hey cyanjaguar...???or anyone else?


New member
what do you use the spdif I/O on the delta1010 for...?

this is old, you posted it a while back.

Check out my setup.

output 1-2 (stereo amp. For headphone)
output 3-4( lexicon lxp-1reverb)
output 5-6 (alesis ra-100 amp for studio monitors)
output 7-8(optimus karaoke mono speaker

input 1-2(lexicon reverb return)
input 3-4(jv 1010)
input 5-6(m-audio dmp2)
input 7-8(it used to have a korg sound module on it)

midi in(my keyboard)
midi out( jv1010)

Also you state everything as needing two I/O's, is this simply because everything needs to inputs/outputs? well except for the midi in and midi out...

Lastly, you say you plug in you keyboard to the midi in, but I thought keyboards needed to be plugged in to the midi and 2 analog in's? or out's? aswell, but not sure which way?

Thanks, hope to hear back from you...

Oh lord, do we really have to relive the horror of Priz Diddy's Backdoor Sound Card Buying Anal Adventure?
Hey Piz!

Ever heard of stereo? Left and right you know. The lexicon is a stereo reverb and the jv 1010 has a stereo output as well. The DMP-2 is a 2 channel preamp and needs 2 channels.
Midi controls your softsynths. You don't need an audio input unless you want to use the keyboards internal sound. Now go buy the damn soundcard!
I hate this shiet...

I was just checking, I understand the stereo part....

CyanJaguar...If you see this drop me a line. thanks.

Everyday, I think why? I know someone with a triton that need emcees for his beats, yet I refuse to have it done for me, I want that creative control or atleast to try it myself first.

mayby I'll order it today and just fuck it, delta 1010 is the best apparently, no matter how it's looked at

Does the delta have ad and da converters spearate for every I/O...??? I'm really unsure of this, It would make a huge difference in the way I think about cards.

Or in other terms does it have a pair of ad/da converters for every channel?...you see what I'm getting at.

Thanks please respond ASAP, I'm really desperate for this info...
Priz, I would assume it's a seperate A/D D/A for each channel, but that's a good question. Unless they are doing some wild multiplexing. Email M-Audio, that's your quickest answer, I don't feel like taking this apart at the moment.

it is a separate ad/da converter for every channel etc... I was at a local music store today. they had the delta 1010, 66 and 44...
I'm ready to pick one up, but not sure yet which one. I'm starting to think the delta is far more than I need...
The 66 is about 550 and the 1010 is 1050... I don't need to use more than 2 channels at a time, and I can swap cords with the I/O's it's not that much of a hassle to save around 500$, but the delta 1010 has wordclock and midi I/o, I'm confused don't know what to get...

Good news is I don't have to order it so as soon as I have a decision I can pick it up like two blocks from my house. :)

I'm gonna post another post to decide with help from y'all I think, this is to much, I just couldn't get myself to spend the money on the delta 1010...

I'm gonna post another post to decide with help from y'all I think, this is to much, I just couldn't get myself to spend the money on the delta 1010...

Fucking shit, man! If you can analyze your budget versus your own needs then you have no business getting into the world of recording. Honestly...it's one thing to ask for opinions and suggestions, but once you've done that a certain number of times, you just have to figure it out for your damn self, and if you can't do that...jeez, does your mother still dress you in the morning?!?!?!


You better make a nice contribution to this site for pissing away bandwidth...

You more than have exceeded your right to ask for suggestions...its time to either start taking them or make up your own mind.

I'm going to give you one final suggestion in the hope that you will just take it and spare us all the agony. If you're confident that you'll be fine with just 2 in 2 out, then you should take a look at the M-Audio Audiophile 2496. It has 2 in 2 out analog, SPDIF I/O and MIDI I/O. You can order it from online retailers for $150 (who will ship to your northern homeland) which is around $230 canadian.

Go get it and don't ask us again.

I'm worried about the unbalanced I/O's.
I was reading a review that seemed to say this wouldn't be a problem if I got really good quality cords to connect with/from etc...is this true?
balanced I/O's has better quality etc.
more importantly I was wondering if I would have the oppurtunity to upgrade to a dedicated ad converter, or do I NEED a wordclock I/O for this?
If I just used the digital connection, it wouldn't be worth it, because of the jitter without a wordclock etc, would it?...sorta confused.

