H.R.C.:....anger 5

Kicking song (as usual).
The distant snare sound kind of stood out and kept it all from sounding glued together. That guitar lick is killer.
Sounds like it will be a cool song. You've got a good arrangment going. That is a song that screams for a big production sound. Some of you guys are pretty ambitious with going for the top 40 radio sound. I think I'm going to stick to more raw stuff for awhile because that big production stuff takes too much work :cool:
wow, great stuff jamal.....

yes you do suck, but your music is great (and whatever you do with Chris's genitals is your business)......

the guitar tone before the 1 minute mark sound too "nice" for a song called Anger.....

the riffs are cool, but some seem to step on the vocal space, esp the one from 1:52 to 2:13......

that one that comes in at 2:28 is slammin.....damn, now i see you played that same riff earlier in the song but it was more buried......too bad......

good stuff......

(thank God for F/X) :D :D :D :D :D :D
Where have you been ya slacker?

I liked the song. Nice melody and harmonies. I like just about everything you do.

The drums are pretty up front. Covering the vox a bit and almost sounded like they clipped during tracking.

You call that a guitar solo? Man what a pussy.

Good job... Trip.
Jamal Bucket said:
hey thanks....it sorta dies right when the "solo" comes in tho....i kept wanting like big huge string section right there ...but i dont ..well have a big huge string section around....im not sure i have enough "slick " left over from last weekend....:D

I agree with the strings. I would love to hear them there. I think this fell nicely into your style which I always really enjoy. If you have the time to redo this up after those "restrictions" ;) are pulled from you, I would love to hear it.

Great job! :)
well im glad some of you made it through even tho this baby was REDLINING most if the way through....man i need monitors...BAAAAAAD..:D

M BRANE:...memorable in that you cant forget how HOT the signals were?!?!?!...lol...thanks " wildcard " thats always cool to hear ..the whole drums are fake really, its an elec trap set..

erichnthem:..you are correct sir!....i knew there was a few spots ..but i burned this to dics and played it in my truck today...OUCH....good lord im sorry poeple ...lest start a collection to buy jamal some monitors shall we?!?!?!:D

mixmkr:....those guitars are FINE....there is NO CLIPPING ON THE GUITARS...well maybe a little but its distortion anyway ...i used the clipping as an "effect" !!!!..

doug h:..yep the guitar lick is the best part of the whole damn thing i think...i should have played it through the WHOLE song to get my moneys worth out of it..thanks dewd.

tex roadkill:...yeah "ambitious" isnt a word used to describe me very often..but thanks ..this song NEEDS big huge helpings of effects i think...im no simon nor garfunkle...yeah it takes work ...maybe someday ill put some into it lmao....thanks bro.

gidge:...wow so do you like the tone in the begining?? or is it just as bad as my normal tone AND it doesnt fit as well?!?!?!...lol..im glad you like the song...and come on you guys never EXPECT me to actually sound good on my own do you?..i mean its not like you were shocked to hear this.....:D

trip:...well it wasnt a solo so much as a space filler...see i played the music first with no real lyrics in mind then had to construct the last verses to fit the length i already had ...soi had to put SOMETHING in there to make it all "work"...as much as it did anyway....thanks ...
and those drums.....see it sounded really boring and dull with a straight ahead just rock beat so i tried to spice it up some...im not sure if i even like it i thought about using some cool ambient samples...then i realized i didnt know how to do that ...lol

skids:..you guys and your big funny words..."style " ,,,and "memorable"....lol... crackin me up....let me paraphrase....*ahem*.."yep jamal this sound sexactly like what i thought it would ....way too loud....way to distorted...and way too long"...lol...thanks man im just kidding....i appreciate it alot.

thats about it.

thanks again guys...i have a few downloaded i need to listen to when i get a second here tonight..
"i use clipping as an effect" LMFAO!!!!!!!!! man, i like u jamal:D This is all u , bro! you have a signature sound and writing style! as far as the mix goes? I thought the vocal's got to loud in spot's, but then i remembered that these are "dry recording's...and fuck!!!! you kept them in check pretty damn good!!!!! I like the snare sound.

Thank's jamal!


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hey mr wisenhimer guy. kick ass tune. I would love to hear a production done on this tune. Great vibe. I loved that neck humbucker solo thing. For electronic drums, those sounded pretty "in my living room". That gave a pretty good intimimate feel. Keep it up. How's the broken hoof coming along?
very nice for rough tracks.......this one should clean up well........are you planning on posting a mixed version of this??

good song
fender :..see i thought the purpose was to laugh at how bad we sounded "pre" effects .....i was wrong....oh well im used to it...THANKS BRO!

JR:...hey foots healing nicely i went to the doc today as a matter of fact and im STILL on light duty for 2 more weeks..thanks for asking..ill post a "real " version probably this weekend..i think i can work it into something

powderfinger:...see above....lol:D thanks yeah im not a "live feel ' kinda guy ...im more..."as many effects as my computer will handle" kinda guy.....hahaha
Hey Jamal...don't you hate it when you see your thread sink to the bottom of the page with your name as the last reply on it? Fuck, I hate that, lol.
Hey Jamalski,
Very nice tune man! ...nice song writin' fer sure. The gain issue's been covered. Some of the vocs sound a little hot volume-wise, but im sure that a little compression and a final mix will tame those nicely. Nice vocal performance though. Louder rock vocs "need" compression in my experience... so this challenge is kinda unfair for you in that regard. The guys in here who sing with those purty little quiet voices luck out......PUSSIES:D ....aww,Im just jealous. This NEEDS BASS.....but you know that too:). Im looking forward to hearing this when you get it done bro.

btw:My wife just called a few minutes ago to let me hear the kid screaming into the phone (gotta offer him some tutledge on keeping a little further away from the mic:D ) .....How's your baby doing?....i ask because im wondering when i will ever sleep again
hey G (daddy)...hey thanks ..yeah i dont excel at "challenges" thats for sure...lol...im going to rework it this weekend...and yeah the vocals were likeARIZONA hot.....ah well...

got to hear the litle crooner over the phone huh?...awesome...i read your post in the cave about the problems you have had in the past which makes this little one even more special...man im soo happy for you having just gone through it myself..AWESOME.
we got lucky w/ tanner ..he started sleeping through the night around..2months...and we just started putting him down for bed around 10p.m. and letting him cry a little to figure out its TIME FOR BED NOW!....lol...so far so good...at the begining your PISSED cause they sleep so much and you want to mess with em all the time...THAT will wear off....hehehe ...but i still find myself just staring at him as he figures stuff out.....post some more pics of that little monkey!!!....WE WANNA SEE HIM.

sleep when you can ...and take TONS of pictures...hell i have like 45 pics of him just laying there.....!!!

later pops.
Hey this is an awesome tune Jamal! Nice clean tracking too. The verses are attractive too. I like the guitar solo early on. 2:30 ish might sound better after a good mix, but it seems a little clittered for now.

I love your voice! Good tune.
Catchy tune.Kick drum is hot in spots.I like this tune alot.Vox needs to be touched up in spots.Don't like the sound of the the main rythm guitar.It's dirty in an un-good way,lacks some balls.Drums are not bad otherwise.Nice harmonies.Pills are good...This is gonna be kick ass in final production.Good song...
Love your voice, love the song, love the rawness.

Riff is great, too.

I've been listening back to a couple of your older ones (the "quarter in a coffee cup" one, and the "plain as hell" one) and they're really good. You have a very distinctive style, which I like a lot.

