
My Hat this is actually pretty awesome....your mixes are really fucking loud! Cool guitars, tone and riffs. You've really got your vocals good on this one too bro, kudos. Are those drums fruity loops? I was kinda expecting a face melting solo at around 2:30. What's your amp again?
TelePaul said:
My Hat this is actually pretty awesome....your mixes are really fucking loud! Cool guitars, tone and riffs. You've really got your vocals good on this one too bro, kudos. Are those drums fruity loops? I was kinda expecting a face melting solo at around 2:30. What's your amp again?
Yeah I haven't finished the solo, in fact, I'm going to redo the high vocals too. And yeah that's my amp. I can't play any more solid state now! I mean mine's a hybrid but it still has that nice tube sound. Whenever I play on SS, it's just so blah. Oh and thanks Tele :D
myhatbroke said:
Yeah I haven't finished the solo, in fact, I'm going to redo the high vocals too. And yeah that's my amp. I can't play any more solid state now! I mean mine's a hybrid but it still has that nice tube sound. Whenever I play on SS, it's just so blah. Oh and thanks Tele :D

i think he was asking you what kind of amp you have. so what other songs are in the works for the Hot Carls? you should write something about the crazy astronaut chick.
zed32 said:
i think he was asking you what kind of amp you have. so what other songs are in the works for the Hot Carls? you should write something about the crazy astronaut chick.
He knows what amp I have. Its a Randall RG75 but anyways yes dude we have two songs to finish. One has been half finished for a couple of weeks called Living it Up. And we just finished composing the Happy Song last night. So two songs should be done this weekend. We're hoping to have time to make a music video for the happy song.
myhatbroke said:
Yeah I haven't finished the solo, in fact, I'm going to redo the high vocals too. And yeah that's my amp. I can't play any more solid state now! I mean mine's a hybrid but it still has that nice tube sound. Whenever I play on SS, it's just so blah. Oh and thanks Tele :D

Agh yeah you told me before but for some reaosn I got MESA in my head, dunno why. Cool tone.