Dolemite, these questions will help others out too...
I really don't have that much confidence in my knowledge yet that I want to steer people in directions...My life is hectic right now too, I don't have a career type job, or job at all in that, and don't have much time to help others, I am trying to get huge decisions done above soundcards, but I'm being held back by this and it's not making it any easier not getting help from here (not that I'm not getting help AT ALL here, I get lots)...that's what this board is for, I try to get answers myself as much as possible, I'm very open minded as far as cards go now, but I'm just being causcious...

lastly, The delta 66 doesn't have midi... I don't have a soundcard already to plug a midi interface into etc...would I be able to use a midi interface if I got the delta 66?

I think you owe each BBS member a sloppy rimjob

....and I'm gonna help ya anyway.

OK, according to sjoko (who I dare say is quite the expert on recording in general but especially on digital audio) using an outboard converter and transferring digitally into a bit-perfect SPDIF interface such as the Audiophile's will not add jitter or degrade the digital signal (let me know if I'm mis-paraphrasing you, BTW). Word clock becomes especially important when linking a long chain of digital gear, which is unlikely in a home setup, and even more unlikely is prosumer gear with word clock I/O.

I strongly suggest you read this entire thread, but here are the relevent posts:


So what about good dedicated converters, say the Lucid AD9624, are their clocks good enough? Also, if you're going from the Lucid to a soundcard via SPDIF, do you lose a lot of the benefit external converters if you don't sync via word clock?


Dolomite - Like always - good enough is relative.
The 2496 can generate clock. is it better then most generic clocks? very likely, by a fraction. Is it a very good clock? No, its not ment to be, and it can't be. If it was, it would have 2 independent power supplies, just for starters. And it would cost more than a normal 2496 plus a GEN6 combined.

The second part of your question is a very good one. Do you lose etc.
The answer is no. Again, I will refrain from going into technical stuff, because regarding converters and clocks, the jargon is pure gobbledegook. Look at clocks and converters as totally independent, but dependent on each other at the same time.
A good converter will improve sound quality.
A good clock will improve sound quality.
A good converter working with a bad generic clock will still make a major improvement.
A good clock working with a bad generic converter will still make a major improvement.
Both combined will make it as good as it can get.

More help:

Answers are out there, but asking questions (repeatedly) is not usually the best way to get them. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's tired of your dumb-ass posts, but the main thing is that you probably aren't getting the answers you want. Meanwhile, the answers you seek may well be readily available on this wonderful resource of the internet, but questions and answers don't always find each other, so sometimes you have to actively search for the answer rather than waiting for it to come to you.

Repeat after me:

I will learn to search
I will not post more dumb questions
I will learn to search
I will not post the same question 4 or more times
I will learn to search

OK, now, learn to search. I will get you started:


BTW, I like mine extra sloppy.

EDIT: about balanced I/O, its a good thing to have, yes. As I understand it, if you use short runs of high quality cable (which is always a good idea anyway) then the slight additional noise due to unbalanced connections will probably be much quieter than the "silent" (no signal but turned up to recording level) output of most any gear that you might plug into those inputs.

Also, Priz Diddy, how many months has it been since you first started posting about soundcards? What 2, 3 months? And still, you don't have even a $10 Yamaha or $40 SB Live just to dick around with? Honestly, if you're still not ready to make this kind of decision then just get SOMETHING! Even if you just fool around with it for a couple weeks, you'll know what you're doing when you upgrade and you'll always have it for its MIDI interface. If you weren't in another damn country I would find you and slap you around like a red-headed stepchild!
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I didn't relaize basic soundcards where so cheap, I figured they start at about 50, if I new I was gonna take this long I would'ov bought one, but it's been the next day, next week etc for about atleast over 3 months now, ... yeah, no need to mention anymore.

I read this post before, but i also heard that the jitter created by transfering the clock info and audio stream down the same connection makes the dedicated converters almost useless in quality ratio vs price... but it's nice to know it's still goig to be much better.

