies from some of you. I've received no emails suggesting my post was spam or any other canned meat product. The controversy here? There is none.

Flame wars, name calling and mud slinging do nothing to promote the civility and good people of this forum. It's actually very bad. My six listeners and I will miss all of you.

Dink out.
WATYF said:
Do I know you?

I have a vague recollection of a "chris"...
Yeah, after burning every bridge that hasn't even been built yet, I've decided to show up ONLY for the spam threads and flamewars, - oh, and whenever I haven't been called an "ass-kisser" enough...

There...got my quota for the next month.
chrisharris said:
Yeah, after burning every bridge that hasn't even been built yet, I've decided to show up ONLY for the spam threads and flamewars, - oh, and whenever I haven't been called an "ass-kisser" enough...

There...got my quota for the next month.
ah... don't sweat it. Just look on the bright side... every day we get a giant crop of newbies who have no idea what kind of an @ss you've been...


Harris, damn it - come out of hiding willya? You haven't updated your Nowhere site in ages and I'm jonesing for new material.

And by the way, it was dick-sucking, not ass-kissing...:)

groucho said:

And by the way, it was dick-sucking, not ass-kissing...:)

yeah,...see, with all my homo-erotic activities, I get confused sometimes...lol.

I can't update my site right now, lol...it expired and my old credit card company went out of business and I forgot to tell Waldo, so I'm about 4GB over my infinite space limit; I appreciate the post though :)

I warn you, though...my check's in the mail to Canada, and I have about another Album's worth of homemade crap, so as soon as the alligators get off my ass, I'll have one helluva' post, lmao. :D

Just wanted to throw in my .02 on this. I haven't spent a lot of time here lately, but when I saw this thread I had to read it! That led me to the archives of the show. I heard two outstanding tunes by members of this board. What could possibly be wrong with that?

I think we sometimes are a little too quick to draw conclusions when it comes to spamming posts. I've been guilty in the past and have always deleted my post before submitting. I figure I'll give em a chance to redeem themselves...unless it's blatently obvious that it's spam. Dave Baker is at least on the level and he obviously knows talent when he hears it. I for one would like to welcome him to the board......but I think it's too late.

Pedullist said:
Hey Chris, you Texan horsefucker...

Do you read your mail, or are you just ignoring me?

Man, I'm so sorry... Not ignoring anybody on purpose, but I'm definitely behind on my hobby right now...I got your delivery, and you KNOW how much I love music... sadly, I haven't even been able to listen yet. Yours is gonna' be another week still...sorry; I finally bit the bullet and sent it to a place that prints CD's...they're due back next week...

I probably should have just PM'd this to you, lol...but I was gonna' chime in once more to say I AGREE WITH BDBDBUCK WHOLEHEARTEDLY anyway, lol... 2 birds, one stone...something something.

Don't worry about it, Chris.

I was just playin' with ya, as usual (seriously...I was curious whether you even received the package at all...I always think your FBI will pick it up and think of it as 'potentially dangerous material' and save it in their archives for the rest of our lives, LOL)
Well Dave, no one really gives a fuck what you have to say anyway.

When you start your first post on a BBS that states "I'll Play Your music."

It 'implies', doesn't say. Actually, it blatently says.. "hey, nobody else will play your music, I will though" Well not "blatently", but it does "imply".

And of course, that leads to the question. 'Who Are You'?

This thread, and the other thread pretty much answered that.

I'd suggest using a bit more thought next time Dave. At the very least, research where you are posting, not the 'phonecall at 6PM dinner salesman' type approach. Drive-by posters don't go over well on any medium.

Either way. It's an interesting... whatever.