First song ever recorded, some feedback please?

I agree, i guess im looking at this song/mix as "im given what i've got" kind of thing... but i do believe earlier i mentioned something about getting a better take and really doing some more track work with the vocals.

But yes, an optimal take is .... optimal :P

however, i'd believe it to be a difficult task to find many professional mixes without compression on there, and it doesnt negate my point of... those vocals need compression... badly... and he should learn how to use it.

Sorry CMB... your point is valid... I didn't mean to sound so puritanical.
can you clarify what you mean? thanks for the explanations guys, I will try work with EQs and compression's tonight

The problem with compression is that it is addictive... just use it to level out your voice... then level out everything else... then bung it on the master bus for loudness... then use it to duck the guitars on the snare hits and wrap it all up with a loudness maximiser... I do all of that all of the time... and it's not enough... :)
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can you clarify what you mean? thanks for the explanations guys, I will try work with EQs and compression's tonight

Good luck man! and you are going to get frustrated, you're not going to be a pro at this any time soon.. im telling you this so you dont get discouraged.. you've done very well for yourself for a first mix and im impressed given the circumstances.

however... i am just now recently revisiting some of the stuff i recorded back when i was your age and with your experience level and a lot of the EQ and compression i did was actually COUNTER productive....

What i mean by this is be careful and listen closely... constantly A/B what you did to see if what you did is actually making it better.... things should never get too comlicated in order to sound good... dont confuse louder as better or more full. dont saturate things with reverb or effects... these are all some of the things that make a mix very "Amateur"

the key to making a mix sound professional is to know what to do and what plug in to use at what time and KNOW YOUR LIMITS...

with all this said... let it be known that i am no where near an expert or a professional and dont claim myself to be one but this is all stuff that i've learned so far.
wanna hear one of my first?

i recorded this years back and i had about 1 year of experience at this point

edit - a LOT of EQ problems, over compressed and distorted... saturated with effects.
wanna hear one of my first?

i recorded this years back and i had about 1 year of experience at this point

edit - a LOT of EQ problems, over compressed and distorted... saturated with effects.

Although I can hear the problems your talking about, it's a really awesome song. I'd listen to that for leisure :P
thanks guys! but im actually remixing this song (started last weekend) just for fun... and it will really expose the vast amateur mistakes in there :P if they arent already obvious haha
ok. it seems I made a huge mistake. I tried to change the buffer size and somehow managed to change the sample rate. So my recordings are pretty much ruined. I have been trying to get it back but cant. SO I am going to have to re record this song in 2 weeks time when my singer is available again. I dont think its a complete waste though, He will have had more practice by then. In the meantime, I will just concentrate on another song we recorded this week. I am going to start a thread on that, and If you would like to, I'd appreciate your comments on that too. Thanks for all the help guys. I'll revive this thread in 2 weeks when I've rerecorded. I cant believe such a stupid mistake has ruined all our hard labor!
can you clarify what you mean? thanks for the explanations guys, I will try work with EQs and compression's tonight

It looks like you took the first mix down when you uploaded the second. If you leave both up, we can compare the two and see where things are getting better or worse. Of course, if you've lost everything, that's kind of a moot point now...
It looks like you took the first mix down when you uploaded the second. If you leave both up, we can compare the two and see where things are getting better or worse. Of course, if you've lost everything, that's kind of a moot point now...

no, the first mix is still there. It should still be my first post in this thread. Otherwise if you follow the link to my soundcloud, both mixes are there. the second mix is called Funeral(improved) and the original just Funeral. I know, I'm upset about that. but I would still greatly appreciate any feedback because when I rerecord it will just mean I do better the first time round. Thanks guys!
My 2 cents:

- watch the plosives (pop-filter and mic technique
- take out the low end energy on the melodic guitar part in the chorus. EQ cut between 300-400Hz, also could try a high-pass filter starting at 80Hz and sweep up until the low end cleans up a bit. This will let the rest of the mix come through!

Not bad for your first attempt. Sounds like R.E.M. Would you say they influenced your song? On your next song, try writing a bridge partwhere at least the chording differs somewhat from the rest of the song. Keep working on your voice; on intonation (pitch accuracy).
I'm hearing a lot of Bowie-esque sound here. Possibly, you could look to some of his biggest for hints on the voice (hear the techniques in Modern Love, or some earlier stuff like Major Tom and Jean Genie. I believe you can fatten up a lot by using some of the same techniques. Another way to help vocals is to get your vocalist to sing the same lines over and over...Sometimes I just have them do one line or phrase at a time several times in a row and then put two together in fun and interesting ways that sound the same, but not quite to get that fatter sound. i.e. chorus on one and reverb on the other and play with the mix and the EQ to both until I like the sound...have also separated both tracks on occasion (pan) although not usually to 0 and 128 if you know what I mean.

The rest of what I would have said has already been said here, but I will reiterate, this is a very GOOD first recording. You should hear some of my stuff from the 90's......ACK!! Gives me hairballs thinking about it :facepalm:
A bit pitchy around 1.20 and in other places. Nice tune though. You have a sense of development of the tune, which works well. Keep making more tunes. Just the three things you need to stick to when you're recording: in time, in tune, and in something else I don't have a word for but which might be 'in the song'. This one seemed to sag a bit with the 'in tune' part.
Thanks for the contiued feedback everyone, I really wish I had my singer around so we could rerecord and show you the improvement that all your feedback will make. But stick around and in a week or so we will be able to post a completely re done recording of this song. In the meantime, please check out my other recording. I would love feedback on that. you can follow this link:
Hi Everyone, so I have totally rerecorded this song. Please, I would love your feedback. I am learning every day.
Latest version: