First NWR post

Hey Bdbdbuck,

Are you kidding me?! You have good vocal style and delivery. There's so much passion in your voice. Very nicely done.

Was that a 12-string you used? How did you mic the guitar?

This is a good tune and story my friend. It`s emotion at a blitz rate. I`m impressed with that fat 12 string and you singing. yes, it can take a little work on the levels , but its just in the polish area. You have the foundation and its dried in. I`d take the vocals up a tad more and add a little more crispness to them. Anything done with sincerity and authority reflects sincerity and authority. "You have liftoff Eagle one, I repeat, you have liftoff."
Toki and Knopfler fan,
You guys knock me out! Thanks a bunch for the raving reviews. Most of all my guitar thanks you! That's my poor little ol $200 pawn shop Ovation A/E 6 string. I used a V-Amp with a little chorus panned hard right. The mic (AKG d2200) was @ about the 14th fret panned hard left. The dry signal from the V-Amp was centered. Then I fed all that into two tracks on the MR8 where I counter panned the wet V-Amp to 11:00 and the mic to 1:00. I was very pleased with the results.
I also discovered this evening the reason for the distortion was a screw up in the final file conversion in n-Track. For some reason no matter where the levels are when you load the .wav files, the signal gets boosted in n-Track......I just realized the thing is clipping. I'm going to re-do it and take the other one off the air.

Thanks again for the listen and the kind reviews.


This song needs to keep your vocals. I think you're probably the only one who can sing this song right. Do what you must with re-tracking and mixing, but don't let anyone else sing this one.

The guitar sound is really cool - very impressive song all around!

btw, I can't find any links to hear Toki's music. Toki, where's your stuff? Did I miss your post? bdbdbuck speaks pretty highly of you and flat-9. I'd like to hear some!
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bdbdbucksKID> There is NO difference between the data sent during a hi-fi stream, and downloading the song and playing it back with the same player with NWR. No distrortion can exist, because it is a digital stream which is veified as exact when it is recieved by your machine.

Playing back with different players does of course effect the sound. If you are hearing something, it's either due to the player (the codec it uses) you have set as default for the site, or it's the original mp3 (or it could just be your mind!).

Thanks for the listen and the review. I really don't think anyone else would really want to do this tune. My guitar thanks you as well!

Toki hangs out in the mp3 clinic or you can sometimes catch him in the guitar forum.....I know he has posted some tunes in the mp3 forum, maybe a page or two back, you'll have to look around. It's worth the listen. The last one he posted was actually someone else with him on the bass....maybe keyboards too, I can't remember. Once you get to his NWR site, have a listen to the rest of his tunes.

I think the noise she heard was actually the bad! I've been trying to rectify the problem, just haven't had time.

Great heart-felt tune Buck! I Like it. Very 70's sound to it. Maybe just a bit of leveling compression on the vox will even it out a bit. The Geetar sounds great.

Not a bad day's work Bro!

CR ><>
Madfrisbee said:

btw, I can't find any links to hear Toki's music. Toki, where's your stuff? Did I miss your post? bdbdbuck speaks pretty highly of you and flat-9. I'd like to hear some!

I dont have much room at the NWR site so I`ll probly put a couple back up at my website. I cleaned it off a few days ago.
Thanks man! It seems it got pretty good reception overall, I will have to find time to do something with it....I think it's pretty much run it's course though. I really appreciate everyones response, it's great to get those positive strokes!


Toki, you didn't hyperlink it? No prob....I'll find it!