One last question if I bought a delta 66, I'd have no midi I/o, if I wanted to get one where would i plug it in if I have no other soundcard like the sb live...?

thanks again.

"If I bought a delta 66, I'd have no midi I/o, if I wanted to get one where would i plug it in if I have no other soundcard like the sb live...?"

Also the people at the the store I was at, said i need a mixer even with the delta 66 or 1010...? I don't realy beleive this,i thought these cards could be use as a mixer and adjust settings inside the computer with software etc.
I was planning on just using keyboard type stuff, recording vocals through a preamp and that's about it...
So do I NEED a mixer...?

please respond as soon as possible. I wanna get started, I think this is the only info i need to decide...thanks!
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Remember, Sloppy!

PRiZ said:
"If I bought a delta 66, I'd have no midi I/o, if I wanted to get one where would i plug it in if I have no other soundcard like the sb live...?"

Also the people at the the store I was at, said i need a mixer even with the delta 66 or 1010...? I don't realy beleive this,i thought these cards could be use as a mixer and adjust settings inside the computer with software etc.
So do I NEED a mixer...?

please respond as soon as possible. I wanna get started, I think this is the only info i need to decide...thanks!


There's about as much chance of that as a big Captain & Tenille comeback!

OK, Priz Diddy, for MIDI you can often get away with soundcard-based interfaces if you only need to use one MIDI device at a time and even the cheapest $5 sound card has MIDI, you just need the adaptor. But, if you have no interest in using an SB Live for its sampling/soundfont capabilities, you might be better off just getting a dedicated MIDI interface. You can get interfaces that plug into the USB port or the parallel port, and a 2x2 Midiman runs about $50.

No, you don't need a mixer. As long as you have enough inputs for everything that you need to record/play simultaneously and enough channels of preamps for your mics, then all the multitrack mixing is done by software and the record monitor mixing is done in hardware on your sound card. Well, it can actually be a combination of both in both instances, but you still don't need a hardware mixer.

Personally, I think if I were you I would go with the M-Audio Audiophile 2496. It pretty much has all the bases covered with analog I/O, MIDI, SPDIF, etc. The only drawbacks are the unbalanced inputs and the 2 in 2 out analog limitation, but for the price, you can't beat it. I'm actually considering buying one myself. If I were you I would just be glad to get anything that would make and record noise. Seriously, man, think about it.

I got my first sound card, an original mono 8-bit SoundBlaster, almost 10 years ago and I can't imagine having a computer and not having sound. Even before I got the SB I had this thing that plugged into the parallel port called a "Sound Source" (it came free with The Rocketeer PC Game) that actually worked pretty well. It was 8-bit (but I think stereo, but only with headphones) and digital only, no synth, but Wolfenstein rocked that thing! Heh, I think I still have it somewhere, maybe I'll dig it out for ya P.D.! Its pretty sad that a crap piece of 10 year old technology that I got for free is better than anything you've got!

Seriously, how did you even come to have a computer of any sort with no sound card? Even crap motherboards have it built in these days!

BTW, still waiting for the rim-job! (extra sloppy)

uhh the audiophile does look the bargain...I'm going down to the store right now, I'll continue this message when i get back if i have any more problmes...nice to have this info before I go, thanks again.

alright I'm back, turns out a delta 66 can't play games anyway and doesn't have a midi I/O, so I need to get a basic soundcard...this will let me practice for a while and give me more time to decide, even though i've decided on the delta 66, unbalanced I/O's sucks...(in my oppinion, I think it's worth the extra money for balanced)

Please answer this below soon if you can, I'd like to pick up a card tonight before the stores close....

What basic gaming soundcard should I get that has midi I/O...???
should I get an SB live or something? if you have a suggestion, please...

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Games over music?

