Guitar Center offering free acoustic guitar with string purchase

Did you do the deal, string purchase and free guitar? You picked up in store rather than shipped? Interesting, the burst. I didn't see an option. Heck, I may have gotten one of each if I had.
It looked to me as if only the Natural finish was offered in the deal. Still, the other models were on sale for around $59 - affordable.
For those who keep a few years' worth of new strings on hand: store them in a sealed plastic bag, don't rely on the factory packaging to keep the moisture out.
Did you do the deal, string purchase and free guitar? You picked up in store rather than shipped? Interesting, the burst. I didn't see an option. Heck, I may have gotten one of each if I had.
It looked to me as if only the Natural finish was offered in the deal. Still, the other models were on sale for around $59 - affordable.
Yes, strings and free guitar. I'm only a few miles from the Winter Park store so I picked it up. The guitar on display was a natural finish but the one the counter person brought out was like this. The first one had a ding in the front so he got another. They were the same color.

For those who keep a few years' worth of new strings on hand: store them in a sealed plastic bag, don't rely on the factory packaging to keep the moisture out.
The EJ16 bulk pack string sets are packed in sealed bags that I check before I pack them away, so they should be good. I have bought some string sets that came in paper envelopes, and they didn't store well.
Yes, strings and free guitar. I'm only a few miles from the Winter Park store so I picked it up. The guitar on display was a natural finish but the one the counter person brought out was like this. The first one had a ding in the front so he got another. They were the same color.

The EJ16 bulk pack string sets are packed in sealed bags that I check before I pack them away, so they should be good. I have bought some string sets that came in paper envelopes, and they didn't store well.
Cool 8-)
I stopped in the GC, but decided not to go for the strings. I really don't need another bunch of strings. BUT there as a nifty used Larivee that was calling my name. It didn't come home with me, but it was actually pretty nice. Had it been a slightly smaller body, I might have gone for it.

It's probably a good thing I didn't spend the money, since the bill for the homeowners insurance arrived about an hour later! DANG!
. . .

It's probably a good thing I didn't spend the money, since the bill for the homeowners insurance arrived about an hour later! DANG!
Be glad you don't own a home in Florida these days, homeowner's insurance is going through the roof - WACKO!
Box with strings in it arrived today. Have not opened. Invoice says 2 12 sets of strings. Tracking, wife said yesterday I guess that guitars are scheduled to arrive Saturday. Same day got a call from GC asking that I call, or something. Ain't gonna, have no reason....unless guitars do not arrive. Have no reason so far to anticipate they will not.
A little update.

After playing the Rogue, I noticed the strings were pretty high at the first fret. I got out the nut files and filed the slots and made the string height at the first fret the same as my Guild. The neck is pretty flat the way I like it, so I didn't do any neck adjustments. Now it plays nice, no buzzing or other issues.

The only quality related things I noticed was something that looked like a protective coating on some of the frets. I assume it was to be removed when they were installed. It was only on a couple and just a few spots that came off with my fingernail. And the tuning machine heads are poor. I expect to change them eventually.

Overall, I'm very pleased with the Rogue. If mine is representative, they are pretty good. While it doesn't have the rich tone of my Guilds, it does sound good, and a little minor tweaking made it shine.
I stopped in the GC, but decided not to go for the strings. I really don't need another bunch of strings. BUT there as a nifty used Larivee that was calling my name. It didn't come home with me, but it was actually pretty nice. Had it been a slightly smaller body, I might have gone for it.

It's probably a good thing I didn't spend the money, since the bill for the homeowners insurance arrived about an hour later! DANG!
Be glad you don't own a home in Florida these days, homeowner's insurance is going through the roof - WACKO!

I don't mean to hijack my own thread, but . . .

Holy crapola, Batman! I just received an email from my auto insurance agent warning me of price increases beginning with the next premium. I quickly jumped over to their website to check out my upcoming premium. My insurance has been hijacked for a 20% increase! I haven't had a ticket, accident or any claims in over 50 years, but I get to subsidize all those living in hurricane danger zones, as well as the usual uninsured.

Rant over. One Adam-12 requesting Code 7 @ the fridge. STAT !
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Guitars did not arrive Saturday. Called but they were closed. Wife checked tracking this morning and they are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Already have received the strings. I guess maybe I need to look into getting a nut file. I'm always up for the opportunity to add another tool to the chest. Any suggestions where to purchase?
I guess maybe I need to look into getting a nut file. I'm always up for the opportunity to add another tool to the chest. Any suggestions where to purchase?

I can make you a file on anyone you deem to be a nut.......for a small fee.
Ha, you guys. Go 'head, yuck it up. I got your nut right here.

I caint be goin to get a hunerd dollah setup on a fitty dollah guitar, times 2. It just won't be right, and'll shit can my cred with the local hillbillies. Not unlike my fiddle I inherited from my grandfather upon his passing and my aunt insisted I have appraised, and the bow turned out to be worth more than the fiddle, the bright shiney new strings cost me more than the dang guitar(s). I figure if I hold my tongue right, with the right tools I can avoid the embarrassment and at the same time hold onto a dollah. I do have a hammer, just putting that out there.
I hope your guitars make it OK Mick Doobie.

Here are the file sizes I have. I don't remember where I bought them. Stewmac also has luthier videos on youtube.

Okay, they came today. First, the it's just in my nature...

I've only just opened one so far. Boxes not marked fragile or anything. The box I didn't open is a little worse for wear and tear, but I don't think enough to have damaged what's inside. Black, sides, back, and neck. Not my favorite, but that's okay. "Ebony" stained fretboard. Tuned it up. A bit high at the 12th, neck will need adjusting a bit.

The good. It's not bad, a little different than I'm used to, feels foreign(sorry, another bad). But I think it'll make some kid a decent first guitar, they can upgrade at will if that's what they decide to do. My hope is I run across the opportunity sooner than later, the right circumstance. It's happened before and I had to comb the used market, or unload one of my own, give it to the right person/kid. I've been blessed with more than I need, instruments. Pay it forward. It's not about me, but who knows, maybe some guy/gal will end up about my age and think about the guy who was lucky enough to have put a guitar in someone's hands for a lifetime of making music.

I'm serious. If any of you guys happen upon some young person who you think is reasonably serious about giving it a shot, let me know. Maybe we can go in on shipping, make somebody happy.

Cheers, gents.
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