Guitar ID help...

Starforce 8000


Picked one of these up from a car boot sale in the UK about a year ago, but having paid a staggering £35 for it the electrics didn't work so I put it in the cupboard to add to the projects I intend to finish one day...

I have finally got around to starting to look at it and it was only one solder away from working which I have now managed to fix... but its kicking out quite a bit of feedback so I intend to replace bits over time and to modernise it without 'hopefully' loosing it's charm or tone... I have been Googling for inspiration and found this page... my guitar is as described here, red and has star and saturn inlays...

Anyone with any experience of this guitar or any tips on what i should replace first I would really appreciate it...
Looks to me like a custom job someone has put together, looks like a nice find. The first strat bodied guitar I have liked in a loooong while!