Pretty decent cheap cards:

SB Live Value (don't get ripped off buying the MP3 or 5.1 version or anything like that, just order the Value online if you can't get it locally)
Guillemot Fortissimo
Turtle Beach Santa Cruz
Most anything with a Yamaha YMF 724 or 744 chip
Anything from Terratec

Those are the cards I would recommend, but if I were you I would either just get something dirt-ass cheap like the $5 ones on eBay or else hold out for an SB Live since its sampling/soundfont functions will be useful to you even when you have a real card. You can actually buy decent cards on eBay for under $10, just look around. SB Live Values run about $40. Anything in between is probably just going to be wasted funds. The SB Live is also a really good card for running softsynths. With the normal drivers latency isn't bad, but with the APSLive drivers, you can get down to 8 ms, which is damn good for a $40 card.

BTW, how the bloody hell have you been playing games all this time (or at least feel that its a priority) when you don't have a sound card? Also, doesn't the Audiophile have basic directsound support? I'm pretty sure that it does which means that it would work fine with games, just without the EAX/A3D stuff.

I've decided to not go with the audiophile because of it's unbalanced I/O's, apparently this has a huge effect on quality, plus 4in 4out's is not as risky as two in two out...

I havn't been playing games, only using internet, if i had games this probably wouldn't be my 255'th post ')

but I wouldn't mind being able to, I'm not much of a gamer, and I told myself I'm getting a computer for music and not games, but it would be cool to try some out.

yeah, it actually says the delta 66 has direct sound on some sites, but on the official midiman site, it's not listed.
The peeps at the music store said it wouldn't work for games or internet type stuff, they could be wrong, I'm actually starting to think their all idiots who work their...
Also this way I can screw around with some programs, and get an idea of what I'm doing better, and mayby come to a better conclusion of what i need, although I'm almost definite it's a delta 66 right now... but now I'll be able to actually do something.

I'm going to future shop right now before it closes and picking one up, and I'm gonna hook it up tonight... I'm sick of this, I was supposed to buy a card today, yet again, I see a pattern, actually I've seen a pattern for the last 3 months...thanks.

If you have anything else to say please do so. peas!

....damn they sold out. tommorrow!
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I can feel the tension building!:D

Hey Dolemite, I applaud your patience, and I can identify with Priz's anxiety attempting to tie up the loose ends before he makes a move. I haven't replaced my Darla yet based on many of the same questions and concerns.
I'm about ready to take the "Ah, fuck it" approach and grab the 2496 because it hasn't been easy distinguishing what's important from what's not. That hardware mixer vs software issue has been a mind sucking monster!

Whether you think Priz is reluctant to get off the tit or not, he's right (by default) in that you helping him has helped others.. including me. And that's cool, cuz I don't do rim jobs!:eek:

Anyway, kudos to the enduring mentors and good luck, Priz.
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Now you have me confused. The audiophile has unballanced inputs sure but dont you use a preamp for this stuff. I want one just to use my computer for a mastering medium.(for mixdowns and burning cds and midi, and for loops.) so anything else is extra. But those inputs should be as good as anything else shouldnt they.

By the way Im not a gamer but i would like it if you can listen to cds from my cdrw on this there doesnt seem to be a input on the board.:rolleyes:
Darrin, winamp and windows media player apparantly can extract and play CD audio real time, on the fly.. so the lack of an audio connector shouldn't be a problem.

The analog I/O's on the audiophile are unabalanced, If I'm not misunderstood, I'm sure the preamp connects to analog I's, this would mean yes, even if the preamp is balanced etc, the connection to the card will always be unbalanced... This results in a loss of quality, or unpredictability I guess, not sure, but I know it has a signifigant effect on the quality... If I'm wrong someone please tell me.

I'm not sure about cd's etc, but if you have a normal card it wouldn't be worth worrying about I wouldn't think.

I have a question, I just got the sound blaster live value, the card has a funny looking midi port, it's one of those In's or Out's or both...not sure? but it's connection is the kind with the two screws on each side and in the middle one of those panel looking input with the two rows of little holes in it etc...(like what you would plug the computer screen to the computer with, will this work for a midi I/O...? really not sure, I'd like to know.
The people at the store where I bought it said the only sound blaster that I was talking about was the platinum, which is 300 something etc.

please help, mayby I should bring it back right now or something, and get something else. he said it was a "midi port" I also have 5 I/O's of the really small normal size... will this card work for a keyboard...?
