Fixing a crackly channel on mixer

On a brighter note, I treated myself to an M-Audio DMP3 and a Studio Projects B1 today. I know, not top end stuff but it is by my standards! I think with these, a Delta 44 and all the outboards I've been picking up for peanuts on ebay, I may not need the mixer at all.

Really? How do you go mixerless with a Delta 44? How do you listen to playback for overdubs and mixing?
KrispyDK - yes my friend Mike does resemble Alan Pardew (I Google'd him)!

dobro - if the Delta 44 uses the same software mixer that my Delta 1010LT does, you can use that to monitor when recording and you don't need an outboard mixer. It's called the Delta Control Panel and it works well. It came free with my Delta 1010LT.

Krispy it sounds like you got some neat new gear - good luck with it!

I learned a long time ago that you get the best out of people when they are the loosest, and the best way to avoid being stiff is by fooling around. As result, all the musicians I know laugh a lot! The only thing I'm serious about is getting the music right, when do we get paid and when do we eat? :)
dobro - if the Delta 44 uses the same software mixer that my Delta 1010LT does, you can use that to monitor when recording and you don't need an outboard mixer. It's called the Delta Control Panel and it works well. It came free with my Delta 1010LT.

So you patch your headphones and monitors right into the 1010?
No Dobro, I run a separate outboard amp that would monitor everything that's going on inside the PC. The amp plugs straight into the Delta.

I think I can get away with it. I'm a one man band these days and certainly not a pro studio recording whole bands so 2 good quality pre's is about all I need.

As I said, I've been collecting a small amount of decent 2nd hand outboard effects but at the moment I'm only running an audiophile 2496 (2 ins/2 outs) which means I can't really using them. I think with a delta card (4 ins/4outs) and a patchbay router thingy, I can hook everything up. But that's probably the subject of another plea for help post from me on here!!

Alan Pardew was the manager of my football team and brought us reasonable success for a while. Then he started sleeping his way through the administration staff and for some reason had to leave the club. Nobody's seen him since. Ask Mike/Alan how much it's worth for me to keep quiet about his new identity....
I was wondering whether, if I can locate and identify said op amp, will removing it off of the board render the whole mixer useless or just that channel? I'm hoping that it will just kill that channel and, in turn, the crackle. However, because the crackle seems to spill into the main channel even with the crackle channel's volume off, it suggests that removing it my break some kind of circuit. I wish I'd listened in physics while I was at school.
If you identify and remove the right one, it will just disable that channel.

I recall back in the early 90s when I was repairing sound reinforcement gear there was a bad run of 4558 op amps by Texas Instruments. They'd start out sounding muddy, like you describe, then quickly get worse and worse, ending up sounding like they were "frying eggs." Spent many a day disassembling large mixing consoles and replacing ALL of the op amps.

With a little research and some practice on a non-essential piece of gear, you may be able to develop the skill necessary to replace the chip. But I definitely wouldn't advice jumping in and hacking on a piece of gear with cutters and soldering iron you rely on. Remember, opening that stuff up can expose you to potentially lethal voltages.
So, you're using the Delta Control Panel to adjust levels when you're monitoring and overdubbing?
So, you're using the Delta Control Panel to adjust levels when you're monitoring and overdubbing?

Yes, for monitoring when I'm recording it works great, it has zero latency that I can hear.

But when I go to master, I don't use the Delta Contol Panel's Monitor Mixer because it has a grainy sound compared to if I record my stereo master through the S/PDIF input. So I record from my S/PDIF input into two tracks and that's my master, it's much cleaner than the Monitor Mixer.
It doesn't work for me with Adobe Audition, cuz Audition doesn't let you run any other applications than itself. So if I call up the Delta Control Panel while I'm in Audition, I can make an adjustment, but as soon as I hit play or record in Audition, the Delta CP disappears. Which means I can't adjust anything on the fly. I mean, it's enough of a pain having to adjust level and stuff with a mouse anyway, but Audition makes it even worse.

I could record in Reaper though - I've tried it. Reaper allows the Delta Contro Panel to stay up and operative.

But if I can figure out a way to power my headphones and get a stereo signal to them, I think I can make this work. I suppose I could always use the duff Soundcraft mixer for that. :D
well i've never been inside one of these but have worked on many and have owned 3 SC's myself... my experience is different than lds's never had that kind of crackle simply from an op-amp... i have seen such things though in cap coupled consoles where the caps start leaking and the voltage offset is passing...
If I had to place bets it would be on a pc mounted fader that has a crack on one of it's mounting legs.

Pc mounted components that develop cracks in the solder is the #1 problem I've seen in gear and you can usually see it with a good inspection.

That kind of failure is way, way more likely than a bad chip.
If I had to place bets it would be on a pc mounted fader that has a crack on one of it's mounting legs.

Pc mounted components that develop cracks in the solder is the #1 problem I've seen in gear and you can usually see it with a good inspection.

That kind of failure is way, way more likely than a bad chip.
Possibly, but if it still crackles with the channel muted, that exonerates the fader.
Well, it doesn't crackle when checking any of the pre fade signals, even the signal through the crackly channel.

I think I may have found a way around it all now which avoids the need for me taking a screwdriver to the folio. I found ebay!

In the last week I've managed to procure a small array of outboard effects - the lexicon and BBE are my favourite so far. Also some interesting mics - an Audio Technica condenser boundary mic arrived today, for £10! I got a brand new soundcraft compact 4 today as well. I am due to get a delta card with the Omni I/O breakout box tomorrow - this has 2 dmp2 mic pres, 4 line inputs with hi z, monitor channels, headphone channels and effects loops/inserts!

I also treated my myself to a new DMP3 and Studio Projects B1 mic.

To top it all off, I picked my brother up from the airport the other night where he'd just returned from India. Included in his luggage were some hand made Tablas, straight from the motherland, just for me!

Also, we have Friday and Monday off of work over here for easter, so that should give me plenty of time to work out how to connect it all together!

So, all that considered, I'm quite happy to use the crackly Folio for practising my electronics skills. I'll let you know how it goes....