GearFest Mixing Contest

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Thanks for the feedback, both positive and negative, AndyGallas, blinkerss and fHumble fHingaz.

Sounding great - about the only thing I'm not too keen on is the chorus effect on the chorus guitars - but that might be down to personal taste.

Haha, thanks for talking me off the ledge, fH fH. I opted out of the chorus guitar in my latest version. As a guitar player I'm not keen on chorus, particularly on overdriven guitars. I was trying to get some width to the guitar and wasn't having much success. I only had chorus on the right panned guitar but it really took over both. I finally was able to go a different route and accomplish what I wanted on my latest mix. Will post it soon. Thanks again for the input...
Thanks for the feedback, both positive and negative, AndyGallas, blinkerss and fHumble fHingaz.

Haha, thanks for talking me off the ledge, fH fH. I opted out of the chorus guitar in my latest version. As a guitar player I'm not keen on chorus, particularly on overdriven guitars. I was trying to get some width to the guitar and wasn't having much success. I only had chorus on the right panned guitar but it really took over both. I finally was able to go a different route and accomplish what I wanted on my latest mix. Will post it soon. Thanks again for the input...

No problem - I think that is just one of the really challenging aspects of the mix - to get a balanced sense of width with only one guitar without changing the core guitar tone too radically, or causing big mono-compatibility problems, while somehow still remaining "tasteful" (whatever you interpret that to mean) - I've heard some pretty innovative solutions (& some pretty shocking ones too!). Looking forward to your mix!
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I have to say, I thought the drums sounded great! I had no issues with them whatsoever. One of the easiest mixes to get a good start on I've ever tried. It really impressed.....reminded me how important it is to get a good recording and a good performance right off the bat. I don't think it could've been easier than that.
Here's the latest mix. Feedback welcome...

EDIT: Doh! Uploaded the wrong mix yesterday. Here's the correct link...

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Can we post here? Is this spamming? Not sure. Here's mine:

I stopped after my second go through. It's not perfect but I know I could just as easily mess it up as make it better.

Overall nice mix. For me personally, the guitar overpowers the vocal and the bottom end is a bit muddy. Could use a bit of separation between kick and bass. Good job...
wow, this thread has grown rather fast! The more the merrier, may the best mix win! :cool:

Oh and please check out my mix if you haven't yet.
Overall nice mix. For me personally, the guitar overpowers the vocal and the bottom end is a bit muddy. Could use a bit of separation between kick and bass. Good job...
Yeah. That's pretty well the consensus from most people who have listened to my mix. That being said, it the way I generally mix vox. I like the vox to be in the mix rather than on top of it. I know it's a compromise. I do like a lot of bass. Bass guitar. Bass drum. It doesn't sound so bad in my monitors. Mind you I KNOW that my monitoring is flawed. One day I may remedy that but so far I've done ok with what I have as imperfect as it is. Mixes seem to translate well to crappy headphones and even worse computer speakers. Sounds alright in the car if a little boomy. At any rate, I don't want to mess with it anymore. I know there are some "improvements" I could make but I might just mess it up in the process. I find that if I go beyond a certain number of attempts it just ends up sounding worse rather than better.
To me the guitar is a bit too loud in second verse, other than that: Perfect! Also at the end when Liza's screaming for her baby, her voice is too compressed and get lost (transient are squashed) -- but you maybe did that on purpose. Other than that you rock man!

I listened again and you`re spot on! Being myself a guitarist, sometimes it doesn't bother me when its too loud... :guitar: Cheers!
Gearfest Mixing Contest - Oh Baby - Liza Colby Sound - Jamolir Mix

Tweaked my mix and made sure the RMS was accurate.

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Surprising it took 11 pages for someone to say it! :D
There's really not a hell of a lot you can do with this song...and apart from some of the really extreme mix offerings, it's why the majority of the 700+ submissions sound pretty much the same...and it's really no fault of the mixers, and maybe why some are opting to go extreme, just to give it some life.

OK...maybe I just shot myself in the foot AFA the contest... ;) ....and I'm still deciding if I even want to do a mix of the song.
It may end up being a last minute thing right before the contest ends, and I'll just go with whatever mood I'm in at that time. Kinda do it quickly without a lot of thinking about it, just let the tracks do their thing...and honestly, there's not much there to over-think with this song, so I'm kinda intrigued how much brain power some people are putting into it.
I think the tracks have one basic mix direction you can go in without crossing the line over into production (which we're not supposed to)....and also if you want to stay with the artists' typical sound flavors based on their other songs, which was kinda implied we should do.

Well, I totally agree with this. If you've read the instructions they clearly want it to be about the mix and not to push too far into production. There are some pretty wild mixes out there. Still, I think there is a lot of room for variance. Even among the "same" mixes, there are subtle differences that certainly put some above others. In the end it becomes more about personal taste than any measurable quality and that put's it down to what the judges specifically are looking for. It's going to be splitting hairs for sure.
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