For Hip Hop...Rode NTK/Phoenix DRS-1 or RODE NTK Great River Mp1nv

Teacher said:
some more poignant rap lyrics cuz there is NO MUSIC GENRE that can see HIP HOP music in lyrical content NONE...or creativity with rhyme scheme....

"we all trapped on this surface, of this earth-kid
Versus, the PEOPLE that birth-us
is there hope i'm feeling worthless
people worship...MONEY...christians will pray CHURCHLESS.."

i never said rap was better then anything. i'm just making the point that no other genre has as great a focus on lyrics as rap/hip hop...those that know anything about the genre know that...its just over time things have gotten diluted... who would think corporate america could ruin something ..:rolleyes:
Teacher said:
i never said rap was better then anything. i'm just making the point that no other genre has as great a focus on lyrics as rap/hip hop...those that know anything about the genre know that...its just over time things have gotten diluted... who would think corporate america could ruin something ..:rolleyes:
No, I guess you just said that rap's lyrics are better than any other genre's. Again, unless you feel it's OK for someone to say "The lyrics in rap suck!" it's not OK for you to say "The lyrics in rap are the best!" Before you deny that you said that, here's your original quote:
there is NO MUSIC GENRE that can see HIP HOP music in lyrical content NONE...
i said RAP lyrics...but thats a fact regardless a singer will say like 3or 4 words per bar while rappers say at least 8. not to mention verses consist of 16 bars not 8 and there are 3 of them. if my math serves me correct that gives rap artists more words to express if the artists uses the extra lyrics he's allowed wisely is another topic all doesn't just consists of lyrics...there is the production part...never said hip hop was tops there....
what's wrong with sayin that rap lyrics are the best?


is it wrong if i say that the Yankees are the best?
moeses said:
what's wrong with sayin that rap lyrics are the best?


is it wrong if i say that the Yankees are the best?

OK, we're all intelligent people here :rolleyes: . You hip hop people get all worked up when people say that rap sucks. Well, Teacher was saying that rap is better than everything else. That's like saying everything else sucks worse than rap. You can't condemn one (saying that rap sucks) without condemning the other (saying that everything else sucks worse than rap) without being a hypocrite.

You guys don't want that do you?
Teacher said:
i guess that does sound dumb let me shut up
Yeah, last time I heard, lyrical quality was not measured in the quantity of the words, but the quality. I personally think that a lot of rap has great lyrics. Lauren Hill words make me weep. She is so amazing.